
Chapter 223 New Technology

Chapter 223 New Technology
The fiasco of the Cossack cavalry greatly shook King Rosa's confidence. He thought of Genghis Khan and his descendants. He knew that the Eastern Empire was moving westward again, and an unchangeable fate was waiting for them.

The Rosa Empire has surrendered, and they are willing to take Emperor Chongzhen as the head of state, be controlled by the Chinese Empire, and be loyal to the Great Chinese Empire forever.

The problem in the north was resolved, and the Manchu aristocrats headed by Dorgon became the governor of the Rosa country east of Moscow, and Dorgon became the first person to be appointed governor. But military and diplomatic, as well as the constitution, they have to obey the central government completely.

After the victory in the north, Dorgon requested to go further west and occupy the European area.

For this suggestion, Li Laiheng told Laiheng without even thinking about it, no, too greedy will not end well, and the size of our empire can be controlled within a certain range, it is difficult to manage if it is too big, what we want is not only Land, but more importantly, resources and markets.

"How about going to the Middle East?" Li Laiheng thought.The oil resources in the Middle East are the most abundant. Although this thing cannot be officially used now, oil will be the most important resource in the future.

However, Li Laiheng thought for a long time, and he rejected this idea.

"Go east, kill Little Japan." Li Laiheng raised his head, looked at Li Yan and the others and said.Japanese pirates have been doing harm to China for many years. After World War II, including the Sino-Japanese War before World War II, China suffered a lot.How good it is to kill this little Japan now!
"Fight Japan?" Everyone remembered the historical fact that the Mongolian army crossed the sea to fight Japan and was defeated by a typhoon, and they were terrified.How did they know that Li Laiheng knew much more about this than people did back then, and he could roughly predict when there would be a typhoon.Of course, the reason why Li Laiheng wanted to fight Japan was that he now had strong ships and guns, a navy that could compete with the British Empire.

Recently, the construction of sea-going ships has made great progress. The world's largest warship has been built. It is a hybrid sailboat and steam-powered ship. The cannons on the ship exceed the manufacturing level of the red-clothed cannons at that time, and their power is much greater.

However, it will take a long time to build a sufficient number of fleets.At present, Zhang Wenxiu has about 1 new warships in his hands, and the maximum number of troops he can carry is about [-]. In addition, a large amount of logistics materials are needed for the expedition, so the Eastern Expedition is still relatively reluctant.

After thinking for a long time, Li Laiheng decided to use the power of the whole country to vigorously develop the navy, and strive to develop a super navy in three years.

After this decision was made, the shipyards in Tianjin, Shanghai and other places started production at full capacity. However, this shipbuilding is not as good as building other things. There is no rush. The annual output of each shipyard is more than ten ships. A navy with a thousand warships would take at least ten years.

At this time, a Persian from Quanzhou came to see him, and he said to Li Laiheng, give me half of the order, and I can complete the delivery within three years.Although this man is from a barbarian, he is already a second-generation immigrant with countless wealth and a well-known businessman in the south of the Yangtze River.Ten years ago, he opened a shipyard and built merchant ships. Now that steam-powered ships have come out, his engineers are very interested. They feel that the future development trend must be that power ships rule the world, so they decided to enter the army Fang, cooperate with the military, and undertake military business.With their production capacity, it is no problem to build [-] large sea-going ships every year, and their funds are abundant, so expanding production is not a problem.

Li Laiheng thought, yes, why not let private enterprises join?In the future, we will not only develop private enterprises, but also joint-stock enterprises. In the future, we will not rely on state-owned enterprises, but multinational joint-stock enterprises.

The boss from Quanzhou got his wish. He got an order for [-] naval warships.Of course, he also has a request. Within three years, he must make a breakthrough in the scientific research of sea ships, and build a [-]-ton warship and a [-]-ton merchant ship.

The Quanzhou boss who got back such a big contract returned to Quanzhou happily. He immediately held a meeting. Soon, they made a decision to annex some small enterprises and form a shipbuilding group company, named Jiangnan Shipyard.

The posture of Jiangnan Shipyard is really scary. This Persian Hu is indeed an industrial material. The scale of his factory is really huge. He can manufacture [-] ships at the same time and start work at the same time. There are a lot of companies that provide supporting services for their factory.Near the Jiangnan Shipyard, an industrial chain has formed.

Hanyang, the place guarded by Yuan Zongdi, Li Laiheng entrusted Yuan Zong with the first task. He became the chairman of the Hanyang Arsenal and rushed to manufacture a large number of weapons.

Manufacturing weapons is an urgent task now. A large number of rifles are needed to fight in the jungle in the south. Ergu is planning to conquer Annan and other countries in the south. Their purpose is to reach the northern shore of the Strait of Malacca. This is an important shipping route. Of course, the Great China Empire should have this area.

It is not an easy task for Gu Ying and Gu Kecheng to lead an army of 30 to conquer Annan and other countries. There are many mountains and rivers, large tracts of primitive jungle are difficult to conquer, and there are many indigenous peoples. Therefore, Yuan Zongdi must give them enough weapons and ammunition.

Li Laiheng also gave Yuan Zong the first task, which was to research new weapons.As for guns, Li Laiheng knew that even rifles still had a lot of room for improvement, not to mention that they would be required to manufacture advanced weapons such as machine guns in the future.

A few months later, to Li Laiheng's surprise, he underestimated the abilities of the ancients.He once thought that in that era, some of the most basic technologies could be made by craftsmen, but after a period of observation, it was unexpected that there were many skilled craftsmen in every era, and there were many genius-like characters. A touch of flick can unleash unlimited creativity.

Telegram is here!
This is a great invention.In the future, information from various places can be obtained very quickly, and instructions to various places do not need to be rushed, and this can be done in an instant.Lao Jiu is very interested in this thing, and his intelligence personnel can use intelligence from all over the world at any time.

Lao Jiu's intelligence personnel appeared in many parts of the world as businessmen. They carried telegraphs. No one knew what they were for. This thing is really good.

(End of this chapter)

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