
Chapter 194 Dorgon's Suffering

Chapter 194 Dorgon's Suffering
Is Li Laiheng ready to be emperor?
When he thought of the emperor's supreme power, the pride of owning the world, and the harem of countless pink and black, he felt itchy in his heart.

He wanted to build one of the earliest oriental capitalist countries.However, the temptation of imperial power is huge.Li Laiheng is really hard to choose now.

He must respect Lu Qin's suggestion, and Li Laiheng convened Li Yan, Hao Yaoqi, Gu Ying, Gu Kecheng and others to discuss in Shijiazhuang.Lu Qin followed Li Laiheng to Shijiazhuang.

Li Laiheng asked everyone, can we not hit Beijing?

Everyone is impressive.

If you don't fight Beijing, where will you fight?
"You mean we're going to fight Shenyang directly?" Hao Yaoqi asked excitedly.

Li Yan pondered for a while, then laughed, "That's right, we won't fight Beijing, let's fight Nanming first."

"Fight Nanming?" Hao Yaoqi and several other generals asked in surprise.This is hard to understand, Nanming, after all, is a Han Chinese, and the fight against the Qing Dynasty is a matter for the people of the whole country, why did they suddenly beat up their own people?
Li Laiheng smiled, he admired Li Yan the most.

Indeed, Li Laiheng's goal was to fight Nanming first.Fighting Nanming is not to destroy Nanming's army, but to recruit them and divide them.Nanming was not unified internally, and there were at least three or four descendants of the Zhu family who were kings of their own. They were actually warlords who ruled one side separately.Therefore, the armies of the old Ming Dynasty also had different jurisdictions and each focused on each other.Before that, when the Qing soldiers went south, many people were afraid of fighting and fought timidly.Now that the military situation in the Manchu and Qing dynasties has suffered setbacks, it's time for this group of people to take the lead.

The praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.It is a very sad thing for Li Laiheng to become a mantis.Therefore, Li Laiheng's offensive against the Qing Dynasty needs to be temporarily stopped, and he needs to establish a larger sphere of influence.At this time, it should be time to unify the Chinese people.

Basically, Li Laiheng and Li Yan can reach an agreement in thought without too much communication. What a good match this is.

"How did you come up with this strategy?" Li Yan asked Li Laiheng privately.

"I didn't think of it. A woman came all the way to prevent me from attacking Beijing." Li Laiheng replied.

"A woman?" Li Yan asked in surprise.Of course, he never underestimated women, and there are many heroes among women, for example, his wife Hong Niangzi is a hero among women.

Li Laiheng said, "Yes, a woman."

Li Yan smirked, "Since when have you been hiding in the golden house?"

"It's not hidden, it's from Shaanxi."

"Oh, that's the confidante? Let me say, Laiheng, it seems that you are not young. You won't be stupid and say something like 'Why is the Hun not destroyed?'? Marrying a wife is not the same as fighting a war. Conflict."

Li Laiheng was silent.The long-term battle really didn't take care of the love of children.He felt a little guilty, he knew that there were two women who were devoted to him, and he had let down their youth.

Just when Li Laiheng gave up attacking Beijing, Dorgon was also holding an important meeting, and they were discussing the next step.However, the conference hall was full of pessimistic emotions, and soon, their mainstream opinions came out.

"It seems that the Han people's place is not so easy to occupy. Let's go back to our own place." Dorgon's uncle said, "I have already said that entering the customs is not so simple."

His words were criticizing the original decision of Dorgon and others.

Dorgon glanced at this nasty old man, if he hadn't remembered that he had worked hard with his father Nurhachi for many years, and he still had a series of scars on his body, he would have had an attack a long time ago.However, he knew that it was not so easy to get angry, because in the current declining situation, Dorgon had to pay attention to his words. He didn't win the battle, and those who lost the battle were not qualified to make a high profile.

However, not everyone agrees to return to the pass. Those who originally supported Hauge’s faction are now opposed to returning to the pass. They all said in a strange way that with the wise leadership of the emperor’s father and regent, we must be better than those ancestors of our Dajin Kingdom. We are stronger, we not only want to gain a foothold in Jiangbei, but also unify the whole of China. Not only that, we also want to rule the world for 1 years and forever.Although there are some difficulties at present, there is an old saying among the Han people that the heaven will send a great mission to Si, and people must first work their muscles and bones and their hearts. Isn’t this sentence meant for us?So, we can't be discouraged, we can't be discouraged, we can't take the difficulties too seriously, we believe that the emperor father and the regent must have a way to lead us through the difficulties

Sarcasm, sarcasm, ridicule.

The meeting was held in secret, and a gloomy atmosphere filled the venue.Dorgon knew that he had only one way to choose, but the participants pointed out a hundred ways to him, and he could not easily reject other people's "good intentions".

A meeting has been going on for ten days and it is not over yet.

Dorgon was in a hurry.

However, he was surprised that he hadn't seen Li Laiheng's sentry in the past ten days.

On this day, Dorgon was so tired that he went to the inner palace to report to his dear Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang.

The Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang already knew what the ministers were talking about. The information she got was a lot of criticism. These criticisms were all directed at Dorgon. There was even a vague conspiracy. Someone wanted to move Hauge out to replace Fulin. To be the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, to be the emperor of China.Therefore, her mood in the palace was even more anxious and uncomfortable.

Dorgon came in, although he saw the vaguely enlarged breasts of the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang's flimsy clothes, he was really not interested today. He estimated that even if the jade body of the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang was in front of his eyes, what he said next It is also difficult to lift.Because, today he is very annoying.

"Damn Hauge, he actually sent Oboi back to the meeting!" Dorgon said angrily.

The Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang seldom saw Dorgon with a straight face in front of her, and this face was not only straight, but also very gloomy.

"There is also Daishan, this old guy also came out to make trouble, saying that he must never go back to the customs, once he returns to the customs, he will never be able to enter the customs from now on." Dorgon said angrily.

"Ah? Daishan got involved too?" The Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang became nervous.

"Who says it's not! I think they have a lot of ambition this time, and maybe there may be a palace coup."

"Then isn't our Fulin very dangerous?" Xiaozhuang asked in horror.

Dorgon smiled coldly and said, "It's not that easy!"

Why is it not so easy?

Dorgon's support is mainly his brothers, Azig and Duoduo, but both of them are now isolated in central China by Li Laiheng's troops, and his strength in the north is indeed limited.

But Dorgon came up with a way, he had to clean up the old guy Daishan.

(End of this chapter)

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