
Chapter 212 Chongzhen Became a Ming Monarch

Chapter 212 Chongzhen Became a Ming Monarch
Emperor Chongzhen said: "Zhang Xianzhong, you have been robbers and thieves all your life, and you will die a good death. As the saying goes, the loser becomes the king, Zhang Xianzhong can't become the king, so you can't be the king either. It's a coincidence, here in the mountains of the southwest Being king is nothing more than a bandit at best. You think you are Liu Bei, but how many of your people surrender to you? No, not one, so your end is doomed, even if Li Laiheng doesn’t come to clean up You, your fate is not long. Hey, Zhang Xianzhong, don’t waste your time. Hong Chengchou, you seem to be a loyal minister, you seem to be a scholar, the disciple of Confucius, but it’s shameful and shameful for you to surrender to the Tartars. Now In any case, you are a soft bone, one, a disloyal person, you have a part in the entry of the Qing soldiers. Wu Sangui, you are even more shameful, you don’t surrender to Li Zicheng, but if you surrender to the Qing soldiers, You don't have the face to see your ancestors, especially when you are angry for a woman, it sounds like a lover, it's quite romantic, but don't you feel disgusting? A brothel girl, you need to fight your reputation to prostrate yourself At the foot of the Manchu Tartars? Also, I, Zhu Youjian, seem to be majestic and majestic, and look like a wise king. I want to learn from Emperor Gaozong of Tang and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. I am diligent and diligent every day. For more than ten years, apart from beheading the ministers, they just commanded blindly. As a result, instead of saving the country, Li Zicheng captured Beijing, and finally let the Qing soldiers enter the customs. So, we are all sinners of the country, and we are all things that deserve to die You persuaded me to go out of the mountain again. How could I have the face to meet the people of the world? How could I have the face to meet my old ministers? Didn’t I, Zhu Youjian, be hanged on the crooked neck tree on Meishan in Beijing by you Zhang Xianzhong? You didn’t put my face Was it cut to pieces? So, how can I face the world?"

Li Laiheng suddenly realized that these people were inviting Emperor Chongzhen to come out again and become emperor.It seems that these people still have self-knowledge.Zhang Xianzhong knew that he would be kicked out by the poor sooner or later. He, the Great Western Emperor, could not do it well, so he still planned to invite Chongzhen to come out of the mountain.At the beginning, he took Emperor Chongzhen captive originally because he wanted to coerce the emperor to order the world. Now that the situation is not right, it is a wise move to quickly move out the bodhisattva Chongzhen.Wu Sangui, who had just proclaimed himself emperor, also planned to retreat, which was beyond Li Laiheng's expectations. Maybe Wu Sangui knew that he, the emperor of Wu Zhou, would not last long when he saw Li Laiheng recruit Li Zicheng's old troops to attack westward. So he turned to his old master again.

Zhang Xianzhong, Wu Sangui, and Hong Chengchou are all doing the work of Emperor Chongzhen. Logically speaking, their move is a good move.When Chongzhen came out of the mountain, Nanming lost its appeal, and the world soon had a unified order, which had a great shocking effect on the situation.

However, Emperor Chongzhen seemed to disagree.His heart is dead, just as disheartened as Li Zicheng.

Wu Sangui and Zhang Xianzhong were not coldhearted, they were looking for a way out, they knew that there was someone who couldn't spare them, and this person was Li Laiheng.

After Chongzhen said these words, everyone was silent for a while, and finally Hong Chengchou spoke.He said, Your Majesty, what you said just now is indeed the key point of Zhongchen and others, and we really have no face to see the people of the world.I am a traitor and traitor, and so is Wu Sangui, not to mention Zhang Xianzhong, who kills like hemp and disturbs the world.But, as the saying goes, it's never too late to fix a dead sheep.Now the world is in chaos, and there are conflicts among various forces. For the sake of the common people in the world, if your emperor comes out and waved his arms, how many common people will be saved because of this!The emperor is wise, and there is no need for ministers to explain the truth.The ministers and others kowtowed to invite the emperor to come out of the mountain.

Chongzhen said without thinking: "Since I have converted to Buddha, how can I have the idea of ​​turning back? I advise you to surrender to Li Laiheng."

As soon as this remark came out, Li Laiheng was so surprised that even Chongzhen persuaded them to surrender to me.

"You don't need to worry about it. Li Laiheng can even forgive Dorgon and other Manchus, and he can take them into his command. It can be seen that this person has extraordinary ambitions. One day in the future, he will definitely become a generation of Mingjun. His achievements will be comparable to those of Emperor Shihuang and others. Compare. You guys, don’t worry about whether he will forgive you, as long as you trust him with integrity, you are all talents, and he will definitely hire you according to your merit.”

There was silence.

It can be seen that Zhang Xianzhong, Wu Sangui, and Hong Chengchou were not willing to surrender to Li Laiheng.They have concerns.

They didn't believe that Li Laiheng could accommodate them.Because many of Li Laiheng's subordinates are Li Zicheng's old subordinates, their enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other, can Li Laiheng not worry about this?If Li Laiheng could accommodate Wu Sangui, what would his subordinates say?If Li Laiheng didn't kill Zhang Xianzhong, what would his subordinates say?Not to mention Hong Chengchou, traitors, everyone can be killed.

Therefore, these few people felt that Emperor Chongzhen's idea was a bad idea.

Seeing that the three were silent, Emperor Chongzhen knew what they were thinking and said, since you are worried, I still have a way to relieve your worries.

"What method?" The three asked together.

"Let's become a monk. The monks have nothing to do with the four things. How wonderful, there are no worries." Emperor Chongzhen said.

"Oh!" The three replied disappointedly.

Emperor Chongzhen paused for a while, and wanted to persuade him when he saw the three people, and then said: "Looking at the world, Nanming is a decadent bureaucracy established by a group of degenerate people, and it can't be successful. There is only one person who owns the world. It’s Li Laiheng. So, don’t have any other thoughts, you should think about it carefully, if you think you can still contribute to the country, then go to Li Laiheng, if you are worried and half-hearted, then become a monk.”

Not much speculation.

Zhang Xianzhong left again.

The three rooms were quiet again.Li Laiheng didn't disturb them, he knew that they would still talk.

Sure enough, they spoke.It was Wu Sangui who spoke.He is the most anxious person, Li Zicheng's old troops have already attacked him, and Li Laiheng deployed it.

"Your majesty, please come out. As long as you come out, I have 10,000+ horses, and Zhang Xianzhong also has tens of thousands of horses. As long as you wave your arms, the millions of Nanming troops will also break away from the Southern Court. Can you worry about Li Laiheng's 10 people?" Wu Sangui said.

"Hey, what do you say? Zhang Xianzhong has a mob, and his elite soldiers are only a few hundred thousand, and these ten thousand people are rebellious people. Who can control them? Nanming, those ministers who support him Serving for the old emperor in the past? You are thinking too naively. Well, even if everything is as you said, even if there are 200 million troops, can we take down Li Laiheng? An army that even the Qing soldiers cannot compete with, we Can your troops fight against Li Laiheng? What a joke. Wu Sangui, Wu Sangui, let me tell you, even Li Zicheng doesn’t want to come out now, but I, Zhu Youjian, will come out?”

"What? Li Zicheng? Isn't he dead?" Wu Sangui and Hong Chengchou asked in shock, "Didn't he be beaten to death by the soldiers in Jiugong Mountain?"

"Hey, didn't I, Zhu Youjian, also hanged myself on Meishan Mountain in Beijing?"

Chongzhen sneered.

After a long silence, Wu Sangui and Hong Chengchou asked, "Where is he?"

Chongzhen sneered again.

"You thought I'd tell you?"

(End of this chapter)

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