
Chapter 218

Chapter 218

Li Guo is determined to win this time when he goes south. He has fought all his life and been a general all his life. His son actually said that he is only worthy of leading an army of [-]. Can he accept this tone?

The good news from the south soon spread to Beijing, and within a month, Li Guo was invincible as soon as the forward arrived, triumphant all the way, and Nanjing soon surrendered.

Zheng Chenggong from Fujian went to Taiwan, and Li Laiheng sent someone there to let him serve as governor there, and Zheng Chenggong wisely agreed.

So far, the country is united.

The long-awaited Senate is formed.One hundred senators held their first meeting in Beijing. They first accepted Li Laiheng's "brainwashing" to learn and understand the responsibilities formulated by Li Laiheng, especially a provisional constitution. They had to understand it well.

It is not as easy as imagined for a hundred feudal elders to accept the knowledge and ideas hundreds of years later. With the word "democracy", they feel that the world is falling apart.That's okay?If you don't listen to the king's words, if you don't have seniority and inferiority, what will the world be like?
In their minds, "the monarch, the minister, the father, the son, the son", Confucius has taught them for 2000 years, how can they change their minds full of slave thinking now?The Chinese are accustomed to being slaves, and they are too timid to ask him to be a master for a while, afraid of death and revenge.Therefore, when Li Laiheng talked about this issue, he found that there are really many stupid people.What he didn't expect was that even Zhang Xianzhong, who was the least willing to be a slave in the past, as well as Zhang Xianzhong's subordinates and Li Zicheng's subordinates were unwilling to accept the word "democracy".

However, Li Laiheng still endured 120 troubles and talked about the foundation of the future national system.The future state system will be democracy. Let us all elect a wise man to be the head of the country. There will be no hereditary inheritance. The people will always decide the destiny of the country.

After ten days, some people slowly became enlightened.After another ten days, most of the people were enlightened, and after another ten days, everyone discussed, haven't we returned to the age of Yao and Shun?

It did not return to the Yao and Shun era, but progressed to the nineteenth century in the West.It is easy for human thinking to go back in time, but it is too difficult to go forward hundreds of years.

However, in any case, Li Laiheng finally educated these one hundred senators, and they became democrats with advanced consciousness.

It's election time.

There are many people who hope to be elected as the prime minister, but there are very few people who think that there is a glimmer of hope.There are very few candidates to choose, and the most ambitious person is naturally Zhang Xianzhong.It can't be his fault, he has three or four reasons for his ambition.One is that he has made great contributions in supporting Chongzhen. Without him, Emperor Chongzhen would not have been re-elected. Therefore, in terms of merit, Zhang Xianzhong believes that he has contributed the most in the new dynasty. Therefore, he should be the prime minister of the new dynasty. .The second is that he can be Li Laiheng's grandfather in terms of seniority. He is a brother and brother with Li Zicheng. Therefore, according to Chinese cultural traditions, this basic seniority issue is observed. Li Laiheng is a junior who has not reached his thirties. , he definitely can't.Third, in terms of strength, Zhang Xianzhong's strength is second only to Li Laiheng among several forces. Even if he fights fiercely, Zhang Xianzhong is still powerful.Fifth, that is, he ranks first in the Senate and is the largest party. According to Li Laiheng, the majority has the right to form a cabinet.So, Zhang Xianzhong is busy these days, he has to do some people's work.The second ambitious person is Zhu Yousong, who is the grandson of Shenzong and the son of the old Fu Wang Zhu Changxun.He thought he was an authentic descendant of the Zhu family, and he had been the emperor for a period of time, and he was a close relative of Emperor Chongzhen. If he didn't become the prime minister, who would?Fighting a tiger requires brothers, of course the Zhu family will control the world of the Zhu family.Besides, Nanming's strength is very strong. They were not defeated when Li Guo's soldiers approached the city, but surrendered voluntarily, and their strength is still there. Therefore, he did a lot of work for the old officials of the Ming Dynasty.

After days of gestation, the candidate came out.

Li Laiheng, Zhang Xianzhong, Zhu Yousong.

All three candidates must engage in public debate.

The first one to speak was Zhang Xianzhong, who was determined to win. He had a big and rough image, and as soon as he stood on the speaking platform, his prototype was revealed.He has three guidelines for governing the country, one is to accept advice, to follow advice like Li Shimin, not to act arbitrarily, and not to engage in dictatorship.The second is to strengthen the country, develop agricultural production, stabilize prices, and reduce taxes.The third is to strengthen the army, destroy the surrounding small countries, and establish a unified Great Chinese Empire.He was spitting and babbling, and after an hour, he finally ran out of words.What he said were all written words, most of which were ancient and well-written, and he had a large group of literati who polished his article for many days.

Within an hour, everyone was still a little interested in the first half, but after listening to him repeating nonsense, everyone fell asleep.However, Zhang Xianzhong was not discouraged, he knew it.On the stage and off stage, he has some money and some promises, but he doesn't believe that he can lose to others in the largest party.

Then came the second person to speak on stage, Zhu Yousong.He relied on that he was a relative of the emperor, the emperor of Nanming, and he had 50 troops left, so his speech was justified and powerful.His goal is the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and his role model is also Li Shiming. Of course, Zhu Yuanzhang is also the object of his worship, and the prosperity of the Yongle period of Chengzu Zhu Di is the beauty he described to the senators.His speech also took an hour, and his manuscript is also a good article.Unfortunately, behind the gorgeous words, there is no practical meaning.Even Emperor Chongzhen felt that the level of what he said was limited, at most it was the level of the inauguration speech that his courtiers read to him when he took office.After Zhu Yousong finished his speech, when he saw the audience, his heart sank, and most of the senators fell asleep.He regretted it, regretted that the second person spoke, and now he is very tired, and no one will listen to him when he is tired.

The third speaker was Li Laiheng.

As soon as he came up, people's eyes lit up.Because his confident demeanor surprised everyone, a man in his twenties was calm and composed, and said, "If I am lucky enough to be the prime minister, the first thing is to strictly perform my duties and assume responsibilities in accordance with our constitution." Then , He announced the top ten nation-building strategies, and then explained the ten nation-building strategies, and even described the steps clearly.In particular, he said that since ancient times, there has been a saying that being an official makes a fortune. This dynasty resolutely breaks this rule, but encourages everyone to do business and industry, and let the people develop the economy.For this, many people were tempted.I thought to myself, I can get rich without being an official, what a good way of the world.

"Is there any money to make?"

When someone asked this question, Li Laiheng said loudly: "This dynasty is for everyone to make a fortune. We make a fortune not only at home, but also abroad. We plan to build a thousand giant merchant ships and build a thousand Steel warships, the whole world has become a dumping ground for our commodities. Whatever you manufacture, let people in the world buy. We want to manufacture the best products in the world, and manufacture the most products, and use foreign gold, foreign Diamonds, spices and other treasures. Anyway, if I become the chief, people all over the country will become rich. Of course, there will be big rich, middle rich, and small rich.” His description of the beauty is simple and extremely Tempting, so not only did he not sleep, but he was not interrupted by questions.

(End of this chapter)

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