
Chapter 249 The Bad Omen

Chapter 249 The Bad Omen
The moon is about to set, and the moonlight of Zizania is extremely dazzling. The day after tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Perhaps, this is the last time I saw Mingyue.Can't wait for the full moon.

"Where are we going?" Someone finally couldn't help asking.

Unexpectedly scolding, the escort just said: "What do you say?" A cold answer sent everyone into the ice cave, which was so cold to the bone.

The carriage bearings squeaked and squeaked, making teeth itch.This is the way to go north.

Inside the Forbidden City, everything was busy.Since dawn, there hasn't been a moment's chance to breathe.Cao Kun, the general manager of the Ouchi, commanded more than 2000 people to prepare, and he never stopped for a moment.

In another place, Li Jun conducted a security inspection again, not even the slightest mistake, safety is the first, so he went all out to arrange security alerts starting from collective security.

As the first person to be crowned prince, this time the task is very heavy. If someone hadn't broken into the Forbidden City for three consecutive nights, he wouldn't be so nervous.The person who broke into the Forbidden City at night three times is logically the same person, because the methods he used are basically the same. Those two precious hounds have been completely useless. Is a dog that has lost its sense of smell still a dog?
After entering the Forbidden City three times, this person is considered the number one figure in the Celestial Dynasty, Li Laiheng?Or his subordinates?

Li Yan's mood became heavier and heavier.

After weighing the pros and cons again and again, Li Yan finally decided to use his own guards. In this way, those who were identified as absolutely loyal were transferred to the palace for duty.

In the Chongwen Hall, dozens of foreign envoys were praising the Great China Empire. They said that since the creation of the world, the Eastern Great China Empire can be regarded as the Celestial Dynasty, the first empire in the world.

However, there was a man with a sullen face, a high nose, blue eyes, and fair skin, who dismissed the humming in his nose.

"Our Great Britain is number one in the world."

His words drew a lot of people's laughter.They said sarcastically, Zhang Wenxiu's fleet of sailors has smashed your army in the Americas to pieces, so what are you bragging about?

This man named William Jack blushed for a long time, but he would not be convinced. He thought to himself, if you Chinese Empire is united as one, indeed, our Great Britain may have to surrender to you, but after only a few years since the founding of the country, you will be torn apart ?Today, Zhang Wenxiu and Wang Hu didn't send anyone to congratulate them, and Liang Gu only sent two people to watch the ceremony.

Li Yan watched the rehearsal of the enthronement ceremony by the window. This was the third time. The person sitting on the throne was a dummy. He could tell at a glance that this person was Li Yan.The wax figure was made by a Portuguese with excellent craftsmanship. It took three months to make it so lifelike.It replaced Li Yan in the rehearsal of enthronement, and the ministers of civil and military affairs were served by eunuchs.

This is the last rehearsal. The first few times went well. If you pass this time, everything will be fine.

With the sound of horns, thunderous drums, and the shout of "Everyone!", more than 500 eunuchs stood in their positions, and 16 people in a sedan chair carried Li Yan's wax figure over. Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the wax figure "bang!" !" It exploded to pieces.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

After a burst of dizziness, the sky was dark in front of him, Li Yan fell to the ground with a "bang", and even the guards who were close at hand did not have time to support him.

"Call the doctor!"

In the capital, there were many discussions and rumors.

"The bronze statues are all blown up, it's unknown, it's unknown."

"It's not a bronze statue. It would be great if it was a bronze statue. They are made of diamonds! Everything made of diamonds is blown up, God's will."

"If you don't have the life of the emperor, you don't have the life of the emperor. It's useless to work hard."

"Hey, you said, Li Yan can't be the emperor, so who will?"

"Hey, it's a pity that Li Laiheng was assassinated, otherwise it would be more suitable for him to do it."

"Hey, the people are unfortunate. In 15 years, five heads have been changed. It's too bad. Don't say it, it's all Li Yan's fault."

"Who said it wasn't? When Li Laiheng led us, we became the most powerful country in the world in just two or three years. We have opened up so many territories overseas. I didn't expect it to turn into this situation."

"I heard he's not dead."

"not dead?"



"Isn't that Li Yan usurping the throne?"

"Who said no?"



"Look, what's there?" The commentators found many people's notices on the wall, so they all went to read it.Some people are reading: "There are rebellious parties who spread rumors to confuse the public, talk about government affairs indiscriminately, and even spread rumors and create troubles, lest the world will not be chaotic. Today, anyone who creates rumors, spreads rumors, picks quarrels and provokes troubles, gathers people to discuss, marches and strikes All illegal acts will be arrested and severely punished. Serious offenders such as obstructing public affairs can be killed on the spot.He was killed on the spot and was regarded as a rebellious party by others.

The discussion first started among the people, and gradually turned to the bureaucracy. Many ministers began to waver, especially when they heard that Li Laiheng was not dead, which aggravated the shock of people's hearts.

The reason why Li Yan can cover the sky with one hand now is because people have not fully seen his face, and the second is that the more he does not announce Li Laiheng's death, the more people believe that Li Laiheng is dead and hopeless.The third is that Li Yan's methods are clever and the layout is very good. Those who have opinions have no chance and have no courage to do this.Fourth, some people have exchanged their lives for lessons, and there are many people who are wise and aware of current affairs and keep their voices silent.Now, the situation has changed, and people's hearts are ready to move, so it is natural.

Li Yan was ill, and the news was known by people outside the palace.Tomorrow's enthronement ceremony is probably in vain.

However, how can such a big thing go to waste?As long as Li Yan has a breath, he will also ascend to the throne. Besides, he was just frightened, and there is no substantial internal organ disease, so it is impossible to be bedridden like this.

Therefore, more people believe that tomorrow's enthronement ceremony will be held as scheduled.

In the Forbidden City, there was a solemn and solemn scene, and the highest-level doctors gathered in the palace, and they offered advice on Li Yan's condition.

Can't get up, can't move, can't see light, can't listen to loud voices, can't get close to women, can't eat greasy food, can't

This is the conclusion made by the authoritative imperial physician.

Damn, can't do anything, tell me everything, okay?Didn't I just have arrhythmia for tens of seconds!Alright, let's see what the hell you guys are doing!

Li Yan stood up, how could he not withstand a little storm?Isn't it just a wax figure blown up?It is obvious that someone sabotaged, and the right way is to detect it quickly.

Tomorrow's enthronement ceremony will be held as scheduled, even if the sky falls, it must be held as scheduled.

(End of this chapter)

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