
Chapter 225 Tokyo

Chapter 225 Tokyo
Wang Hu was constantly harassed by the Japanese in Dongying. This group of people hid in the mountains and caves during the day and came out to harass them at night. They used a kind of soil bomb to blow up iron filings and stones and flew around. Wang Hu's troops suffered heavy losses. .In particular, there is a kind of people called ninjas. They hide in the homes of ordinary people in the form of small teams, dress up as women and old men, and suddenly detonate earth bombs unexpectedly, causing casualties to the guards.

Wang Hu was very annoyed, he wished for a bloodbath.However, when he saw Li Laiheng's call, he became puzzled again.I thought to myself, how could Li Laiheng hate this Japanese pirate so deeply?Of course, Wang Hu didn't know what was going to happen in the future.

In Li Laiheng's call, he clearly stated that he could kill all the Dongying people.

Wang Hu thought, well, killing is the duty of a general, and being a soldier is killing people. Now that the supreme leader has spoken, let's kill. If you get addicted to killing, there will be a massacre in Tokyo.
When Wang Hu gave an order, the hundreds of thousands of troops suddenly boiled, and the anger they had held back for too long finally vented out, and soon, blood flowed like a river.

Wang Hu's elite beast-like violence finally conquered the Bushido-spirited Japanese. They sent old men to demand peace and were willing to be the people of Greater China from generation to generation.

Li Laiheng waited in Beijing for the news of Dongying. Within a month, Dongying was pacified and there was no more war. Wang Hu began to focus on administrative affairs. However, the most lacking thing in ruling a foreign country is the lack of talents.Wang Hu was reluctant to let his army specialize on the spot, and the soldiers also disagreed, they didn't want to stay in this island country.

Training cadres is not an easy task, and Wang Hu himself is still young, so this problem has made him very troubled.He sent a report to ask Li Yan for instructions, and Li Yan also had a headache. How could so many cadres go to Dongying?
Li Laiheng smiled and said, isn't that just going to Japan to be a cadre?It's easy, the old man is the most suitable for this job, so send some people who can eat, drink, cheat and extort there?
However, to Li Laiheng's surprise, people who can eat, drink, cheat and blackmail all over the country are unwilling to become officials in Dongying.

There are even officials who are unwilling to do it?This was really beyond Li Laiheng's expectation.

Is the county magistrate unwilling to go?Not necessarily, some people are still willing to go. I heard that the women in Dongying are very docile, and some of those old and young women still sign up.

You can go just by signing up, no written test and interview is required, the pie in the sky is like hail, and most people are desperately avoiding it.Li Laiheng was almost out of breath. He looked at the roster. A month had passed, and there were only a handful of people who were willing to go. Li Laiheng really wanted to educate them about the officialdom in the 21st century.When Li Laiheng was still Li Xiang, how many people had he seen racking their brains for an official position!How many people have worked so hard for decades to become civil servants!Not necessarily so.However, the ancients are the ancients, uncivilized, always guarding their own one-third of an acre of land, and being self-sufficient is content.

Well, Li Laiheng thought, since you don’t want to go, it’s okay if all these cunning people stay in Japan. By then, their descendants will bring disaster to the Great Chinese Empire, so if they don’t go, they won’t go , he suddenly had a new idea.

He was planning to immigrate to Japan. Anyone with genetic diseases, short stature, mental retardation, or bad intentions would be mobilized to move to Dongpu, where they would prosper and pass on their families.In the future, if there are any territorial disputes, it will be the descendants of the nation, and it will not matter much.

Li Laiheng's idea Li Yan thinks it is feasible, Li Yan issued a circular to recruit people with physical disabilities and low intelligence to go to Japan, but even this group of people is really not easy to recruit, and they are not willing to go.

In the end, Li Yan said that people who go there are subsidized by silver taels and can also be officials. It doesn't matter, as long as you are cruel to the Japanese.After such a mobilization, those who were worried about the difficulty of life in life were tempted. With such a beautiful thing, they will have no worries about food and clothing for a lifetime, and they will be able to work in an official position, and their wives can ask for a few, and gradually people will sign up.

(End of this chapter)

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