
Chapter 203

Chapter 203
Dorgon embraced Dulema again to make out, and was suddenly awakened by a half-cry out of Chunmeng. He suddenly jumped up, and went to the knife holder to draw his knife naked.

He was subdued in mid-air.

In front of him, sat a young man.

"Prince Rui, being merry is not a way to relieve stress, is it? There must be a clear answer to your letter." The person sitting in front of him is a messenger sent by Li Laiheng, and this person is also a special soldier he has focused on training.His name is Liu Wenhui, he is 20 years old, and he is born with different qualities. He is a good material to be the successor of the old nine.

He glanced at the long and thick donkey egg under Dorgon's stomach with disgust, and then glanced at the woman on the bed.It is undeniable that this woman is too beautiful.

Dorgon shrank to the ground in frustration.Liu Wenhui took a piece of clothing and threw it to Dorgon. The woman was wrapped in a quilt anyway, so he ignored her.

"Give me a reply. Our General Li said, Surrender, I will give you glory and wealth, and you will be the governor of the Northeast, and you will be responsible for the war against North Korea. If you refuse to surrender, then we have no choice but to choose Hauge to replace you, or in other words, you The jade and stone in the Northeast are all burned." Liu Wenhui said.

These words are very powerful.Especially when he said that he chose Hauge to replace him, it meant that it would be difficult for Man Qing to work hard.If the Manchus were all under the banner of Dorgon, and their 50 people were desperate, it would not be a very easy situation to clean up. However, once they split, someone started a new stove and set up another center among the Manchus, and many of them were in decline. Dorgon will not be able to unify the will of the whole nation, and the ending will basically be settled.Dorgon had to think deeply after hearing this sentence.

He had received documents from Li Laiheng a few times before, and he knew that it would be more difficult to lead the troops to surrender than to resist to the death, so he ignored Li Laiheng.However, now that the enemy has clearly stated that Hauge may be used to replace him, then he has no capital to lead the crowd to resist desperately.When a person is about to die, he must cherish his life, and no one wants to die.

"Let me think about it for another three days, okay? You know, with so many princes and nobles, it is not easy to unify their will." Dorgon wavered.

"Okay, next time I come, I'm not here to ask questions, but to take your head for Haoge." After Liu Wenhui finished speaking, he turned and walked out the door, and then there were several screams outside.Obviously, it was Dorgon's guards who tried to stop him.

Li Laiheng is just south of Shenyang, and he is waiting for the result of the game at the highest level of the Manchus.

Indeed, it is not that simple to get the Manchus to submit.There will be a fierce struggle among the Manchus.

Since Nurhachi raised troops in the Northeast, they have now entered the heyday of the Manchu nationality. It is indeed very difficult to conquer a nation in its heyday.After the fall of the Yuan Dynasty and the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty, the Jurchens were divided into three parts: the Jianzhou Jurchens, the Haixi Jurchens, and the Savage Jurchens.Nurhaci's ancestors belonged to Jianzhou Jurchen.There are disputes among the various ministries, and the hatred and killings are endless.Therefore, the unification of the Jurchen ministries is not only a strong requirement for the social and economic development of the Jurchen, but also a strong requirement for the development of the Jurchen nation.It was in this situation that Nurhaci, the leader of Jianzhou Jurchen, started the great cause of national unification, and absorbed a large number of Han and Mongolian people to form a Manchu community and completed the construction from tribe to country.

In May of the 11th year of Wanli (1583), Nurhachi set up an army with 30 sets of armor and [-] troops.Gradually annexed other Jianzhou tribes, established the Houjin Kingdom, and ascended the throne of Jurchen King.Nurhachi complied with the trend of the times and adopted correct principles, policies and measures, and achieved great results in both internal and external affairs.On the issue of employment related to the rise and fall of a department and a country, Nurhachi emphasized six principles: First, sages must be appointed.The second is to select people impartially, regardless of family status, "regardless of their roots, and recommend them when they see their integrity. Don't stick to blood, and see talents as ministers."The three lines are eclectic, using their strengths, "those who are brave in front of the battle are used to govern the army; those who are good and loyal to the state affairs are used to assist the state affairs."The fourth is to promote the virtuous and demote the wicked, because "if the kind and just people are not promoted or promoted, then how can the sages advance. If the unworthy are not demoted or killed, then there is no way to punish the unworthy."The fifth is that rewards and punishments are clearly defined, merits must be rewarded, and mistakes must be punished. "Those who do good deeds, even if they are enemies, do not care about them, and they are promoted with meritorious deeds. Those who commit crimes, even though they are inseparable, must be killed."The sixth is to reward the service officers and generals, according to their needs, bestow horses, cows, aha, grain, clothes, money and wives.

Nurhachi formulated an important national policy to treat heroes favorably.For the "Founding Fathers" who voted, led the army to fight, and served loyally in the early years, such as the "Five Ministers" such as Fei Yingdong, E Yidu, He Heli, Hu Erhan, An Feiyanggu, Yang Guli, Leng Geli, etc., Give special courtesy and preferential treatment, give a lot of money to humans and animals, serve as high-ranking officials, confer titles, marry and marry, and share weal and woe.When these meritorious officials make mistakes, they are often punished lightly for their meritorious service.

Nurhachi recruited many talented people. They offered advice and suggestions, and entered the Ming Dynasty many times to burn, kill and plunder, making the Jurchen tribe gradually "prosper the people and the country", and laid a solid foundation for the establishment and expansion of the post-Jin Kingdom.

In terms of military and foreign affairs, Nurhachi formulated specific guidelines, policies and strategies.Adopted the policy of "combining kindness and power, obedience is subdued by virtue, and rebellion is approached by soldiers", that is, to give priority to appeasement and supplement it with suppression.There are three specific contents, one is to kill those who resist, and to enslave those who are captured.Because the Shens of the seven villages of the Nayin tribe rebelled after surrendering, and defended the city to the death, "kill them all when they get it."The Jurchens of the Ehekulun tribe refused to surrender, Nurhachi sent troops to conquer, beheaded the defenders, "captured ten thousand people", destroyed their country, and "turned the land into ruins".The second is to register households for descendants, which are compiled in each Niu Lu, and they are not demoted to slaves and their property is not seized.It used to be ministers, village masters, Baylor, and Taiji. Most of them were conferred official positions, and their old subordinates were compiled as Niulu and belonged to their jurisdiction.Three for the comers award.For those who take the initiative to come and go from afar, Nurhachi will reward them generously.When he heard that Minister Nakada of Huerhabu in the East China Sea had led one hundred Jurchen families to vote, he sent 200 people to welcome them. Each gave ten pairs of Ahas, ten riding horses, and ten cattle for farming", as well as a large number of furs, mink hats, clothes, cloth, pots, etc.For other entourages, "all are ready and given generously".In this way, the attack surface was narrowed, and many ministers and road chiefs led the subordinates to surrender.According to the "General Genealogy of the Manchurian Clans of the Eight Banners" alone, there were as many as two to three hundred cases in which Jurchen chiefs from Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Liaoning came back together, thus speeding up the process of Jurchen unification and reducing unnecessary casualties and losses.It also adopted the correct strategy of using troops, generally from near to far, weak first and then strong, and gradually expand.He actively fought for an alliance with Mongolia and tried his best to avoid being attacked by the Ming Dynasty prematurely. He was not conscripted by the Ming army until the 46th year of Wanli (1618) when he launched a rebellion with the Seven Great Hate, which greatly benefited the unification of the Jurchen cause went smoothly.Give full play to the military command ability.He is good at strategizing, attaches great importance to secrecy, is resourceful and decisive, and when he discusses, he will make a decision and act immediately. He dispatches troops like a storm, which is unstoppable. He often wins more with less, and changes from passive to active.

At the same time, he ordered Erdeni and Gagai to create Manchu, and gradually established the Niulu Eight Banners system.In the 43rd year of Wanli, the Eight Banners system was formally established. All personnel must be incorporated into the Eight Banners. One Niulu has three hundred Ding, and there is one Niulu Ezhen, two Daizi, and Zhang Jing.Five cows are recorded as a Jiala, and a Jiala Ezhen is set up.Wujiala is one banner, with Gushan Erzhenyi and Meile Erzhen two.People from the Eight Banners lived in the same area, married each other, plowed the fields, herded horses and sheep, collected ginseng and hunted, obeyed the laws of the country, received taxes and served in the service, obeyed the leadership of Khan and Baylor, and spoke Manchu.Clothing and hair styles must also be the same, women are not allowed to bind their feet, and men must shave their hair and keep braids.In this way, the hundreds of thousands of Jurchen, Mongolian, and Han people who originally came from different regions, different systems, and different customs, in terms of productivity, production relations, tax burdens, state laws, language, and customs, etc. After reaching the same level, the old differences quickly disappeared, and the consistency increased, gradually forming a new ethnic community Manchu with basically the same economic conditions, language, and psychological state.

Therefore, Li Laiheng is not in a hurry to deal with such a nation, he must give them time.

(End of this chapter)

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