
Chapter 241

Chapter 241
They were taken to an inspection hall for inspection, because they were not single or a small number of villagers, peasants, or craftsmen working nearby, so they had to undergo strict inspection, especially those guarded by soldiers. Pedestrians, the inspection is even stricter.

"I'm Cai Feng, Wu Yingxiong's deputy captain, escorting Wu's younger sister to Yunnan." A sturdy guard next to Lu Qin, self-identified, he is the leader of this group of people, Li Laiheng's personal guard, his The responsibility is to protect Lu Qin.

The inspectors looked at the documents, and then carefully highlighted the face of the girl known as Wu's younger sister.The soldiers were most interested in women, and when they saw the beauty of a girl from the Wu family, their bones had already softened, their eyes straightened, and they stared at her lustfully, as if they wanted to penetrate her clothes.

"Your surname is Wu?" A man who looked like an officer stared at the beautiful woman and asked jokingly.

"Yes, the little girl's surname is Wu." The woman replied.

"Ha, my surname is also Wu Xi, and I'm called Yishen elder brother, my real elder brother." Master Jun said with a smile.

The woman didn't make a sound, she seemed a little scared, and retreated.

The military master stepped forward and asked with a smile, "How old is Miss this year?"

Cai Feng stepped forward and said, Lord Jun, we are all people who practice martial arts, and the Wu family is an important member of the military, please let the Lord spare Miss.

"Aha, Cai Feng, don't worry, I haven't found out your identity yet, come one by one, first check whether this woman's surname is Wu or You, and then check whether you are a real soldier or a fake soldier. Come on People, keep them separated to save the inconvenience of inspection."

At this time, an old woman with a wrinkled face and a faint sour smell came forward and said to the officers and soldiers: "Master, our Miss Wu family has encountered many passes along the way from Beijing, and everyone treats each other with courtesy." , please let this military master hold your hand high, and let us pass for the sake of Mr. Wu."

The military master smelled the stale vinegar smell on this woman, and thought to himself, women hate it when they are old, and I don't know how long they haven't bathed, and the smell all over their bodies makes them irritable, so he took a step back and said, "Go away! What do you hate about this woman? You know, this is official business! It's spying! Someone, drive this woman, and her, him, and others out of the customs. Yes, they don't want to investigate, let They go!"

"Master, you can't, you can't! Miss Wu's family is a daughter of a thousand gold, you can't" the mother-in-law refused to leave, she wanted Miss Wu's family to go with her.

"Why are you arguing? You wait outside the customs, and we will send her out after the investigation."

The mother-in-law and others were pushed out of the pass.It was Guanbei just now, and now it is Guannan.Miss Wu's family and Cai Feng were detained in the pass.

"Let's go, we'll wait for them ten miles away." Lu Qin said to the people around him.She pretended to be a mother-in-law very much, especially the small bottle of mature vinegar on her was very effective.They didn't seem to be very worried about Miss Wu's family.In fact, there is no need to worry about that Miss Wu family. She was originally a lady hired at a high price in Beijing's red-light district. In addition, she has the word "Wu" hanging on her head, and Cai Feng and others are guarding there. To be bold, at most, is to apply some oil and touch the girl's body to take advantage of it.No matter how bad it is, even if the military master is indecent, it won't be too much. The young lady doesn't care, and she doesn't suffer from being raped by that military master. She relies on this for a living.

However, the time for coming here has already passed, will there be any problems?Just as he was thinking, a group of cavalry rushed over and surrounded them.

"I'm sorry, you have to enter the customs with us!" A tall officer on horseback said, "We heard that Miss Wu's family passed by here, and the general said that it is disrespectful to Mr. Wu if you don't treat each other with courtesy."

Lu Qin knew something was wrong, when did Li Fan respect Wu Sangui again?They must have found something strange in that woman, which aroused their suspicion.

Sure enough, when he returned to the customs, he knew that something was wrong. Li Fan got a report that someone pretended to be Wu Sangui's relatives and wanted to get out of the customs. This was a very important incident.

If you get out of the level, you must be the enemy. This logic is too simple, so you must find out the truth.

Now, Lu Qin's people have been imprisoned, and the soldiers who escorted escaped bravely, but none of the women left, and Cai Feng stayed behind.Ten of the twenty people stayed behind, and none of them who dressed up as businessmen stayed.

Lu Qin's mind was desperately thinking about countermeasures, she first had to figure out where was the flaw?
It turned out that the flaw was in that woman, and the reason was very simple, that woman was sick.The military master is very courageous, and he applied a lot of oil during the inspection, but the more he applied, the more hungry and thirsty he became. This woman's face is not only beautiful, but her breasts, legs, and legs are all perfect, too. tempting.You know, the soldiers are addicted to seeing sows, seeing such beauties, even with Wu Sangui right in front of them, they couldn't bear it, they had to be rude.So, the military master got interested, and dragged the woman into a room with violence.However, just after he took off his pants, a foul smell came to his nostrils. At first glance, the woman Hualiu was still seriously ill.

Is it okay to pretend that the fireworks woman is Wu Sangui's family?
The woman quickly admitted that she was the firework woman in Hualiu Lane.

What is there to say now?

"Why did you pretend to be Miss Wu's family and get out of customs?" Li Fan personally asked about the case.

Fortunately, all of Lu Qin's people are good men, and they all agreed that we were the ones who escorted Miss Wu's family. As for whether she is a real lady or a fake lady, how do we know if she is a soldier?

Bring that woman.

Lu Qin was brought to Li Fan.

"Say, what is the purpose of you pretending to be the Wu family to get out of customs?"

"Master Sunshine, I'm wronged!" Lu Qin pretended to be ugly.Li Fan said disgustedly: "What kind of injustice? Hey! Tell me, what is the purpose of you pretending to be Wu's family members to get out of customs?"

Lu Qin purposely glanced at the people around Li Fan a few times, hesitated to speak, and looked embarrassed until Li Fan said, "Everyone here is my subordinate, and you won't talk nonsense. Say it though.

(End of this chapter)

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