
Chapter 250 Enthroned

Chapter 250 Enthroned
The whole capital is paying attention to one thing, which is today's emperor enthronement ceremony.It was held as scheduled, all the civil and military officials stood in line at Daping outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and all the inside and outside of the Forbidden City were guarded by heavily armed soldiers. 36 gunshots were fired, and the ceremony officially began.

First there was the cumbersome procedure, offering sacrifices to the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers Bodhisattvas and gods, and then reading the new charter of the Great China Empire, stipulating that the imperial power is supreme, and the prime minister is only the chief executive of the cabinet, then amnesty for the world, rewarding ministers for their merits, and then shouting: "The new emperor is on the throne! "

With this loud shout, all the people concentrated their thoughts and fixed their eyes on the big sedan chair carried by 16 people who came slowly.Front, back, left, and right are 144 guards led by Li Jun, divided into four square formations, with 36 people in each pair, all of which are made of Hanyang's shiny rifles.

The big sedan came to the front and back, and the curtain was not opened for a long time.

Many people are thinking, is there anyone inside?

This kind of question is very real. On such a special day today, does Li Yan dare to come out?Although the security is tight, but they are all loaded with live ammunition, there is no guarantee that there will be no desperadoes, this is the first.Second, Li Yan suddenly fell ill yesterday, and few people knew whether his condition was stable or not.So more people guessed that there was no one inside.

"Perform the Emperor's Enthronement Ceremony!"

All the courtiers saluted according to the password.Anyway, I have rehearsed many times, so I don't need to think about it, as puppets generally do their movements.

"The emperor's lecture!"

With this loud shout, all the procedures ended, and the emperor began to appear on the stage. Everyone held their breath and opened their eyes wide to see the new emperor Li Yan inside the curtain.

The curtains were slowly opened, and a man full of energy and radiant face was not sitting, but standing on the dragon chair.


With an "ah", thousands of people exclaimed in unison, this "ah" was very loud and weird.

Then after the word ah, there are three words: "Li Laiheng!"

The person standing on the dragon chair is Li Laiheng!
He was holding a spear in his hand, resting it on his shoulder, and looking around, he suddenly swung the spear forward, "Bang!", and after three seconds, "Bang, bang, bang!" The upper berth was bleeding and lying on the ground straight. They were the three confidantes of Li Jun and Li Yan, that is, the four leaders of today's guards.

Began to panic, there are 140 guards left, they do not know what happened.

At this time, riots began on the walls of the inner city.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" Three bursts of fire, and the three leaders on the top of the wall fell to the wall. They were about to turn around and shoot just now, but Li Laiheng raised his gun and shot, and the three were killed immediately.

"Listen! Rebels, shoot and kill!" Li Laiheng shouted loudly, "I, Li Laiheng, and Li Yan have already been imprisoned, and the enthronement ceremony has been completed. From now on, I will be the emperor of the Great China Empire, and I will do my best for the people of our empire."

When Li Laiheng spoke here, he stopped, and the ceremonial officer took the opportunity to shout: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" All the ministers and guards immediately knelt down and said in unison, "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

After everyone knelt down, Li Laiheng started to give a speech again. He didn't draft a draft, but he spoke casually. He counted Li Yan's ten crimes, and gave three orders. One is to pardon all the guilty except Li Yan's crimes, Don't pursue, don't investigate, just ask; second, all officials will stay in their current positions, even those who are promoted by Li Yan, can consider whether to retain them, and those who retain them will wait for a year to evaluate their performance. Rewards and promotions; third, the curfew will be lifted from now on, and the original security forces will rest on the spot and accept the leadership of the new chief.

Then he announced several more decisions.First, Li Guo served as the commander of the capital's security.Li Guo and Liu Fangliang's army going south was actually a partisan division, which confused Li Yan, while the main force had quietly gone north, and they all entered the city through the north gate last night.The north gate was originally guarded by Zhu Wanchun, who was the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty and was appointed by Li Yan.A week ago, he was successfully instigated by Li Laiheng.Last night, under the pretext of exchange, he quietly let Li Guo's [-] elite soldiers enter the city.Second, Hao Yaoqi will be the Minister of National Defense.Zhang Kewang was arrested last night, and he and Li Yan are being held in a prison in Xishan.Last night Li Laiheng personally led his elite troops into the Forbidden City.Although the task of hunting and killing Li Yan was completed, too many people were not disturbed. Among them, the nine-finger disciple and others played an important role.Disciple Nine Fingers may not know that he is not alone. There are at least ten other people like him. They have formed a net invisibly. This net has great power. Each of them can control ten people. , They unknowingly took control of the guards.In the end, Li Laiheng announced that the empire would implement the monarchy.

The reason why the imperial system was implemented was the conclusion Li Laiheng had pondered over the past few months. He analyzed that the reason why Li Yan was able to do so smoothly was not only related to his superior ability, but also related to Chinese culture.For thousands of years, people are used to having an emperor, to rule the world with one surname, and even more accustomed to the succession of the throne rather than elections.Besides, capitalism has only just begun to develop, and it still needs a process. Passively letting capitalists participate in politics is not as good as letting them take the initiative to fight for power in the future.In a word, it is not yet mature to realize a democratic system.Therefore, it is better to implement the imperial system for a period of time. After a few decades, or one or two hundred years, they will wake up themselves.

Country name, what kind of country name?
Li Laiheng felt that although the Great China Empire was magnificent, it was too ostentatious and not modest enough, which would frighten all countries in the world. It is better to be modest.What country name do you take?

"I think the common people hope for a peaceful world, and the peaceful world will be safe and healthy. Let's call it Daqing." Lu Qin said.

"Aren't there Manchus in front?" Li Laiheng asked.

"Manchu is Manchu, we are called Daqing." Lu Qin said.

God's will, God's will, this period of history cannot be bypassed.Okay, let's clear it up.

Therefore, Li Laiheng's last order was the Great Qing Empire with the name of Great China.

The enthronement ceremony is over.

Li Laiheng did not live in the Forbidden City, and he did not plan to live in the Forbidden City. He found a place to work near Xishan.

One month later, the Su Qin army suddenly entered Mongolia, and 50 troops suppressed the territory.

"Your Majesty, Aixinjue Luo Xuanye has escaped into Beijing." Someone came to report.Su Qin's army knew that Li Yan had been arrested a month ago, so he raised troops to attack. This was Li Yan's original preventive move, and now he finally used it.Su Qin's army was snatched from Dorgon, so it is easy to understand the deep hatred between him and the Manchus.

"Put them in the Forbidden City." Li Laiheng gave the order casually. Immediately, he broke out in a cold sweat. Afterwards, he smiled faintly, "Impossible, how is it possible?"He is an atheist, and he doesn't believe in the will of God, so he didn't change his decision just now.In this way, Aixinjue Luo Xuanye and his group lived in the Forbidden City.

Li Laiheng smiled wryly, who is Xuan Ye?The famous Kangxi Emperor in history.

(End of this chapter)

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