
Chapter 211 A big man

Chapter 211 Four Big People

Chengdu Wuhou Temple, located in Wuhou Temple Street, Nanmen, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, is composed of Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, Shu Han monarchs and ministers, and Huiling.It was built in 223 AD to build Liu Bei's mausoleum.It has been damaged and changed several times for thousands of years.Wuhou Temple (referring to Zhuge Liang's special temple) was built before the Tang Dynasty. It was adjacent to the Zhaolie Temple where Liu Bei (Emperor Zhaolie of the Han Dynasty) was worshipped. When it was rebuilt in the early Ming Dynasty, Wuhou Temple was incorporated into the "Han Zhaolie Temple ", forming the existing Wuhou Temple Monarch and Minister Temple.

Li Laiheng had never been to Wuhou Temple in the past, and neither had Lao Jiu. A soldier from Sichuan led Li Laiheng into Wuhou Temple. Unexpectedly, the Wuhou Temple at this time was deserted and dilapidated. , This is related to the social turmoil in the late Ming Dynasty. People were in dire straits, and their own hunger and cold could not be solved. How could they care about the temples of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang who died for more than a thousand years?
Not many tourists.In the temple of Liu Bei, there were a few people who seemed to be literati arguing. They were posting opinions, saying that Zhao Yun was ranked first among military generals. , which is more difficult to understand.In "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Zhao Zilong is a god-level figure and one of the five tiger generals.However, it is impossible for him to be ranked ahead of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, not to mention that Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Liu Bei are die-hard brothers who are sworn brothers in Taoyuan, even if they are reused far more than Zhao Zilong.In the official history, the relationship between Zhao Yun and Liu Bei is even more subtle, and they cannot be regarded as Liu Bei's confidants at all.So, what is the purpose of this arrangement?

Li Laiheng didn't have the heart to study the history of the Three Kingdoms. He paid attention to every house, especially those remote and high-end rooms.

In the east, there is a small courtyard with a unique flavor, quiet and elegant. There are signs of human activity here, because a broom in the corridor has obviously been moved recently.Courtyard and corridors were clean with signs of sweeping.But the three doors were closed.

Li Laiheng didn't stay for too long, worried about being discovered, he planned to come back at night.Just as he was about to turn around and leave, one of the doors suddenly opened "ah", and an old man came out.But this man has a characteristic, his face is very white, and his beard is smooth.He sized up Li Laiheng, his eyes were very poisonous, as if he wanted to see through the other person's heart.

Li Laiheng pretended to be admiring the ancient temple, looking at the scenery everywhere leisurely.

The man seemed to be on guard against Li Laiheng going forward, he pretended to be busy, and kept guarding the door.

Therefore, Li Laiheng was basically sure that the person he was looking for might be here.

Li Laiheng didn't go to Wuhou Temple on the first night, so the person he saw during the day would be more or less alarmed.On the second night, Li Laiheng planned to sneak in after the third watch, but before the third watch, someone reported that Zhang Xianzhong had left for Wuhou Temple.

This is a rare opportunity to hear what they are up to, which is much more reliable than other sources of information.

However, this mission is full of risks, because the person in charge of security is Zhang Wenxiu's elite, this person is the first genius Li Laiheng has seen since traveling, and his talent far exceeds that of a war god like Zhang Kewang.Li Laiheng and Lao Jiu had made full preparations. They were not prepared to bring too many people there. Too many people would not help, it would only increase the risk.

Li Laiheng and Lao Jiu sneaked into Wuhou Temple before Zhang Xianzhong arrived. They hid in the small courtyard they suspected yesterday. Easy to find hiding places.

Sure enough, just after Li Laiheng and Lao Jiu had finished hiding, Zhang Xianzhong arrived. As soon as he entered the yard, he yelled, "Old friend, have you figured it out yet?" He walked towards the second house.A muffled voice came from that room, "Your mother, please, Ge Laozi, you son of a bitch, I listen to your nonsense?"

Li Laiheng was surprised, this weird and broken Sichuan dialect could not be Emperor Chongzhen.Who is this man?Who would be the one who is so highly regarded by Zhang Xianzhong and who dares to scold Zhang Xianzhong?

What's even more strange is that the people in the other room also began to curse, "Zhang Xianzhong, you outrageous guy, you will die a terrible death! I have gone out, and I must smash your body into pieces."

This voice is not from a local, it is thick and loud, it should be the voice of a military general, and it has a northern accent.

Only the people in this room finished cursing, and someone in the last room spoke again, "Leave him alone, his end is coming soon, why bother arguing with him?"

This voice was somewhat familiar, Li Laiheng heard it before in the Forbidden City, it was the voice of Emperor Chongzhen.

"Lord Hong, General Wu, how do you work for the emperor? However, Zhu Youjian has a reason for not listening to you. Both of you are rebellious officials and traitors, and you are both working for traitors. The past emperors really had no face in front of others. Lord Hong, now that your master has surrendered to Li Laiheng, why don't you follow him to seek refuge?" Zhang Xianzhong said sarcastically.

Master Hong must be Hong Chengchou, he was sent by Dorgon to do Hauge's work, and he was asked to return to Shenyang.Unexpectedly, instead of seeing Hauge, he was captured by Zhang Xianzhong and met his former master, Emperor Chongzhen.But why did Wu Sangui come here?Didn't he be his emperor on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau?
After being ridiculed by Zhang Xianzhong for a while, Hong Chengchou was silent for a while, and soon came back to his senses. He said that although I had a disgraceful history, I "was in Cao Ying and my heart was in Han", and I never forgot I am a Han Chinese, and I have not forgotten the emperor's Long En.How can I be like you, born rebellious?You Zhang Xianzhong, don't be too happy, Li Laiheng will come to clean you up soon.

After hearing what he said, Zhang Xianzhong slapped a haha, he didn't know whether it was an exaggeration on purpose or he really thought it was so funny, his haha ​​could spread to every corner of Wuhou Temple.After he finished laughing, he said to Wu Sangui, "General Wu, aren't you your emperor in Hengyang? Li Zicheng's old troops have gone south to attack you. Why did you run away and come here instead?" Zhang Xianzhong Had a really good laugh when I said that.Wu Sangui was at a loss for words for a while.

Li Laiheng was really confused now, how could he have imagined that in this Wuhou Temple, there were hidden four extremely important figures who had influenced the history of the Ming Dynasty.Hong Chengchou, he used to be the pillar of the Ming Dynasty, but later lost the main force of the Ming Dynasty in the Battle of Songjin. From then on, the Ming Dynasty could no longer compete with the Qing Dynasty, so that he had no power to fight back against Li Zicheng .The second one is Wu Sangui. His surrender to the Manchu Qing was the most critical step in the process of Chinese history. Without his surrender, the Manchu Qing could hardly have entered the customs. Therefore, Wu Sangui’s surrender to the Manchu Qing completely changed the course of Chinese history. .As for Zhang Xianzhong, like Li Zicheng, he played a direct role in the downfall of the Ming Dynasty. Without Zhang Xianzhong, Li Zicheng's fight to Beijing might have been just a dream.And Emperor Chongzhen, the king of subjugation.Although he himself said that he was not the king of subjugation, but that he was the disaster of subjugation, but the demise of the Ming Dynasty was really forgotten in his hands, and it had nothing to do with him?This cannot be justified.

"Zhang Xianzhong, didn't you invite me here?" Wu Sangui said angrily after being silent for a while.

"I invite you to come, you should do something serious. It's been more than ten days, and there is no effect at all, so you are ashamed to say it. Since you are useless like this, then you will still be your Emperor Wu and Zhou in Yunnan. Old man Wu, Li Laiheng's people are about to hit Guizhou, be careful that your lair will be burned to the ground by him!" Zhang Xianzhong said.

Li Laiheng really couldn't understand that he was here.Now, the army sent by Li Laiheng is attacking his troops to the southwest, but he, the main general, is hiding in Chengdu.

Wu Sangui was not overwhelmed by Zhang Xianzhong's words, he smiled and said: "Don't be too happy, Li Laiheng's army will soon move northward, and you, Zhang Xianzhong, have nowhere to escape."

Zhang Xianzhong's mouth was not soft, and they bickered for a while. Finally, Chongzhen said something, and everyone was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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