
Chapter 217 Prosperity

Chapter 217 Prosperity
The struggle for the throne within the royal family seems complicated, but the solution is not too difficult. They themselves do not have much strength, and their strength comes from the old officials of the Ming Dynasty.They are He Tengjiao from Huguang, Sun Kewang from Guizhou, Li Dingguo from Yunnan, Gao Jie from Xuzhou, Huang Degong from Luzhou, Liu Liangzuo from Wuchang, Liu Cean from Huaian, Zheng Chenggong from Fujian, Zhang Huangyan from Jiangsu and others.If this group of people is dealt with, the emperor they support will lose their strength, and they will definitely bow their heads and proclaim themselves ministers at that time.

Emperor Chongzhen ordered Wu Sangui to attack Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong and Guangxi, and Li Zicheng's troops stopped the fight, and Li Laiheng sent troops to attack the rest of the emperor's territory established by the Ming Dynasty.

On the [-]th, Chongzhen was escorted to Beijing by Zhang Xianzhong's department, and Li Laiheng's department was on guard along the way.Passing through the places occupied by Li Laiheng, the journey was safe and sound, and the counties and counties they passed were a prosperous scene, a hundred times better than when Chongzhen ruled.Chongzhen secretly wondered why I worked so hard to improve the governance, but it was either a flood here or a drought there, a military disaster or a natural disaster?And after Li Laiheng ruled, how could the people live and work in peace and contentment and the market so prosperous?He secretly admired Li Laiheng's talent in governing the country.

Chongzhen was ashamed.

When I came to Taiyuan, Shanxi, not far from Beijing, the governor of Shanxi was summoned by Chongzhen.

"You were also a governor in the past, why you couldn't manage a place well in the past, but now it is a bustling scene?" Chongzhen asked the governor Zhu Qing, dismissing everyone.

"Back to the emperor, let me tell you the truth. Li Laiheng and Li Yan are both men of great wisdom. Their way of governing the country is completely different from ours in the past. Light corvee and poor taxation are second. The land is owned by oneself, increasing land does not increase taxes, farmers have no handymen, concentrate on farming, handicrafts are self-sufficient, there is no complicated tax, encourage investment in factories, encourage mining, focus on commerce, focus on material circulation, repair roads, repair water conservancy, Especially the establishment of schools and the development of science and technology. The common people have a lot of money, and they are all focused on developing production, so now the thieves are extinct, and the doors are not closed at night. It is a rare scene of prosperity. Oh, the emperor, we are too busy now, how can we compare it? In the past, sitting in the lobby to review cases and review official documents? Now we are inspecting, researching and formulating local economic development plans every day, and we are very busy." The governor of Shanxi said.

Chongzhen was surprised.He wanted to back down.He thought, only people like Li Laiheng can govern this country, so what use is there for him?When you come to Beijing, isn’t that a bodhisattva for people to look up to and worship?However, he quickly remembered what Li Laiheng said to him. He was originally a symbol, and the country must have a symbolic figure.This is also for the country.

Thinking of this, Chongzhen calmed down.

Who doesn't miss life in the Forbidden City?The grand palace alone is enough to make people yearn for it.Besides, regardless of political affairs, it is up to you to be the prime minister, and I will be my emperor.In addition, Li Laiheng said that the royal family has royal property and can operate its own property, and the state also has a special fund for the royal family's expenses.Ha ha, this is also a very comfortable life.

When he came to Beijing, he entered the Forbidden City on the same day.

However, something is different. Only part of the Forbidden City is used by the royal family, another part is said to be opened up as a museum, and part is used as the office of the prime minister and various departments.However, Chongzhen observed a general idea. Since the royal family has streamlined a lot of personnel, there is no such a huge harem as in the past, there are very few court ladies and eunuchs, and the number of concubines and queens has also been greatly reduced. Therefore, a piece of houses in the east of the Forbidden City is enough. used.

On the [-]th, Emperor Chongzhen had handled his internal affairs, his palace was in order, and he could start working. At this time, congratulatory forms came from all over the country.

Li Laiheng works in the Wuying Hall, and Li Yan works in the Wenhua Hall.Li Laiheng is in charge of the military and the division and disintegration of various forces. In addition, he has to consider the overall concept of the future country.Li Yan is responsible for the formation of the national bureaucracy, especially the distribution of land and the restoration of production. He still has a lot of work to do.

After three months of work, most of the power in the country had succumbed. Emperor Yongli was chased by Wu Sangui to Burma and strangled to death with a bowstring. His power finally collapsed.

When the news spread to Jiangsu, Emperor Hongguang did not wake up, but stepped up his preparations for the war. Li Laiheng felt that it would be impossible to use no troops for the forces of Nanming, so he said to Li Guo, "Father, you lead [-] troops. How about killing Nanming?"

When Li Guo heard this, he was very happy to ask him to lead the army to fight, but why did he only give him 50?Can [-] beat Nanming's [-]?So, he looked at his son unhappily and asked, why only fifty thousand?
Li Laiheng said, didn't you only lead [-] troops when you were the most?Too much, can you command it?
This sentence hurt Li Guo's heart.He is known as a tiger under Li Zicheng's subordinates. Among the generals, he is responsible for most of the fierce and bitter battles. Now Li Laiheng actually despises him, saying that he can't bear to lead too many troops.Of course he couldn't stand it.

However, he did only lead [-] troops at most, because he was always used as a forward, as a general, and he had never done it for the actual command of a battle.

Shameful, sad.

Li Guo has fought wars for most of his life, but now that he thinks about it, he is just a general.He thought of Hao Yaoqi. Hao Yaoqi now has 36 troops, and Li Yan's direct descendants have as many as 22. Even Gu Ying and Gu Kecheng each have [-] soldiers, let alone the younger generation. Hu and Li Si, they are considered their own grandchildren, and now these two teenagers each have [-] elite cavalry.

Thinking of this, Li Guo turned from anger to anger, and from anger to discouragement.

"Can I really only lead [-] soldiers?" Li Guo asked.

"Father, [-] elite soldiers are enough. I will choose [-] elite soldiers from my own battalion to give you, and let Wang Hu and Li Si cooperate with you. It is more than enough to capture Nanjing. By the way, you have cleaned up the east. That Zheng Chenggong occupied Looking at Taiwan, if he refuses to surrender and wants to be king independently, then kill him. Anyway, Taiwan has to be recovered. In the future, we have too many places to conquer. Ryukyu and Japan are the places where we build villas. As for those places in the Philippines , as well as Vietnam and other places, all of them are our homeland, not our vassal state. This time, you conquered the east, which is your first time to lead the army independently. After training, you will be able to be the commander of one side in the future. "

Li Laiheng asked Li Guo to exercise.Li Guoqi's Qiqiao was smoking.

However, he knew that Li Laiheng was right.Leading troops in battle is not just about killing and slashing on the battlefield, nor is it just about the use of tactics. In these, Li Guo is no worse than others, he is a famous general.However, there are wars, mobilization, logistics, and a whole system of work to be done, and Li Guo didn't need to think about these in the past.In the past, he only had to consider the partial, short-term, and immediate battle, but now it was different. He led the army to march south, and it was the overall situation and the whole process.

In the end, Li Guo angrily and excitedly agreed to the task assigned to him by Li Laiheng.

(End of this chapter)

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