
Chapter 210 Entering the Atlantis Capital

Chapter 210 Entering the Atlantis Capital
Zhang Xianzhong was acting as his Daxi Emperor in Chengdu, but this man did not do well as an emperor, and Sichuan people gradually hated him.

(According to official records, Zhang Xianzhong was born on September 34, 1606, in the 9th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, in Liuqu Village, Haotan Township, Dingbian County, Shaanxi Province (known as Liushujianbao in ancient times). He was educated when he was young, and joined the army when he became an adult. He was once a police officer in Yan'an Prefecture. He was dismissed because of something, and then joined the army in Yansui Town. He was executed for breaking the law. The chief general Chen Hongfan saw his strange appearance and pleaded with the commander-in-chief Wang for it. In the third year of Ming Chongzhen (18), Zhang Xianzhong actively responded to Wang Jiayin's anti-Ming call and revolted in Mizhi, calling himself the Eight Great Kings and one the Eight Great Kings of Xiying. The following year , participated in the Wang Ziyong coalition and was one of the 1630 battalions. He was brave and good at fighting, and soon became the main leader of the 36 battalion and became famous as the eight kings who were able to plan and fight well. After Wang Jiayin died, he and Li Zicheng belonged to Gao Yingxiang. , Li Zicheng, the breakthrough general, participated in the Xingyang meeting in the eighth year of Chongzhen (36), and decided to make progress. Xianzhong and Gao Yingxiang jointly attacked the East. Soon Zhang Xianzhong and Li Zicheng began to split due to minor reasons. Zhang Xianzhong led his troops to attack the Yangtze River Basin, and Li Zicheng attacked the Yellow River Basin In the tenth year of Chongzhen (1635), Zhang Xianzhong's uprising troops were severely damaged by the attack of Zuo Liangyu, the commander-in-chief of the Ming army, and Zhang Xianzhong was also injured. Politically, he was shaken. In the first month of the following year, Zhang Xianzhong led his rebel army to enter Gucheng (now in Gucheng County, Hubei Province) was awarded the title of deputy general by the imperial court. The station was in Wangjiahe, and it was renamed Taiping Town to show the truce. Zhang Xianzhong was recruited, and he neither dismissed the rebels as originally arranged, nor participated in the battle against Li Zicheng's rebels , but to guard a place to strengthen military training and maintain autonomy. In the 1637th year of Chongzhen (12), Zhang Xianzhong was already dissatisfied with the endless demands for bribes, extortion, making things difficult for himself, and distrust of corrupt bureaucrats in the government. Affected, on the ninth day of May, the effective tactics of "avoiding reality and making falsehoods" and "addressing the enemy by walking" were adopted, and the banner of anti-Ming was raised again. Conquering the enemy by walking, and moving to the Sichuan border, the Ming army was exhausted. In 1639 years, the Ming Dynasty was defeated The army was in Huangling City, Kaixian County, drove out of Sichuan, broke through Xiangyang, killed Zhu Yiming, the king of Xiangyang, and broke through Guangzhou and other places. Yang Sichang, the governor of the Ming Dynasty, died in Shashi due to failure in pursuit and suppression. He was worried and feared, and his old illness relapsed. According to Wuchang in the 14th year of Chongzhen, it is called King Daxi. Not long after conquering Changsha, he announced that he would be exempted from taxation for three years, and the number of followers increased. On August 16, the 17th year of Chongzhen (1644), Chengdu was captured. Long Wenguang, the inspector of the mansion, Zhu Zhishu, king of Shu, and his concubines all committed suicide died, and other officials became prisoners. The rebel army entered Chengdu, claiming to have an army of 8, and quickly controlled the prefectures and counties in most of Sichuan. , later proclaimed himself emperor, took Chengdu as Xijing, and ascended the throne on August 9. In the third year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty (60), the situation became more and more tense. Zhang Xianzhong, the emperor of the country, met Hauge, the prince of the Qing Dynasty. During the fierce battle between the two armies, Zhang Xianzhong was killed by an arrow. As for Zhang Xianzhong’s theory of slaughtering Sichuan, historians have been arguing endlessly. Reality. Then there is the legend of Zhang Xianzhong's Thousand Ships Sunken TreasuresSaid, confirmed by posterity.It is said that more than 8 years ago, Zhang Xianzhong carried a thousand boats of gold, silver and jewelry from Chengdu down the river from Chengdu. The fleet sank into the river; for more than 16 years, this historical fact has become a legend. On April 1646, 300, the water diversion project was started in Pengshan County. When a construction team used an excavator to excavate the trench for laying pipelines on the "Tiger Beach" riverbed of the Minjiang River, a bundle of 300 silver ingots was shoveled out with one shovel. The words "August 2005, Chongzhen, 4 taels of silver" stamped on the silver ingot when it was cast are clearly visible.According to the preliminary identification of Pengshan County cultural management department, these unearthed silver ingots are official silver of the Ming Dynasty, and it has found evidence for solving the mystery of Zhang Xianzhong's "thousand ships sinking silver".The silver ingots unearthed this time, both in terms of the silver ingot itself and its outer packaging, are consistent with historical records, thus confirming that Zhang Xianzhong's theory of sinking silver here more than 20 years ago is completely in line with historical truth.The Bureau of Culture and Sports will reproduce Zhang Xianzhong's Shenyin site in due course. )
Leaving aside what official history and unofficial history say to Zhang Xianzhong, what Li Laiheng traveled through the past and saw with his own eyes was that Zhang Xianzhong seemed to have no real intention of governing the country in Sichuan, and his subordinates did not have real talents for governing the country, so, Under his rule, the people of Sichuan were in dire straits.

After Li Laiheng entered Chengdu, he did not live in an ordinary inn, but in an alley.Here, Li Laiheng is not worried that someone will find out, because the people sent by Lao Jiu have already cleaned up the place.They have collected information about Zhang Xianzhong here for a long time.

Li Laiheng lived in a two-story building, the windows faced the side entrance of Zhang Xianzhong's palace, and part of the gate could be seen.

Every day, the officials who are up and down can be seen from this window. Although they are a little far away and cannot be seen very clearly, after observing here for a long time, they can still tell who is coming in and out.According to Lao Jiu's person, Zhang Wenxiu is in charge of guarding the palace.The general is Zhang Kewang, he rarely enters the palace, and spends most of his time outside preparing military affairs, and his other adopted sons are also leading the army.The situation in Sichuan is not stable now. In order to avoid Dorgon, Hauge is still in Sichuan.In addition, the local armed forces in Sichuan attacked Zhang Xianzhong's troops from time to time, and the people were very disgusted with Zhang Xianzhong's continuous levies and miscellaneous taxes. The people did not rise up to attack the government agencies at all levels set up by Zhang Xianzhong.Therefore, it seems impossible for Zhang Xianzhong to stay here for a long time.

After listening to the introduction, Li Laiheng knew that the Daxi regime was nothing to worry about. To deal with Zhang Xianzhong, he only needed to send a strong army, not tens of thousands, to defeat them.What he has to do now is to find Emperor Chongzhen as soon as possible.They analyzed that he was either hiding in the palace or in the temple.

One had to be more cautious when entering the imperial palace, not to startle the snake, if Zhang Xianzhong wanted to be the emperor here at ease, he couldn't make any noise in the imperial palace.Secondly, Zhang Wenxiu was in charge of the security work of the palace, so the strictness of the security guards could be imagined, it was not a last resort, and he tried to avoid confronting Zhang Wenxiu too early.

After careful understanding, there was a clue that aroused Li Laiheng's vigilance, that is, Zhang Xianzhong would go to Wuhou Temple every seven or ten days.

Zhang Xianzhong's frequent visits to Wuhou Temple must have his purpose. Did Emperor Chongzhen hide in Wuhou Temple?

Li Laiheng and Lao Jiu decided to visit secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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