
Chapter 226 America

Chapter 226 America
Li Yan's immigration plan was implemented in this way, and 10 people were transported to Dongying, which took a lot of Li Yan's energy.

After Li Laiheng finished the big event in Dongying, he suddenly thought of the future World War II, thinking, if history repeats itself, wouldn't it be our own people beating our own people?

Li Laiheng's heart tightened.

Why not?Could this be the reason why so many traitors appeared when the Japanese invaded China?Therefore, Li Laiheng called Li Yan and asked, how many people have been recruited to go to Dongying?Li Yan said, about [-].Li Laiheng said, this group of people will hold grudges in the future, and instead attack their own motherland, what should we do?Li Yan said, they called back?Impossible, they are all born with defects, how can they have the ability to fight back to the motherland?Li Laiheng said that he was only afraid that their physical defects would cause psychological defects.Mentally flawed people are cruel.Li Yan didn't take it seriously, so what about being cruel?Pack them up.

Li Laiheng didn't go too far into the matter, because Zhang Wenxiu's ocean-going navy had already arrived in America, and sent a telegram saying that they had landed in South America. There were many Indians and many whites here, and these whites were not native residents. , they are from Europe.Of course Li Laiheng knew about this.Zhang Wenxiu said in the telegram that these whites are very powerful in combat, especially their muskets are very powerful, and asked Li Laiheng if it is possible to capture this land.Li Laiheng thought about this question for a long time, because this question is really worth studying.

hit!Finally, Li Laiheng sent a telegram to Zhang Wenxiu.

It is better to colonize in the Americas than where the Europeans colonized. In case something happens to the Chinese Empire in the future, there will still be us Chinese there.

Zhang Wenxiu's ability is outstanding. He first established a bridgehead in South America and established himself first.Zhang Wenxiu's elite troops have always been with him. Now they are all new-style rifles with very powerful firepower.

Zhang Wenxiu's navy has 15 people, but obviously not enough troops for a large-scale war.

The situation now is that a large part of the Americas is occupied by Europeans, who are brutally suppressing the indigenous peoples.There have been over [-] soldiers and civilians who have landed in the British Empire, and people from many countries have also landed on this undeveloped land.The number of gold diggers, settlers, and traders is gradually increasing. They are trying to form a national group, but what they lack is labor. They are looking for labor everywhere in the world. On land, they didn't expect that once they got here they became slaves.It was the first time Zhang Wenxiu saw a black man. The black man was extremely powerful, which surprised Zhang Wenxiu.He thought that if they were allowed to join the army, they would definitely have extraordinary fighting power.

Zhang Wenxiu began to search for black people, and the method he adopted was to arrest them.He used his elites to attack castles and farms in separate attacks. He killed whites and arrested blacks when he encountered them. His purpose was to rob blacks, make them soldiers of the army, and train them to fight.Before long, Zhang Wenxiu had a black regiment, all blacks, called the "Black Liberation Army", which was responsible for liberating blacks in America.

The Black Liberation Army is very appealing and well-known. Because of their clear goals and their invincibility, all the black people are looking forward to it, waiting for their Liberation Army to liberate them.

In addition, there is a group of Indians in the Americas, who are fierce and fierce, and they have been fighting against the whites.Zhang Wenxiu is ready to conquer this group of people and make them her strong supporters.In addition to the Black Liberation Army, Zhang Wenxiu established the Indian Army, and they also became a vital force against the whites.

Zhang Wenxiu told Li Laiheng about the situation. Li Laiheng's telegram mentioned that people of color should be united, slaves should be liberated, and the country should be established.Li Laiheng has a clear mind. He wants to formally establish a country in the Americas before the United States and build a beautiful country.This is Li Laiheng's order to Zhang Wenxiu.

Li Laiheng's telegram is as follows: "The main enemy of your department is the white people. Therefore, you should fully unite the colored people. After gaining a firm foothold, establish a political power as soon as possible, and build a beautiful country based on the system of the Great Chinese Empire. President Zhang Wenxiu The commander will also serve as the governor of the new country, with the Emperor of the Great Chinese Empire as the head of state, and he will obey the orders of the Prime Minister of the Great Chinese Empire."

Zhang Wenxiu shortened "building a beautiful country" into two words, "America", and he plans to build an "America".

Zhang Wenxiu's work was very effective. Half a year later, he occupied the general area of ​​America, and formed an alliance with a team led by a man named Joseph, and established a political power in a place called Los Angeles in South America. The country was called the United States, and Zhang Wenxiu became the first One Governor.

Seeing that Zhang Wenxiu established the United States, Li Laiheng smiled bitterly. He thought, this world is so strange, and history is really not easy to rewrite. In the dark, it seems that many things are predestined, and what should happen will happen after all.Li Laiheng was the first to establish a country in the Americas, built it over and over again, and finally built the United States.

He can't change this fact. There will be a strong America in the future, and this history cannot be changed. Fortunately, the founder is not Washington, but Zhang Wenxiu, a Chinese, that's enough.

As the United States established by Zhang Wenxiu became stronger, the white Americans were panicked, and they organized troops to attack.This is exactly what Zhang Wenxiu wanted. When the whites come to attack, Zhang Wenxiu can wait for work at ease and use defense as an offense. This can consume a large amount of the whites' vital strength, thus reducing the consumption of his troops.

After another year, the United States established by Zhang Wenxiu has gradually become stronger, and he no longer worries about untenable issues. He began to prepare for territorial expansion again. Li Laiheng called to stop the unlimited expansion. He already felt that the territory was too large. Big problem to manage.Therefore, Zhang Wenxiu stopped large-scale plundering wars and turned to stabilizing domestic order and developing production.

(End of this chapter)

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