
Chapter 242 Wu Sangui's Daughter

Chapter 242 Wu Sangui's Daughter
In fact, General Li Fan didn't know whether Lu Qin and the others belonged to Wu Sangui's family.

Lu Qin said: "My lord, my old lady just said it, you must not let Master Wu know. The woman you arrested is Wu Man, the daughter of Chen Yuanyuan, the seventh wife of Master Wu Wu Sangui. Of course, this woman is No one knows if it’s not Wu Sangui’s own daughter. You know, she was conceived just before and after Li Zicheng captured Beijing. At that time, Chen Yuanyuan was slept by Emperor Chongzhen, Wu Sangui, Master Wu, Li Zicheng, and maybe even Liu Zongmin. It’s hard to say. Therefore, it’s hard to say that this woman’s surname is Zhu, Wu, Liu, and Li. However, except for Liu Zongmin who died in battle and was unable to speak, everyone said that this woman was their flesh and blood. Wu Man took advantage of his own She has a noble lineage, and taking advantage of her many fathers, she has a lot of nonsense in doing things. In addition, she is naturally beautiful and beautiful, so it is inevitable that she will not be taught bad by the princes in the capital. Sir, at her age, she is young and young. It's inevitable that my heart will be flustered, so I played with Zhang's elder brother today, slept with Zhao's younger brother tomorrow, and fell ill with Mr. Li's son the day after tomorrow. Tell you general, you know who she is dating. Are you sick?"


"General Li, Li Jun! Aren't the Li brothers in power now? Li Yan, acting prime minister, has great ambitions and is naturally not in a hurry to get women. In the future, he will have 72 concubines in the Sangong Sixth Court. It will be easy for him to ask for women, but Li Jun is different. He is greedy if he has sex. , If you have a girl, you can do it. Wu Man fell in love with General Li Jun, flirted with each other, and went to bed within a few days. Hey, I didn’t expect it, he must be sick.”

"Nonsense, my uncle would do such a thing?" Li Fan stopped Lu Qin from talking, he couldn't let her go on, because Li Jun was Li Fan's uncle, and his uncle fucked Wu Sangui's daughter, or Li Zicheng, or Chongzhen The emperor's daughter, spread out more or less is also a political disturbance.

Lu Qin didn't stop, and said, "Oh, your general is the nephew of General Li Jun. Your subordinates stripped my lady for an examination. General Li Jun didn't kill you? General Li Jun told me when I came, No one should bully the lady along the way. Now it’s good, the nephew raped the aunt, haha, it’s a strange story in the world, ah, a strange story in the world.”

General Li Fan's face turned pale, he knew his uncle's temper, whoever touched his horse would be unlucky.He had to save the situation quickly. He said to Lu Qin: "We didn't bully Miss Wu's family. She said she was sick. Is this okay? We will send you to Zhengzhou on a fast horse, and then we will send you to Xiangyang." , Sending it down from station to station like this, you don’t need to be misunderstood.”

Lu Qin said, "No!"


"General Wu said that we can only escort the lady there quietly."

"What has to be quietly?"

"I'm worried that the emperor will send someone to rob me! I'm also worried that Li Zicheng will come and rob me!"

"Oh! That's troublesome. Zhengzhou is guarded by the generals of Emperor Chongzhen's direct line, and Li Zicheng's nephew Li Guo is stationed in Xiangyang. It's not easy to pass. Let me send a team to Yuezhou for business. Mix in, we will send you across Yuezhou, and after passing there, you will arrive at the territory of General Wu."

Of course that's good.Lu Qin didn't say yes, but agreed with a half-push.

This time on the road, Lu Qin and others mingled with Li Fan's soldiers, passed Zhengzhou smoothly within a few days, and went straight to Nanyang to Xiangyang.

Xiangyang is Li Guo's army, with a garrison of 5000 people. As a guard of the north-south communication arteries, the number of troops here is several times larger than that of ordinary cities, and they are all elite soldiers.Li Guo's Prince's Mansion is in Beijing, and Li Guo and his family spend most of their time in Beijing on weekdays. Only in special times, Li Guo personally guards Xiangyang.

Due to the special geographical location of Xiangyang, when Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong revolted in the late Ming Dynasty, there were turbulent winds and clouds here, and there were earth-shattering shocking events.Now, as a time of peace, this place is still guarded by heavy troops. Li Laiheng's original considerations were very clear. The upper reaches of the Yangtze River to the west belonged to Zhang Xianzhong's sphere of influence, and the east to the east was Nanming's lair.To the south is Changde and Yuezhou in Hunan, and to the west is Wu Sangui's sphere of influence.To the north is Henan.Therefore, from a military point of view, Xiangyang is an important domestic strategic point, and Li Guo's burden is not light.

Two or three years ago, Li Guo asked for another front army, but Li Laiheng refused to give it. Instead, he gave 30 troops to Wang Hu. Still not convinced.Later, when Li Laiheng assigned tasks, he was assigned Xiangyang, and he understood what was going on, so he calmed down.

Li Guo knew about Li Laiheng's assassination now, but he didn't know anything about what happened afterwards, and he was anxious, but he remembered what Li Laiheng told him when he was about to faint, and asked him to rush back to Xiangyang as soon as possible. He firmly guarded the city of Xiangyang.Almost two months later, there is still no news about Li Laiheng's life or death, and Li Yan hasn't issued orders to him. It seems to be very peaceful here.

He didn't know why there was no news about Li Laiheng, and he didn't know what he should do in the future. Recently, the court said that he was going to hold a meeting. As a lifelong member of the House of Lords and a leading general, he was sure to return to Beijing to attend the meeting.But there is still no explanation about Li Laiheng's assassination. As a father, even though he is an adoptive father, he has to ask.

"General Li, you must not ask about the condition of Prime Minister Li Laiheng. When we think we need to tell you, we will send someone to tell you. Please do not take the initiative to ask about Prime Minister Li Laiheng's condition, life and death. It is important! It is important!" This is what Li Laiheng said What Lao Jiu repeatedly emphasized when he was assassinated for the first time.It was at that time that Lao Jiu dismissed the servants in Li Laiheng's mansion. At that time, Li Laiheng and the others escaped from the secret passage and quickly escaped from the capital.After returning home, Li Guo hastily packed his luggage, hurried to Xiangyang with a few entourages.

When Li Guo was anxious in the lobby, someone suddenly reported that the patrol team had intercepted a group of soldiers sneaking across the river.

Smuggling across the Yangtze River?

Is this okay?When Li Guo heard that he was Li Fan's general, he smuggled to Hunan. Wasn't that in collusion with Wu Sangui?

"Come on! I will interrogate myself."

(End of this chapter)

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