
Chapter 216 Kill Without Amnesty

Chapter 216 Kill Without Amnesty
Diehard should have the appearance of diehard.Zhang Wenxiu persuaded Zhang Xianzhong.

Under Zhang Wenxiu's persuasion, Zhang Xianzhong agreed to Li Laiheng's plan.

Of course, Zhang Wenxiu did not tell Zhang Xianzhong that Li Laiheng was in Chengdu now. Once he knew that this person was in Chengdu, it would be hard to say that he would not kill Li Laiheng, especially his elder brother Zhang Kewang, who wanted to be Zhang Xianzhong's successor. Once he knew that Li Laiheng came to Chengdu alone, he had to dig three feet to dig him out.

Li Laiheng observed Zhang Wenxiu quietly for a few days, and knew that this person could be used well, but Li Laiheng also knew this person's ambition, and if he had the opportunity, he might compete with him for the prime ministership.

Soon, an agreement was reached, and Emperor Chongzhen issued an imperial decree to elect [-] Senate members nationwide, with the conditions, indicators, and methods clearly written.The notice said that Emperor Chongzhen would return to Beijing today to serve as the emperor of China. It turns out that the royal family will return to Beijing to meet the emperor as soon as possible from now on. One hundred senators will gather in Beijing one month later to form the first Senate of the Republic. There are important meeting agenda decisions.

Many people were moved to tears when they heard that Emperor Chongzhen was still alive. Although they didn’t know what senator meant, they speculated that it should be Hanlin, Yushi, etc. Let's work.However, judging from the conditions of appointment, they are not very similar. However, due to the small number of places, the people nominated by everyone are all celebrities and powerful people.However, some very powerful people do not agree to be elected, they disdain to be with 100 people.Therefore, Li Guo and others under Li Zicheng were not elected, but a group of second-class generals were pushed out.Mrs. Gao was named by Emperor Chongzhen. She became the first batch of senators and the first female senator.

Wu Sangui and Zhang Xianzhong did not run either.Dorgon and others also did not run for election.

The trouble is that the original royal family of the Ming Dynasty did not recognize that Chongzhen was still alive, and even if they did, they no longer recognized that Chongzhen was orthodox.They said that the orthodox emperor of the Ming Dynasty was themselves.

The sad thing is that there are many people who think they are orthodox in the Ming Dynasty, among them, there are eight or nine emperors, and there are five emperors who are influential and powerful.They are Zhu Yousong, Zhu Yujian, Zhu Yihai, Zhu Yukai, and Zhu Youlang.

After the Qing soldiers entered the Pass, the royal kings of the Ming Dynasty rose up one after another and established their own regimes with the support of local warlords under the slogan of anti-Qing and restoring the Ming Dynasty. The main ones were the following regimes.Hongguang Regime: Established on the third day of May in the 17th year of Chongzhen (1644).Ma Shiying, Shi Kefa and others were appointed by Mingfu King Zhu Yousong to supervise the country in Nanjing.May 16th is the emperor's throne, and the reign name is Hongguang.Zhu Yousong, the grandson of Ming Shenzong, the son of the old Fu Wang Zhu Changxun.At the beginning, he was granted the title of King Dechang, and later he was granted the title of Prince.In the 1643th year of Chongzhen (1645), he was granted the title of King Fu.At the beginning of the next year, the peasant army swept the north, and Zhu Yousong went into exile in Huai.Coincidentally, the remnants of the Ming Dynasty in Nanjing decided to choose a king to inherit the Datong, and then sent their troops northward.During this period, there was a dispute between King Yonglu (Zhu Changhao) and King Yongfu in Nanjing. In the end, the commander-in-chief of the four towns (Gao Jie, Huang Degong, Liu Zeqing, and Liu Liangzuo) elected Fuwang Zhu Yousong as emperor with the power of warlords, and Ma Shiying followed suit. , forcing Shi Kefa and other Donglin party officials to agree.The four towns, Ma Shiying, etc., supported the meritorious service, controlled the government, used the remnants of the eunuch party, corrupted the law by corrupting the law, and confronted Gao Hongtu and other Donglin remnants.In March of the first year of Hongguang in the Ming Dynasty (1645), Zuo Liangyu, Marquis of Southern Ning, said that he had followed the secret edict of the crown prince of Chongzhen, and entered into the court to punish the treacherous official Ma Shiying, who started in Wuchang and entered Nanjing on the side of the Qing emperor.On the night of the 27th day of the first lunar month, Xingping Bo Gaojie was lured and killed by Xu Dingguo, the Henan general who surrendered to the Qing army secretly, in the mansion of Yuan Keli in Suizhou, Henan.The Longwu regime was established on the seventh day of June in the first year of Hongguang (1632). Zhang Kentang, Governor of Fujian Province in the Ming Dynasty, Huang Daozhou, Minister of Rites, Zheng Zhilong, Bo of Nan'an, and Zheng Hongkui, Bo of Jinglu, etc., were enshrined in Fuzhou by King Zhu Yujian of the Tang Dynasty.He proclaimed himself emperor on June 1636, and changed Fuzhou to Tianxing Mansion, so the year was the first year of Longwu (the first year of Hongguang and the first year of Longwu were the same year).Zhu Yujian, the ninth grandson of Zhu Yuanzhang, and the grandson of Duan Wang Zhu Shuosin.In the fifth year of Chongzhen (1646), he succeeded the king of Tang Dynasty. In the ninth year (28), he was convicted of leading troops to leave Nanyang without authorization, and was released in Hongguang.In May of the second year of Shunzhi, he escaped chaos and passed through Hangzhou. The southern capital was dead, and Zheng Hongkui and others welcomed him into Fujian.At the beginning of Emperor Longwu's accession to the throne, he seemed to want to make a difference. He gathered his courtiers to protest against the Qing Dynasty.Less than half a month after he ascended the throne, he issued an edict to conscript himself, which had a great influence. At the same time, he appeased the refugees, contacted the anti-Qing rebels, and changed the original wrong policy of the Hongguang court to unite the captives and exterminate the thieves.As a result, rebels in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, and Jiangxi rose up in response to the call to resist the Qing Dynasty.However, Longwu was quite out of power, and his military and political power was in the hands of Zheng Zhilong, a local powerful faction. Even Longwu himself was held hostage by him, and was soon constrained by him.In July of the second year of Longwu (1645), the Qing army captured eastern Zhejiang and southern Zhejiang, and sent troops southward.Zheng Zhilong secretly negotiated with the Qing army to surrender, and withdrew the troops and returned them to Anping Town.The door of Fujian was wide open, and the Qing army drove straight in.Emperor Longwu fled to Tingzhou, and was chased and captured by the Qing army on August 28, and the Longwu regime perished.After that, Zheng Zhilong was killed by the Qing court because he was useless.King Lu regime.On June 17th, the first year of Longwu (1644), with the support of the anti-Qing rebels in Yuyao, Kuaiji, Yinxian and other places in Zhejiang Province and the old officials of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yihai, king of Ming Lu, supervised the country in Shaoxing.Zhu Yihai, the tenth grandson of Zhu Yuanzhang, the fifth son of King Zhu Shouyong of Lu.In February of the 1646th year of Chongzhen (1646), he succeeded to the throne.After the establishment of the King Lu regime, he controlled Shaoxing, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Taizhou and other places in eastern Zhejiang.However, his regime was corrupt, and he was keen to compete with the Longwu Dynasty for the imperial rule, so he was in the same situation.Shao Wu regime.On the second day of November in the second year of Longwu ([-]), Su Guansheng, a scholar of the University, and He Wuzu, a minister of Longwu, were equal to Guangzhou to support Zhu Yujian's younger brother Zhu Yunai as emperor and change Yuan Shaowu.Emperor Yongli.On November [-]th in the second year of Longwu ([-]), Ding Kuichu, governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and Qu Shixu, governor of Guangxi, supported Gui Wang Zhu Youlang and proclaimed himself emperor in Zhaoqing, and the following year was the first year of Yongli.

So many people are dreaming of the emperor's dream.Emperor Chongzhen was so angry that smoke came out of his seven orifices.

"Kill without mercy!"

Emperor Chongzhen was really angry.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Yongli, oh no, Zhu Youlang, I'll kill him." Wu Sangui volunteered.

A war is inevitable after all, and a bloodless revolution is really difficult.

Li Laiheng smiled when he heard the news, he had already made arrangements, the one who should be killed, the one who should be caressed, Yongli, died at the hands of Wu Sangui, let history repeat itself.

(End of this chapter)

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