
Chapter 224 Nanjing Nanjing

Chapter 224 Nanjing Nanjing
Time flies, and Li Laiheng, who is busy all day, calculates, ha, it has been almost two years since he became the prime minister, and the originally agreed interim prime minister has expired, and now it is time to elect the official prime minister.

In the past two years, under the instigation of Li Laiheng, several parties have been organized, and some parties have also been mobilized to find fault with the ruling party.Interestingly, at first, when Li Laiheng organized a "National Congress Party", everyone swarmed to be members of this party. They said that Li Laiheng would do whatever party they wanted. Li Laiheng persuaded that there is no opposition party. Let’s organize several parties. It’s not enough to have only one party in a country. If no one supervises and no one raises some objections, the society will not be able to progress, and the legal system will not be able to improve.In the end, after repeated persuasion by Li Laiheng, finally a few literati established an organization called the "Social Democratic Party".

The election was held between the National Congress Party and the Social Democratic Party. Of course, there was no suspense about the result of this election. The National Congress Party won, and Li Laiheng officially became the Prime Minister for a five-year term.

You can do a lot in two years.

Agriculture and water conservancy facilities have been significantly improved, so flood and drought disasters will be significantly reduced in the third year.Thanks to the knowledge of alternate planting of grain crops and the introduction of some fine varieties, the grain harvest was bumper.The problem of eating has been basically solved.Cotton production has been promoted on a large scale, so the production of raw cloth has increased a lot.The production of raw cloth is only a transitional period. The loom powered by water and steam has been invented, and the production of cloth will soon increase by leaps and bounds.The innovation of building materials is a very simple matter, because cement does not require very complicated processes, and soon some people invented cement in the true sense, and red bricks and cement were used in large areas of house construction.Due to the application of bearing technology in vehicles, the quality of carriages has been greatly improved, and the capacity and speed of transport have achieved a qualitative leap.Therefore, people have experienced an unprecedented improvement in the quality of basic necessities of life.

Industrial development is a revolutionary progress.At this time, as far as innovative projects are concerned, they have already far exceeded the European level, but some are still in the stage of groping for quality, and large steam engines cannot support the level of a [-]-ton ship.The train is still being designed and tested.

Military industrial enterprises have already undisputedly led the countries in the world.

Now is the time to strike.

The [-] large ships were divided into two fleets. One was led by Zhang Wenxiu and headed south. His mission was to recover the countries along the South China Sea. The Philippines and other countries would become the mainland of the Great Chinese Empire; Conquer Japan to the east, recover the culprits who later launched World War II, and make them a province of China.

The two navies set off, and their purpose was to turn all the areas called the first island chain into the courtyard wall of the Great Chinese Empire.

At this time, Gu Ying and Gu Kecheng had recovered Annan and other countries. They built many strong forts on the back of the Strait of Malacca, which undoubtedly had great military value in dealing with pirates and enemies threatening shipping in the strait.In the future, after Zhang Wenxiu's navy arrives, the Straits of Malacca will be under the actual jurisdiction of the Great Chinese Empire.

Whether to expand again, Li Laiheng and others permeated their brains.According to the strength, it is enough to conquer the whole of Europe now. However, it will be very difficult to effectively manage the problem if the territory expands thousands of miles away. Coupled with the cultural differences of various countries, Li Laiheng finally called a meeting of the Senate and the House of Representatives and gave up this attempt. .Just turn the Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea into the inland seas of the Great Chinese Empire.For Africa and Europe, as well as the American countries in the future, it is enough to become the market of the Great Chinese Empire in the future.

After the general policy is decided, the country's construction has a clearer goal and direction. Li Laiheng feels that this time travel is really not wasted.

On this day, I received a telegram saying that Wang Hu was in trouble in Japan. These Japanese pirates were so damn vicious. After they were defeated by Wang Hu, they suddenly turned into soldiers and kept harassing Wang Hu's residence.

Wang Hu called to ask for instructions on what to do next.

Li Laiheng pondered.

"Nanjing! Nanjing!" These words came to Li Laiheng's mind.This Japan killed tens of millions of our people in China in the 30th century, and one of them slaughtered [-] of our people in Nanjing. The crimes committed are immeasurable. What's even worse is that they later interpreted the forgiveness of the Chinese people as Weak, has never really apologized for this, and deliberately denied such a history.


Blood debt blood taste.The debts owed by the descendants come to the ancestors to repay.

"Order, shoot and kill rebels, give preferential treatment to defectors." Li Laiheng gave Wang Hu back instructions.

(End of this chapter)

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