
Chapter 245 Emperor Chongzhen Disappears Again

Chapter 245 Emperor Chongzhen Disappears Again
Li Yan would not waste words with a woman. After being questioned by Madam Gao, he quickly left the House of Lords. He would not change his mind just because of a few words from a woman.

The restoration of the monarchy has become the general trend.

Due to Li Yan's operation is very good, almost 80.00% of the members are in favor of restoring the monarchy, so this trend cannot be changed.

Li Laiheng analyzed all kinds of information in his new secret residence. He found out how difficult it is to change the course of history, especially to change the traditional way of thinking. So many people are in favor of restoring the monarchy, which shows a problem. Feudal thinking is deeply rooted.

It seems that the restoration of the monarchy is dictated by history.

Li Yan is right.

The House of Commons formally proposed a motion to elect Li Yan as the emperor of the Xinchao Empire and depose the Chongzhen Emperor.

The discussions among the MPs were heated, but not intense. It was almost one-sided. Even some people who disagreed with it did not dare to stand up to oppose it.Therefore, the vote in the House of Commons was passed by 350 votes in favor, 72 votes against, and [-] abstentions.

Members of the House of Commons cheered for him, they were waiting to be entrusted by Li Yan, to be a marquis of a pavilion or a township, and to bring a little wife back to their hometown, how pleasant it is!
Not so good in the House of Lords, where the discussions were heated.Before you are sure, you can't vote rashly.It is estimated that this kind of debate will extend for seven or eight days, or even ten days and a half months.

Emperor Chongzhen knew his end was coming.

Should I go to Meishan to hang myself?The last time Li Zicheng captured Beijing, he pretended to hang himself on Meishan Mountain. Was it doomed to such a catastrophe that he could not escape?Just as he was thinking, Li Yan came with his guards.

The guards of the Forbidden City were replaced more than two months ago, and Emperor Chongzhen was desperate. He could be killed by Li Yan at any moment.However, these days, Li Yan seldom gets on the road, not to mention asking for instructions politely, even the ordinary meeting etiquette is gone, and when other ministers come to see him, the guards also stop him.

Did Li Yan come in today to kill him?

Emperor Chongzhen didn't feel very scared anymore, anyway, he was a turtle in a urn, whenever you Li Yan wanted to eat footfish, you could take it.

However, apart from being fierce, Li Yan didn't make things difficult for Emperor Chongzhen. He just said, after half a month, you are ready to abdicate. Your Zhu family has been emperor for hundreds of years, and it's our turn The Li family is gone, "Eighteen sons master the artifact", God has already arranged it, you don't need to be sad, anyway, it's not the first time you have been subjugated, you should have experience, right?I'm here to tell you today, don't be uncooperative, cry, die or live, if you mess up a happy event, everyone will be unhappy.So, today I will show you the paperwork announcing your retirement, and you can talk about what you think.

After finishing speaking, a manuscript was handed over to Emperor Chongzhen.

There are thousands of words written on the document. First, it talks about how corrupt the Zhu family dynasty is, then it says how poor people have been in recent years, and then it says that although it is prosperous and prosperous now, the republic system will not last long, and the monarchy must be restored. How noble, Li Yan has inherited the virtues of his ancestors and saved the people from fire and water.In the end, it was said that Emperor Chongzhen knew that he had poor virtue, mediocre ability, low IQ, and self-knowledge that he was not worthy of the emperor's position, so he resolutely resigned from the emperor's position.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he almost couldn't breathe, and fainted on the spot.Fortunately, it was not the first time he had been hit by this, so he barely held on.

"I have no objection. You can do whatever you want. It was Li Laiheng who harmed me. It would be nice for me to live in seclusion in the mountains. Why should I be insulted like this?" Emperor Chongzhen said.

"What are you complaining about? It's Li Yan's kindness that I didn't kill you. You should be grateful and repay it. I said, if you think there is no need to modify it, then you can read it a few more times and learn it by heart, so as to save time. It’s not good if you stammer when the two Houses read the reading, and it looks like you are very reluctant. At that time, if this happens, don’t think that others will sympathize with you, and others will spit on you!”

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, his heart turned cold. The king of a country is most afraid of being mercilessly insulted.He remained silent, and after Li Yan went out, he thought it would be a good idea.

I thought for a long time and cried for a long time.When a person is angry, he feels that death is easy. With a kick, two to three minutes, when he is out of breath, all the troubles are gone.However, if you really want to die, and you don’t have the courage, you can’t bear to do this, and you can’t bear to do that. What’s more, you are afraid of the pain when you die.

However, Emperor Chongzhen was no one else, he still had perseverance and determination.Now that you think about death, you won't always be a mother-in-law.He didn't tell anyone, and when the guards weren't paying attention, he sneaked out, turned around, and finally climbed up Meishan in the dark.

When I came to Meishan, I searched for a long time, and finally found the crooked neck tree. After a moment of hesitation, I finally decided to hang myself.He tied a white cloth to the tree branch, cried for a while, and decided to die.

Suddenly, a figure flashed out and dragged him away.

"It's nothing serious except death. Being killed by others is nothing to do. It's so stupid to seek death yourself!" the visitor said.

"Who are you?" Emperor Chongzhen asked in surprise.

"Li Laiheng."

"Li Laiheng? Are you a ghost or a human?"

"Who wants to be a ghost? Of course I'm human."

"Are you still alive? They say you're dead long ago, so you're still alive!"

"Yes. I'm still alive and well. Why did you insist on dying on this tree?" Li Laiheng asked.In history, Emperor Chongzhen died on this tree. What happened? He changed the course of history, and he still wanted to die on this tree?

"It doesn't matter if you don't die, man, who can bear this kind of insult? Hey, Li Laiheng, how can you let Li Yan do anything wrong?"

Li Laiheng smiled wryly, and said: "The country is in danger, there is nothing we can do about it."

"What should we do now?" Emperor Chongzhen knew that he would not die, and he also knew that Li Laiheng was here to save him, but he didn't know why Li Laiheng came to save him at this time.

"What should we do now? Run away now. If you suddenly disappear, Li Yan will dig three feet to find you. As long as you escape, Li Yan's throne will not be legal."

The next day, Li Yan got a report that Emperor Chongzhen was missing.Li Yan fainted on the spot.He knew that an Emperor Chongzhen did not have this energy, who got Emperor Chongzhen out of the Forbidden City?
Search!Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must also dig out Emperor Chongzhen!

(End of this chapter)

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