
Chapter 202 Will You Marry Me?

Chapter 202 Will You Marry Me?
However, something strange happened.

The defeat of Dorgon's army was entirely due to their own panic, but Li Laiheng's troops did not move, they were just admiring Dorgon's great retreat.

Everyone was amazed, this was a rare opportunity for a fatal blow.Li Laiheng missed the fleeting opportunity?
Soldiers without a fight!
Li Laiheng didn't come to kill people, he just wanted to subdue Manqing.

Dorgon retreated into Shenyang City.

One hundred thousand troops defended Shenyang.Li Laiheng is extremely capable, and it is impossible to break through Shenyang easily.

Everyone didn't understand why Li Laiheng didn't defeat the main forces of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties outside the city.Dorgon is an exception, he understands Li Laiheng's good intentions.

Can an army of 50 hold Shenyang? Can an army of [-] guard the entire Northeast?Li Laiheng's move was very sinister and vicious. What he wanted to defeat was not the Qing soldiers' bodies, but the Qing soldiers' will.Over the years, the Qing soldiers can be said to be invincible. This is certainly related to their own combat power, but more importantly, it is related to the Qing soldiers' will to be invincible.

Massacre alone is not enough to destroy the will of the Qing soldiers. Massacres can often only produce hatred, and the momentum may exceed the power of bloodshed. 10 people fled desperately day and night, and the horror of the day and night will definitely not affect 10 people, they will infect the entire Manchu people. Because of this retreat of 50 Manchus, they could no longer erase the shadow of fear of Li Laiheng's army from the bottom of their hearts.

Dorgon vaguely felt that 10 people could not hold Shenyang, and 50 people could not hold the Northeast.

For several days, there was no news from Li Laiheng.Where did they go?Even when Dorgon was at Xiaozhuang's place, he always had two people in his mind.One is Li Laiheng, this natural nemesis seems to have always used every ounce of energy in Dorgon's life.Another person who has been lingering in Dorgon's mind recently is Hauge's Fujin.This girl is young, beautiful, and has an irresistible charm, which deeply attracts Dorgon.Even when Dorgon was happy with Xiaozhuang, he always regarded Xiaozhuang's pure and white body as Hauge's Fujin.

Hauge is now in Sichuan.Dorgon was about to embrace this beauty in his arms.

It's very strange, Dorgon's current situation is very dangerous, why did he suddenly think of someone else's woman?

This was all caused by Dorgon's angry words during the military meeting a few days ago.

"Damn Hauge!"

He is very worried about the current military situation, and is very annoyed at Hauge's own attack on Sichuan. Now that the troops are scattered, he will not blame himself, and he will vent his anger on his political opponents.

Originally, this sentence was said as soon as it was said, and Dorgon had no way to do anything to Hauge, but unexpectedly, this sentence spread quickly, and it reached Hauge's Fujin's ears.As for this Fujin, he was infatuated with Hauge, and when he heard this, he became anxious and hurried to find Dorgon.As the younger niece and daughter-in-law, she came to intercede.But she made a mistake, she shouldn't be so beautiful.

Seeing this Fujin, Dorgon was dumbfounded for a long time, is there such a beautiful person in the world?
Hauge's Fujin is indeed very beautiful, but although she is beautiful, she is not necessarily more beautiful than Xiaozhuang, but Xiaozhuang is old after all, and her son is ten years old, how can she be as beautiful as Hauge? What about the Fujin ratio?How old is she? In my 20s, officially in the Mood for Love, more beautiful than flowers.

Perhaps Hauge would not have died so quickly without seeing this beauty. After seeing this beauty, Dorgon was out of his wits, and he was determined to get this beauty.To get this woman, first get rid of Hauge.Therefore, at the clan meeting a few days ago, Dorgon blamed the current crisis in Shengjing on Hauge's unauthorized departure from the battlefield, which made Beijing's defense passive.In this situation, the influential people in the clan no longer put the power struggle in the first place. What they have to face is Li Laiheng's 25 army. In order to survive, everyone has to unanimously support Dorgon's any motion.

Hauge's princely title was cut, and his noble status was cut.According to today's parlance, he became a political prisoner.

Dorgon has not seen Li Laiheng chasing after ten days since he entered the city.Doubtful and full of worries, what tricks does Li Laiheng have?

On this day, Dorgon unknowingly came to the other courtyard where he usually relaxes. The people here were surprised when they saw the sudden arrival of the emperor's father and regent, and rushed to greet him.At this time, Dorgon remembered, why did he suddenly have the leisure to come here?The current military affairs and government affairs are terribly troublesome, so why run here?Suddenly, he understood that Hauge's Fujin Dulema (cousin of Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang) was imprisoned here.

Hauge's Fujin is regretting her ignorance that day. She knows that it is because of her reckless going to see Dorgon that it has led to such an ending.She had also met Dorgon in the past, and although the rare encounters made Dorgon a little greedy every time, Dulema would never believe that this elder would covet her.In her heart, she felt that Dorgon had a crush on her, which was why she recklessly went to see Dorgon to intercede.She underestimated her own beauty and overestimated Dorgon's moral standards, so she became a confidante, Hauge's political future was gone, and even his life was gone.

Just when she was regretting it, the servant suddenly reported that the emperor's father and regent Dorgon had arrived.Dulema was shocked, and she was at a loss for what to do.

Dorgon came in.She saluted Dorgon, greeted the regent and wished him good luck.

Dorgon's eyes were fixed on this little beauty who was thinking about it day and night, and his eyes seemed to penetrate her clothes.Dulema became even more panic-stricken. She knew that the actual supreme ruler of the Manchus would not let her go. He came today to occupy her.

As a woman, especially a woman who is an enemy, what can a woman do if her man is defeated by him?Soon, Dulema succumbed and became wise. Under Dorgon's continuous gaze, her face changed from stubborn to beautiful. She raised her head and stared at Dorgon affectionately.

His heart skipped a beat.It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful that it makes people dizzy.

She was also heartbroken.A tough man, a tough, strong man.The number one man in Manchuria, with Dorgon.

hero, beauty.

The two of them hugged each other quickly.

I don't know how long it took, Dorgon was tired, and Dulema was also tired, and they lay down quietly on the bed.

"Will you marry me?"


"What are you going to do to Hauge?"

"What do you say?"

"Let him be king in Sichuan."


After a moment of silence, Dulema asked again, "Is Li Laiheng very powerful?"

"Yes. Very powerful."

"Can you handle him?"

"do not know."

"What should I do?"

"do not know."

(End of this chapter)

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