
Chapter 246 The Mysterious Disappearance of Wan Dajun

Chapter 246 The Mysterious Disappearance of the Hundred Thousand Army
The capital city was turned upside down again, making chickens fly and dogs jump.

Soldiers, however, enjoyed playing the game.It's very fun to enter someone's house and take a sheep by the hand.A silver bowl, a vase, and a feather duster are all valuable, and sometimes you can steal a woman out by the way.

People in the capital hated Emperor Chongzhen to death, and they all said, aren't you doing harm?What to hide, isn't it good to sit in the palace?
"Damn it, this guy is crazy to escape from the Forbidden City even if the emperor doesn't want to do it."

"That's right, this rich man is tired of eating meat and fish every day, and thinks that the life of ordinary people is very comfortable."

"He is hiding, where is he hiding? Prime Minister Li Yan will be angry."

"It's not peaceful. Prime Minister Li Laiheng was beaten to death earlier, and now the emperor is missing. Could it be Li Yan's good deed?"

"Quickly stop talking about beheading."

"Yes, don't talk nonsense."

Even now, the disappearance of Emperor Chongzhen has also fulfilled Li Yan's dream of becoming an emperor. He no longer needs to ask Emperor Chongzhen to abdicate, and he can directly ascend the throne as emperor.

On this day, Li Laiheng received an urgent telegram about Li Yan's plan to trap and kill Wang Hu and others, so he had no choice but to send a warning telegram to Wang Hu, Gu Ying, Gu Kecheng and others through Lao Jiu's intelligence system.

This action is very dangerous, because it is very likely to kill yourself.However, Wang Hu and the others knew about Li Laiheng's disappearance, but because he was overseas, Lu Qin couldn't contact them.

Sure enough, when Wang Hu and the others knew that they could not return to China, Beijing became nervous. This time, Li Yan was completely sure that Li Laiheng was not dead. At this time, Li Yan's determination was completely determined.

Dissolve Parliament!

House arrest was placed on heavyweight members of parliament, such as Gao Xiuying and other unyielding people, some middle forces were monitored, and a group of officials were replaced. After another month, Beijing suddenly issued a notice to restore the monarchy!

Although the announcement came relatively quickly, it was not unexpected, and even the whole country celebrated with great vigor and excitement.Congratulatory forms from all provinces and places were presented, and every day was bustling with activity.

However, Zhang Wenxiu from the United States, Su Qin from Russia, Wang Hu from Japan, and Annan's second aunt did not present congratulatory forms.Li Laiheng noticed that the Chinese Empire ruled by Li Yan had returned to the territory of the Kangxi period of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Perhaps this was God's will.

Li Yan wasn't surprised. He didn't care much about overseas military strength. He analyzed that these people didn't come to congratulate them because they wanted to become kings independently. Why shouldn't they become kings independently?Therefore, Li Yan is not worried about this.What he was worried about was the few forces in the country. Li Guo and Liu Fangliang each had [-] soldiers.Therefore, he prepared to destroy them with lightning speed.

The preparations for proclaiming the emperor have been completed, and the day of proclaiming the emperor will be fifteen days later.This night, Li Yan slept on the dragon couch, imagining that the heads of Li Guo and Liu Fangliang were chopped off, that would mean that there would be no Li Laiheng soldiers in the country, and even if Li Laiheng came out and wanted to make a difference, Can he still transfer troops from abroad?
This kind of thought did exist, but Li Laiheng didn't dare to think about it as soon as he thought about it. Wasn't that the Eight-Power Allied Forces? Did Chinese history repeat itself in modern history?I have become the chief culprit of invading China, such a thing is absolutely unacceptable.

Li Yan has secretly dispatched an army to surround Li Guo and Liu Fangliang, Yuan Chongdi's residence is also surrounded by his cronies, Gao Yigong and Hao Yaoqi are easy to handle, they are in the capital, waiting for Li Guo and Liu Fangliang tomorrow As soon as the head arrived, the two of them also fell to the ground.The charges given to them are simple, conspiracy to rebel.

Li Yan had already lived in the Forbidden City. After the disappearance of Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian, it was impossible for him to come back. It was impossible for this large Forbidden City to be left empty, so Li Yan regarded it as his home.

"Your Majesty, there is an urgent call from Xiangyang!" Before he ascended the throne, he had already become the emperor.Now the clock pointed at three o'clock in the morning. When Li Yan heard that there was an urgent telegram, he sat up suddenly, and finally read the telegram.

"Li Guo's [-] troops mysteriously disappeared."

It is impossible to say that [-] ducks are gone, let alone a [-] army?
Li Yan frowned tightly, he had no intention of going to sleep, so he called his confidants up.Since the new dynasty was about to be established, Li Yan's confidants were as excited as chicken blood every day. When they heard Li Yan's call, they came to the Forbidden City faster than a rabbit.

"Li Guo is missing."


"If you lose it, you lose it. What's so great about leaving him a dog's life?"

"He still has 5 horses with him!"

"Ah? Chase!"

"Chasing? Where are you chasing?"

"It can't be without a trace, right?"

"There will definitely be, but, with 20 elites, you don't have [-] to [-] troops to pursue. Isn't that meat buns beating dogs?"

This is a serious problem.

"Where's Liu Fangliang?"

"I don't know yet, I guess there will be news."

Sure enough, the eunuch reported again, "Hefei has an urgent call!"

"Bring it up quickly!"

Upon seeing it, Li Yan was stunned. Liu Fangliang's [-] troops marched south, and the land they passed through was completely innocent. The people said that Prime Minister Li Laiheng had returned to lead the army.

"Afraid of a ball! Isn't it 5 people? Order Nanjing Governor Sun Chuanlin to go north to block it." Zhang Kewang smiled contemptuously and suggested to Li Yan.

"Don't move!" Li Yan calmed down a little. He was skeptical about the rumors that Li Laiheng had come out of the mountain. Logically, Li Laiheng hadn't appeared for so long, so he probably didn't die, but the injury must have been serious. , it is impossible for him to hide for so long.

Nanjing is guarded by Sun Chuanting's younger brother. He has been promised by Li Yan to be the Duke of Ning and listed as one of the founding fathers. He controls the southern center and has a lot of power.

In the past few years, Li Yan has done two things. First, he has made great contributions to the establishment of the Great China Empire.The second thing is that he has managed a group of talents and cultivated a group of confidantes in the past few years. Now, in just a few months, he can quickly control the country because the talents he trained have played a role.It can be said that the reason why Li Laiheng did not dare to jump out was because Li Yanquan's confidantes were too powerful.Sun Chuanlin is the elite discovered by Li Yan.

Now, Sun Chuanlin has 20 soldiers in command, and the defense of the southeast depends on him.

"Notify Deng Gang to move north and get closer to Sun Chuanlin," Li Yan said.

"Yes, this is more appropriate. Deng Gang's [-] troops reinforce Sun Chuanlin, and Liu Fangliang jumps into the sea." Zhang Kewang definitely made this arrangement more appropriate, "Then what about Li Guo's army?"

How to do?We have to wait for the information to arrive.

No problem, theoretically there are [-] elite soldiers, but the movement of the army, plus eating and sleeping in the open, there is no hope in sight, and some people will escape within ten days, and within a month, [-] to [-]% will flee, and then wait for our army After killing several times, they will not be defeated unless I, Li Yan, are not killed by the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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