
Chapter 195 Good News

Chapter 195 Good News

Dorgon said to the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang: "Just discipline Fulin to study well. Don't worry about outside affairs. I will deal with them one by one."

"But, Dai Shan." Xiao Zhuang had lingering fears about Dai Shan. She had scruples about this imperial uncle. Last time, Fulin won the throne from him. Of course, it was he who supported Fulin in the end, which made her His son ascended the throne.

Seeing Xiaozhuang's terrified look, Dorgon suddenly felt a rush of pride, and said loudly: "This old guy wants to be emperor again and again, and I asked him to go to the underworld to do it."

Who is Daishan?
Daishan, the second son of Nurhachi, and Prince Li, brother of Heshuo.After Nurhachi's death, there were three people who had the conditions to participate in the battle for the position of Khan. One was Daishan himself.Daishan is the first son of the Tong Jia family in Nurhachi, who has been in command of the army for many years and has made numerous military achievements. There are five sons and nephews who are used to fighting.Therefore, Daishan has the greatest power and is most likely to win the position of Khan.The second is Sibaile Huang Taiji, who also has certain competitive strength.Huang Taiji is both wise and brave, alert and wise, good at using power and tactics, has made outstanding achievements, and is the master of the white flag.The third possible contender is Azig.Azige is the No. 12 son of Nurhachi. His half-brother Dorgon owns fifteen bull records, and his younger brother Duoduo is the owner of the inlaid white flag.The result of the competition between the three was that Huang Taiji became the emperor in the end.Later, on the ninth day of August in the eighth year of Chongde (1643), Huang Taiji died suddenly.Because he did not designate a successor during his lifetime, the kings and ministers discussed and elected a new king.At this time, there were three more likely heirs. One was Huang Taiji's eldest son Hauge, who was backed by his father's powerful Zhenghuang and Xianghuang Banners.The other is Dorgon, Prince of Heshuorui. He has his own Zhengbai Banner and his younger brother Duoduo's Xiangbai Banner.The other one is Daishan.Although Daishan has retired behind the scenes for several years, he owns the two banners of Zhenghong and Xianghong. Among the princes, he is the oldest and has the highest status. He also has a group of sons and grandchildren who have been conferred the title of prince and duke, such as Shuo Tuo, Wakda, Adali, Luo Luohun, and Man Dahai.In the process of discussing the establishment of a new monarch, the main ministers of the two yellow banners want to make Hauge the emperor, and the two white banners support Dorgon. The struggle is extremely fierce and there is a tendency to explode.Daishan dealt with this issue calmly and wisely, and gave up the contest for the throne, but he neither supported Dorgon nor recommended Hauge, but agreed with Dorgon's proposal to support the six-year-old boy Huang Taiji. The ninth son, Fulin, succeeded to the throne and reported the illegal activities of his own sons, Shuotuo and Sun Adali, thus properly solving the problem of fighting for the throne, avoiding the tragedy of fratricide, and maintaining the unity of the ruling group. A month later, the Qing army entered the pass, creating extremely favorable conditions.

Therefore, this person has a powerful figure who controlled the political situation of the Qing Dynasty.

Now he stands up to prevent Dorgon from returning to the pass, his intention is obvious, they all want Dorgon's strength to be exhausted in the pass, and finally replace Dorgon, or simply take the young Fulin down.

Dorgon's current strength is very weak, but he patted his chest in front of Xiaozhuang, pretending to be B?
Dorgon has a trump card in his hand, and that is his guards.Now, the core force guarding the palace is Dorgon's guards.He's ready for a bloody purge.He planned to massacre more than 2000 people, which is a terrible number for the Qing Dynasty.However, if these 2000 people were not massacred, the Qing Dynasty would always be in turmoil.The two emperor changes have proved this point. Without an iron fist, it is impossible to rule an ethnic group that wins the world on horseback.

Dorgon's plan is proceeding quietly.

He has two strategies.Urgently, call a meeting of the main members, behead and capture the main members at the meeting place, and then clean up the peripheral personnel. them.

Which method to use to solve their internal problems, Dorgon had to determine according to the enemy's situation.

Xiao Zhuang was relieved to hear that Dorgon had prepared a few moves.

This woman is not simple. When she heard that Dorgon was going to kill 2000 people, she even beamed with joy.

When a woman is happy, she often wants to work.She flirted again and again, but Dorgon didn't see it, he was thinking about something and wasn't interested in working on the bed.

Seeing that Dorgon didn't respond, Xiao Zhuang took the initiative to throw herself into her arms, got up and came to sit on Dorgon's lap, rubbing her tight buttocks against Dorgon's lower part, with Dorgon's earlobe in her lips , panting lightly, without stopping his hands, he went straight to grab Dorgon's words.

Dorgon thought that she would not rest until she was satisfied with this coquette, so she prepared to get rid of distracting thoughts and concentrate on women's affairs.However, due to the heavy weight of Daishan, it is rare for him to shift his thoughts to women.

Seeing that Dorgon hadn't responded, Xiao Zhuang increased his strength in his hands, and the little brother who was holding Dorgon suddenly rubbed him.

Dorgon's blood boiled with enthusiasm, he tore it lightly with his hands, and the two snow-white jade rabbits on Xiaozhuang's chest trembled in front of him.He took one of the jade peaks in his mouth and stirred it with his tongue.Xiao Zhuang groaned and groaned, and before his hands stopped, he took off his skirt, sat on Dorgon's body and began to fuck.

Just went in, suddenly a eunuch ran in, and was stunned when he saw two naked people sitting on the stool, having sex.Although he is a eunuch, he has heard it from people and read it in books, and he knows that it is a very happy thing for men and women to play with it.

Therefore, he dared not disturb them.

Dorgon's words were very rough, one in and one out mighty and powerful.Xiaozhuang's buttocks are white and plump.The two of them stick together as if they want to melt each other into themselves.

Gradually, the eunuch was also infected, his breathing became rough, and there was a trace of electric current flowing in his body, which was very comfortable and beneficial.

"What are you doing here?" Dorgon finally saw the greedy eunuch.

The eunuch woke up with a start.

He replied incoherently, "Yes, there is urgent military affairs." Then he submitted the military report.Dorgon opened the secret security and looked at it.Xiaozhuang didn't stop, she was worried that Dorgon's words would become limp when he saw the bad news, so she seized the last period and moved violently.

Contrary to Xiaozhuang's expectation, Dorgon's words were not only soft, but stronger, and he made her fly.

"Hahahaha! Li Laiheng won't hit us! Li Laiheng won't beat us!" Dorgon cheered loudly while flying up and down with Xiaozhuang in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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