
Chapter 215 Convincing Zhang Wenxiu

Chapter 215 Convincing Zhang Wenxiu
Elections were unimaginable in the late Ming Dynasty. Feudal ideology was serious, and the organization of elections was mostly a competition between armed forces.

However, Li Laiheng is not very worried. He plans to organize a Senate, or the House of Lords, composed of well-known people. Let this group of people develop capitalism and make them rich, but they must not be allowed to have military and administrative power. They have the right to vote.As for Li Laiheng himself, he definitely has a good command of the army, and his army has to conquer more places, plunder more wealth, and especially open up more markets.For their own benefit, those capitalists hope to have a democratic, stable and progressive society, so they will consciously maintain this system.

Li Laiheng is going to be the first prime minister, while Hao Yaoqi and Li Yan are going to be the military leaders.And Zhang Xianzhong, Wu Sangui and other celebrities of Nanming are all senators for life.And this Zhang Wenxiu is indeed a talent, what should he do?

This man is ambitious, can he lead a huge fleet of strong ships and guns to attack the city?

In Li Laiheng's memory, the British bourgeois revolution started at this time, and the industrial revolution also entered a period of rapid development at this time.Before that, the enclosure movement was one of the important means of capital accumulation in Britain. From the 15th to the 16th century, the wool weaving industry became the "national industry" of Britain, and the demand for wool doubled.Landlords converted their farms into pastures, and concentrated small estates into large tracts by enclosing fields or encroaching on common land.As a result, a large number of self-cultivating farmers lost their land and went bankrupt, becoming homeless.The king enacted a series of bloody legislation from 1530, forcing vagabonds into employment with the new nobility and capitalists.Overseas plunder and trade are also important ways of primitive accumulation. After the 16th century, Britain successively organized many trading companies to carry out pirate plunder.Wharf officials, customs officers, naval officers and soldiers, and even senior local officials all collaborated with pirates.Pirate J. Hawkins trafficked blacks to get rich.Drake plundered the Spanish American colonies under the patronage of Elizabeth I, and made a voyage around the world that shocked Europe between 1577 and 1580. In 1588, Britain defeated the Spanish Armada and took the first step in seizing world ocean supremacy.Subsequently, from the 18s to the 60s, from the invention and use of new machines in the cotton textile sector to the emergence of machine manufacturing, the British Empire was the first to carry out and complete the Industrial Revolution in Europe, becoming the world's first industrial country And the "world factory", the strength was at its peak.The Industrial Revolution greatly promoted social productivity, and capitalist industry developed rapidly. At the same time, it caused major changes in the social structure, and society was increasingly split into two opposing classes, the industrial bourgeoisie and the proletariat.With the development of capitalist industry, the bourgeoisie gradually grew stronger.On the one hand, they were dissatisfied with the feudal autocracy under the Vienna system, and demanded more participation in the country's political life, and actively launched liberal reforms and revolutionary movements to fight for political rights.For example, in 19, when Britain carried out parliamentary reforms, the bourgeoisie gained more rights through peaceful means.On the other hand, in order to consolidate and strengthen its own political and economic status, the bourgeoisie strongly opposes the state's intervention in economic life, and requires further contact with feudal shackles to realize free competition, free operation and free trade. The publication of The Wealth of Nations in 40 marked a major shift in economic policy from traditional protectionism to "free competition".In order to meet the needs of industrial development and the bourgeoisie, colonies and semi-colonies were established to seize raw material production areas and expand commodity markets. In the middle of the 1832th century, it completely occupied India and Singapore; launched the two Opium Wars of aggression against China, ceded Hong Kong, and reduced China to a semi-colony; in Oceania, Australia and New Zealand were occupied; in Africa, British forces infiltrated Egypt; Latin America, intensify economic aggression against nascent countries.

There is such an original textbook here, Li Laiheng thought, why not make good use of it.He thought for a while, and said to Zhang Wenxiu: "We can talk about the election in the future. As for which of the two of us is more capable and who builds the elite better, there is no need to compete in the future. I think you can have A vast world to realize your aspirations, that is, I can let you build the world's largest fleet, this fleet is not only for trade, but also can conquer cities and establish many colonial countries. In the west, there is Great Britain and The United Kingdom of Northern Ireland, they have already started to act. We have to catch up quickly so that we can compete with them. In the future, we will definitely have a war with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The best candidate is you, are you willing to lead this lead? If so, three years later, I will give you a thousand big ships, 12 sailors, the ships are made of steel, and the soldiers use cannons and muskets. You can reach the world In every corner, you can defeat any navy, defeat any country, and occupy any country."

So tempting.

Zhang Wenxiu didn't understand.Li Laiheng is not surprised that someone as smart as him doesn't understand.He knows that in the future, there will be a lot of work to be done, and the construction of industry, technology, political power, and army will be very arduous work to be done.Even a new financial system is not that simple.

He needs a lot of talent.

Li Laiheng's current task is to build a country, he must let Zhang Wenxiu help him, not his stumbling block, so the bait he throws to Zhang Wenxiu is big enough.

"General Zhang, we all think that the original Ming Empire is big enough, and we think that Genghis Khan's Mongol Empire reached Europe. However, these are nothing in my eyes. My ideal is to establish a large number of times. The country has concentrated half of the world's wealth in our hands, and I must rely on you to complete this mission. You are outside, and I am inside. The two of us will unite and conquer the world is just around the corner."

Of course Zhang Wenxiu would not believe Li Laiheng's bragging, but there was one thing he believed in, that is, the two of them would be invincible.

Li Laiheng talked to him a lot about the future and a lot of knowledge about technology. He didn't talk about high-end technology, he only talked about textile machines, steam engines, trains, cannons, guns, and ships.

Zhang Wenxiu was fascinated.

Li Laiheng then talked about republic, capitalism, parliamentary system, and separation of powers.It also talked about the enclosure movement, foreign plunder, and colonies.Finally, he talked about finance, market and other knowledge.

Zhang Wenxiu was amazed and convinced.

He became Li Laiheng's diehard loyalist.

(End of this chapter)

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