
Chapter 240

Chapter 240
Lao Jiu went to Luocha Kingdom, his purpose was to instigate the rebellion against Su Qin, now the only army Li Laiheng can rely on is Ergu and Wang Hu in Japan, one of them is overseas, the other is in the far south, and they have a great influence on the Central Plains limited.When Wang Hu traveled westward to return to his country, landing was a big problem.However, Gu Ying and his troops returned to the north, with high mountains and dangerous roads, and many passes. It can be said that it was extremely difficult to fight all the way back to the Central Plains.

And the most beneficial force to attack Beijing is to send troops from the direction of Luocha Kingdom, so it is very meaningful for Lao Jiu to instigate a rebellion against the hundreds of thousands of troops controlled by Li Yan.

After the old nine secretly infiltrated the Raksha Kingdom, Li Laiheng was also actively mobilizing the former Li Zicheng's team, but he couldn't go there in his own name, so it was very difficult.So far, they have no definite information about Li Laiheng's life and death. Even Li Guo only knew that Li Laiheng was seriously injured. From that day on, he lost contact with Li Laiheng and never received any information from Li Laiheng again.Li Yan cleverly used rhetoric to deceive most of the generals, so Li Zicheng's generals were still under Li Yan's control.Due to historical reasons, their military strength is insufficient, and the total is only 10,000+ (except for the generals in Hao Yaoqi's hands). Yuan Chongdi worked in the military industry, and Gao Yigong switched to water conservancy and engineering construction , and He Tengjiao got into a hot relationship, and only Li Guo and Liu Fangliang controlled the military power. Therefore, this power became very thin, which was something Li Laiheng regretted.

However, these 10,000+ troops are very important, they will be directly controlled by Li Laiheng at that time, and the heavy troops near the Central Plains can be used as a fist for Li Laiheng to attack.

How can Li Guo and Liu Fangliang know the current situation and prepare quietly?Li Yan must have strengthened surveillance on these troops. If there is any abnormality in them, it is very likely that their heads are in different places.Therefore, it stands to reason that Li Guo and Liu Fangliang would be the safest if they didn't know anything.

However, Li Laiheng will need this force soon, and time is running out.

This time it was Lu Qin's turn to come forward, and she had to meet her father-in-law.

The risk for Lu Qin to meet Li Guo is extremely high, she is a woman, she has no strength to restrain a chicken, she has traveled thousands of miles, to Xiangyang Mansion, there are more than ten passes to go through along the way.Now that the national military control is very strict, Lu Qin's trip is of course more ominous than ominous.

Lu Qin and his party consisted of 20 people, divided into three groups, with six or seven people in one group, and they were respectively disguised as businessmen, officials' wives and soldiers.Li Laiheng gave her fourteen elite guards, and she herself brought a few capable maids, and they were all strange and powerful women.

Along the way, staying in hotels and checking very carefully, Lu Qin felt that there might be a pit in front of every step.

On this day, we arrived at Nine Soul Pass.Jiuhun Pass is an important pass. After passing Jiuhun Pass, it is within the territory of Henan.

Henan is Li Yan's hometown. Hong Niangzi and Li Yan are both from Henan. The people here worship Li Yan extremely. They may not know Li Laiheng, but it is impossible not to know Li Yan. Almost all Henan people regard Li Yan as a It is a god to worship. It is said that many people quietly enshrine the statue of Li Yan.

Jiuhun Pass is a very dangerous pass, a ten-mile gorge, surrounded by high mountains, not to mention the main road, there is not even a small road for smuggling. In the middle of the canyon, a road several feet wide is the main link between the two provinces.There are many roads from Hebei to Henan, but detours of hundreds of miles will also encounter other passes, so passing through here is the most convenient passage.

The guard of Jiuhunguan is Li Fan, Li Yan's nephew. He is 34 years old this year. He has taken Li Yan as a role model since he was a child. He not only reads and writes, but also studies the art of war. martial arts.Became a small leader since he was a teenager, and he turned 34 this year, and was finally promoted to the commander-in-chief to guard Yinan.Nine Soul Pass is an important checkpoint he guards. In the past, he did not live in the pass. Because of the recent sudden change in the national situation, most of the country has entered military control, so he moved his headquarters to Nine Soul Pass.

He is one of the core members of Li Yan. He guards Yinan Jiuhun Pass, which is actually an important strategic location for Beijing, guarding the main road going north and south of Henan.He built a city in the canyon. The north and south walls are three feet high, thick and solid, and there are fortresses, forts and blockhouses on the hillsides on both sides.

One man should be guarded by ten thousand men.

Here, it can be said that it is an impenetrable fortress.

Lu Qin already had some understanding of the situation here.This arrangement shows how secretive Li Yan is. He has been planning for many years to build such a fort with only one purpose, to prepare for a civil war.

Just imagine, according to Li Laiheng's strategic thinking, he has a strong external expansion, but internally there is no problem of war, so why waste people and money and build this pass?Is there still some kind of local protectionism?Therefore, Li Laiheng would not consider the construction of internal defense facilities at all.This pass was secretly arranged by Li Yan's cronies to build it.They have also repaired many such defense facilities across the country.

There are 5000 troops stationed in Jiuhunguan City, and more than 1 people. Their livelihood is not only growing corn, potatoes, and vegetables in the valley, but also doing business with the army, such as reselling military supplies, opening restaurants, and secretly providing illegal goods. Items, such as spirits, etc., open casinos and brothels.However, the business can be done, but the management is very strict. Five families have one guarantee, ten guarantees and one Jia, nightly checks, one family has an accident, five families have to sit together, one guarantee violates the law, and one Jia is punished together.Management is very strict.

Lu Qin's customs clearance documents are ready. It's not a big problem for them to enter the customs, but the identity verification is dangerous, because in this kind of military-managed place, it's too normal to act recklessly, to confuse black and white, and to be lawless. They often extort money from businessmen, and often commit violence against women. Even if they disagree with passing soldiers, they fight with each other, or use knives and guns to kill a few people. It is not necessarily a big deal.

Therefore, after entering the customs, Lu Qin and his party couldn't help becoming nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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