
Chapter 214 Greater China

Chapter 214 Greater China

The news of Chongzhen leaving the mountain spread quickly.

Zhang Xianzhong, Wu Sangui, Hong Chengchou, and Zhu Youjian formed an alliance, and the first three jointly elected Zhu Youjian as the emperor of the country again and spread it throughout the country.

The content of the call is that all forces in the country must be unified again and must be under the order of Emperor Chongzhen.The Daxi Kingdom, the Wu and Zhou Empires, and the various Southern Ming dynasties must immediately abolish their national titles. The original Li Zicheng and Li Laiheng tribes, including the Manchus and Mongols, must obey Emperor Chongzhen and change Daming to the Great China.

The spread of the message was sent to various places, and it was quickly responded to. At the beginning, some places were determined to become independent kings, but most places responded to this matter.Of course, Li Laiheng's loud voice of approval aroused huge repercussions.Now, the only person who has the most hope of unifying China is Li Laiheng, and he actually quickly issued an order to the whole country to approve Emperor Chongzhen as the king of a country. Of course, this will cause shock.

Many people don't understand this, but it's true.

However, soon because of the leakage of secrets about the design of the future national system, disputes arose.

The controversy came from within Zhang Xianzhong.

Zhang Kewang suddenly proposed that Zhang Xianzhong should be the prime minister.

This is a serious problem.Because, in Zhu Youjian's mind, it is very clear that the candidate for the prime minister must not come from these few people, and the only candidate can only be one person, Li Laiheng.Not only is he the only candidate for prime minister, but he can also restore the feudal empire. Even if Li Laiheng becomes emperor, who can stop it?
Zhang Kewang was very arrogant. He sent people to control the personal freedom of Zhu Youjian, Wu Sangui, and Hong Chengchou, and forced Zhu Youjian to appoint Zhang Xianzhong as prime minister first.Zhang Xianzhong pushed the boat along the way, and he said hypocritically: "I can't do it, I have little talent and virtue, how can I be qualified for the important task of prime minister?" Zhang Kewang said, isn't our Daxi Empire the father, you are the emperor?Not to mention Daxi, it is the whole world, you can be the emperor, let alone the prime minister?Zhang Xianzhong laughed dryly, with a look of helplessness, waiting for Emperor Chongzhen to speak.

Zhu Youjian was embarrassed, and thought to himself, if you tell the truth, your life will be in danger. If you don't tell the truth, if you really appoint Zhang Xianzhong as the first prime minister, this guy will restore the monarchy within three days.

Therefore, Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian had no choice but to say that when the founding of the country was successful, the Senate would be formed first, and the first prime minister would be elected by the Senate, and the elected prime minister would be elected two years later.It is useless to fight now, but General Zhang Xianzhong is no problem as a duke, and it is no problem to be a senator in the Senate. Senators are for life, and your senior generals and state leaders can become pillars of the country.None of this is in doubt.However, forcing the appointment of a prime minister now is definitely against the original intention. If so, why should I come out?
Zhang Xianzhong's desire to be the first Prime Minister is very strong. What he has to do now is to prepare to control the entire Senate with his power as the mainstay.

On the preliminary list of the Senate, the Onishi Kingdom accounted for 30.00%, Nanming accounted for 15.00%, Wu Sangui accounted for 5.00%, Li Zicheng’s old department accounted for 5.00%, Li Laiheng’s department accounted for [-]%, Manchus accounted for [-]%, and Mongolia accounted for [-]%. Three, North Korea accounted for [-]%, celebrities and famous families accounted for [-]%, and other candidates accounted for [-]%.

This arrangement was obviously meant to appease Zhang Xianzhong.Hong Chengchou has now colluded with Li Laiheng, and they feel that appeasing Zhang Xianzhong is the key to the success of this matter.

Regarding this arrangement, Zhang Xianzhong doesn't have much to say. He has the highest proportion of people, and he should be sure of controlling the Senate.

Of course, his confidence mainly comes from the fact that he has a secret weapon, Zhang Wenxiu's spy, and his strength, Zhang Kewang has an elite [-] troops.Emperor Chongzhen was under his control.

Li Laiheng is not worried that his direct descendant is a minority in the Senate.He just hopes to establish a constitutional monarchy. Of course, the first Prime Minister has a lot of things to do, and it is of course best for him to be the prime minister. It would be good if it was Li Yan.Who will be the prime minister, Li Laiheng is sure to decide who will be the first prime minister, and he will not let this seat go by, so Zhang Xianzhong wants to control the Senate, so he will let him control it.Li Laiheng knew that there was only one person among Zhang Xianzhong to be wary of, and that was Zhang Wenxiu.

Li Laiheng is going to meet Zhang Wenxiu once.

However, unexpectedly, Zhang Wenxiu had already come to see Li Laiheng first.

It was night, Li Laiheng discussed some things with Lao Jiu, Lao Jiu went out, Li Laiheng was about to lie down and think about some problems, suddenly there was a light sound on the window, Li Laiheng turned over and rolled out of the bed, a sharp sword "poof", Nailed to the pillow, and then a figure came in through the window.

"General Li, amazing, admiration, admiration, good skill." After Zhang Wenxiu said a haha, his sword pointed at Li Laiheng's throat, only half a minute away from seeing blood.Similarly, Li Laiheng's sharp sword was only half a point away from Zhang Wenxiu's throat.

They drew their swords at the same time.

"Sit." Li Laiheng said calmly.

"It's impolite to visit late at night, General Li, please forgive me."

"General Zhang is visiting, and the last general is honored to come. Very fortunate, very fortunate. General Zhang is someone I, Li Laiheng, have always admired. Tonight, I surrendered to my humble house. If you have any advice, please speak up."

"Haha, General Li is straightforward. Well, General Li is a hero. No one in the world can match him, so I won't beat around the bush. General Li, after the constitutional monarchy, how will you arrange us Daxi people?"

"How about imitating the Manchus?"

"General Li laughed. King, can it still exist in the future? According to my understanding, the constitutional monarchy you advocate can allow other royal families besides the emperor?"

"Of course the royal family can't, but the actual monarch still exists. Why can't we form a Greater China Circle?"

"Greater China? Is it the same as the Mongolian army back then?"

"Mongolia was not an ideal country back then. What I hoped was not a capitalist democratic country with a feudal system."


If you want to explain the capitalist system to Zhang Wenxiu, it is almost impossible to explain clearly.He can only give a rough idea.This general content already surprised Zhang Wenxiu.

"You mean, there will be no hereditary inheritance in the future, and everything will be determined by elections. Whoever has the ability will be the leader? This is incredible." Zhang Wenxiu certainly didn't believe what Li Laiheng said, and he didn't understand why Li Laiheng raised such a question.He thought, if Li Laiheng wants to be the ruler of the world, what else can he not do by using his military power?If he didn't intend to become the ruler of the world, no, it's impossible, Li Laiheng is not a fool.What does that mean?

I can't figure it out, think slowly, I have to ask Li Laiheng about his plan today.

"Well, it's hard for me to understand what you said for a while, so just tell the truth, how will my Daxi Kingdom arrange in the future?"

Li Laiheng smiled and asked, "What do you think?"

In fact, this sentence is redundant. It is obvious that Zhang Xianzhong hopes to become the actual controller of the new dynasty.The biggest obstacle for him to become the actual controller is of course Li Laiheng.However, Li Laiheng still wanted to give them a clear answer, lest there would be any more disputes in the future, and no one would want to restore the monarchy.So Li Laiheng didn't wait for Zhang Wenxiu's answer, and went on to say: "Daxi Kingdom is cancelled, but you can be an important force in the new regime, and you may also become the prime minister or the supreme leader in the future. Of course, this process is not achieved by force. It's through elections."

"Election? Who can guarantee the non-use of force?"

Zhang Wenxiu was basically unable to imagine this idea.

Can becoming the supreme leader of a country be achieved through elections?

(End of this chapter)

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