
Chapter 248 Visiting the Forbidden City at Night

Chapter 248 Visiting the Forbidden City at Night

Inside the city of Beijing, the security was heavily guarded. Soldiers armed with live ammunition were on duty every five steps and sentry posts every ten steps. Even a mouse passing by would be caught by the soldiers.

In the Forbidden City, the security is even tighter, with clear whistle, hidden whistle, fixed whistle, and floating whistle, unless you are the supervisor on duty, otherwise you can't figure it out at all.All kinds of passwords are almost impossible to decipher. If anyone can guess the question and answer of the goat to Dongfeng, the Yangtze River to Hanmao, and the spring breeze to booger, then he is not a genius, but must be the designer of the password that night.

"Glucose!" Someone behind the rockery asked.

"Red Middle." Someone answered under the rockery waterfall.The man didn't stop after answering, and jumped forward over a ditch.Good skill.The man in black who answered the code word correctly flew past.

The security arrangements are very complicated and dazzling. If it weren't for the ingenious design of the code words, it would have started a long time ago. Who knows who is who?

In a sleeping barracks, Li Laiheng met a man with only nine fingers, who was Lao Jiu's direct disciple.Lao Jiu has been in Luocha Kingdom for several months, and there is no news. Before leaving, he told Li Laiheng that the nine-finger disciple can be used.

Disciple Nine Fingers is Lao Jiu's most proud disciple and the one who hides the most. Lao Jiu placed him next to Li Yan for a purpose. The most dangerous enemy comes from his side. Li Laiheng's closest comrade-in-arms is Li Yan, so Lao Jiu I have been worried that this sentence will be confirmed, so I prepared and put a chess piece beside Li Yan.The reason why the disciple of Nine Fingers has only Nine Fingers is related to his art learning. In order to learn the true biography of Lao Jiu, he bit off a little finger alive, which will be mentioned in another story.

The nine-finger disciple is the little leader of Li Yan's guards, and he has the opportunity to guard Li Yan at close range once a month.

Li Laiheng spent a total of three days seeing Nine Fingers Disciple, and met him ten days before the Mid-Autumn Festival.They didn't have much time to talk in secret. In fact, some things couldn't be discussed in detail, because it was difficult to make a detailed plan for the process of things, and it was more about adapting to the situation. Can talk to him about a directional issue.Their purpose is to prevent Li Yan from ascending the throne.

Killed Li Yan?
This is not the best way to solve the problem.

Li Laiheng thought so.

Although they didn't understand why it wasn't the best way, they all firmly implemented Li Laiheng's decision not to kill Li Yan.

Let him ascend the throne but not allow him to ascend the throne of the emperor, difficult moves, and complete the goal without a plan.Disciple Nine Fingers thought of death, even if he died, he still had to complete this arduous task.As for how he will complete it, there is no way to imagine it.Let's talk about it step by step.

Li Laiheng didn't stay in the Forbidden City for too long, he didn't completely decipher the coded code of the guard, and he didn't alarm the guards inside. He came to the Forbidden City without leaving any trace.For him, it was also very difficult. Li Yan had known this special soldier for a long time, so he spent a lot of time on his vigilance. He should be relieved to have the most astute defense experts help him design it.Li Laiheng's entry into the Forbidden City was not only due to his superior strength, but also due to accidental factors. I won't talk about it here. After all, special forces have always lived at the point of guns, and there is a lucky factor in every step they take.

After Li Laiheng left, Disciple Nine Fingers fell into deep thought, his task was very difficult.

The next day, Li Yan received information that someone broke into the Forbidden City last night.

"Strict investigation!"

This is a serious incident, someone also broke into the Forbidden City.

What is the reason for Li Laiheng's whereabouts?In fact, this is one of the most mysterious security measures in the Forbidden City. Any stranger entering will leave traces, which are identified by a hound imported from the Mediterranean.However, this kind of hunting dog is limited, there are only two in total, and the Forbidden City is too large to allow them to be on duty for a long time, so whether a stranger breaks in is often only an afterthought.

However, this discovery is a very serious incident, which indicates that Li Yan has no trust in the current security team, and they will be screened, cleaned, or simply removed.Those two hounds were very dangerous, and disciple Nine Fingers might have Li Laiheng's smell on him.

Fortunately, Li Laiheng crossed a ditch when he passed the last line of defense. After crossing the ditch and looking for the smell, the two hounds suddenly became irritable. They seemed to be stimulated by something, barking wildly, and did not work hard at all.

They were disturbed by hallucinogens.

Disciple Nine Fingers passed a pass by luck.The next step is screening and cleaning.That is, less than an hour after the hunting dogs failed, the guards of the Forbidden City were suddenly pulled to the Nanshan barracks and all disarmed.Each person was then questioned individually.

"Gu Sixin, you've been arrested." A shrewd middle-aged man said to Nine Fingers Disciple as he was brought into a house.

"Why?" Nine Fingers disciple asked inexplicably.

"Collude with the enemy, you are a traitor."

"Ridiculous! My lord, can you talk about this casually?"

"Someone found out last night that you met people who sneaked into the Forbidden City. Tell me! Who have you seen?"

Nine Fingers disciple said flatly, "I really didn't see anyone."

Nine Fingers disciple said coldly.This is a common method of psychological pressure, and it is absolutely effective for ordinary people, but who is the nine-finger disciple?Lao Ninth's disciple of Shushan!Disciple Nine Fingers believed that all those who were on duty that night were asked the same question.Everyone is a suspect.

Eight days have passed, and the rounds of inquiries have not yet ended. The day after tomorrow morning will be the day of Li Yan's enthronement ceremony. After this enthronement ceremony, the empire will officially be listed as the "Great China" and return to the ranks of feudal imperial countries that rule the world under one surname .

Nine Fingers disciple was extremely anxious.The task assigned by Li Laiheng could not be completed, and now even if he tried his best, he could not get close to the scene of Li Yan's enthronement ceremony.They were locked in a barracks like a concentration camp, cut off from any contact with the outside world.This move, Li Yan is very cautious, he does not believe that there will be disloyal people in this army, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with being foolproof.

Now, he was replaced by another group of guards.

Watching the time pass quietly by minute by minute, disciple Nine Fingers had no choice but to go to sleep, it will be dawn soon, maybe there will be another interrogation tomorrow.

About half an hour later, disciple Nine Fingers was awakened suddenly in a haze, and a group of people hurried towards this direction two hundred steps away. What are they doing here?

Is it to be completely resolved?

A minute later, the group of people started yelling: "Get up! Get up." Then there was the sound of getting dressed, and within a minute, the sound stopped.

"Whoever's name is called will stand out. No one is allowed to speak, let alone ask questions!"

Under the muzzle of the black hole, all the people who were named showed a look of panic, a premonition of imminent disaster, and they would be pulled out and shot.

"Gu Sixin!"

Disciple Nine Fingers was finally called. He looked helplessly at the middle-aged man who was called, walked out of the queue, and entered another queue.

(End of this chapter)

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