
Chapter 251 Wang Huzhang Kingdom

Chapter 251
Li Laiheng wanted to change his decision, but in the end he still did not change, and it was also related to two other things.Li Laiheng heard that although Xuanye's capital city did not accompany Sony, Sukshaha, Ebilong, and Obai, who were the four chief ministers in the history books, they were all stationed in North Korea, so Li Laiheng was relieved.

What can a young child do?
Li Laiheng prepares to face Su Qin's rebels.However, the army did not move forward when they reached the Mongolian border. The result of inquiring was that Su Qin was going to offer Li Yan in exchange for peace.

"What conditions?" Li Laiheng asked after the third angel arrived.

"Let the earth be the king, and be the vassal state of Greater China. I want Li Yan's life." The conditions offered are very high.Both conditions are very strong, the land is king, a large piece of land in the north, separated from the central government?It's a tough decision.Li Laiheng thought, Russia is a big country in the world, can it conquer him at this time?Some whimsical.Why not push the boat along the way and let them become independent kings and become vassal states of the Qing Empire?However, Li Yan's ambition is too great and his ability is very strong. It will be a disaster after all if this person stays.If he is not allowed to live, Su Qin's 50 troops will crush the border, although it is not so terrible, but it is certain that both sides will suffer, and there is no need to die.

Well, let him live for decades.

Li Laiheng was a little strange, where did Lao Jiu go?Could it be that he went to the Raksha Kingdom without any achievements?When Li Yan and the others went to Moscow to see the outcome, he held a meeting as soon as he arrived in Moscow, preparing to strengthen the army and enrich the country, and fight back to the Central Plains.However, he was happy all night, and he couldn't get up the next day. When his servant called him, he was bleeding from all seven orifices, apparently died of poisoning.

As soon as he died, the Kremlin was in chaos. In the end, Su Qin could not control it. The generals ceded the land and named it Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Moldova, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and other countries.

After Li Laiheng got the news of Li Yan's death, he sighed: "Hey, you can't escape the curse of history, Li Yan, you can't blame me."

After dealing with the Russian affairs, Wang Hu came back.He said that in that damn place in Japan, there are frequent earthquakes, some are cold enough to die, there are no resources, and it is not a place for people to live. Let the local natives and disabled people who migrated live there.

Li Laiheng really hoped that Wang Hu would be king there, but Wang Hu refused to do so.

Wang Hu said, Your Majesty, I found a piece of news in Japan, which is absolutely true. The Japanese are descendants of the Chinese.

really?Li Laiheng asked.

Yes, absolutely, you remember Water Margin, the people in it are real people.Back then, there was a Pan Jinlian who fell in love with Ximen Qing, and Wu Dalang was poisoned to death by the two of them and thrown into the river.However, he was not completely dead. He drifted and drifted in the water, and was swept to several islands by the sea.The local fishermen salvaged him and found that he was still breathing, so he quickly performed artificial respiration and revived the dying Wu Dalang.The fishermen were overjoyed and rushed to tell everyone that a tall, handsome, and mighty man had come to the island. Our ancestors have been so short for generations. We want to use this gentleman's height advantage to improve our race and make him our king. .So Wu Dalang became king.With 72 concubines in the Sixth Court of Sangong, Wu Dalang soon had a large group of princes.These princes scattered among the people and married civilian women, so since then, the height of the local residents has increased significantly.When Wu Dalang became king, he was quite diligent at the beginning.Every day is: "If you have something to go to work, you will play early, and if you have nothing to do, you will leave the court early." 'After some days, he found it boring.Officials have to talk for a long time about trivial matters.So he said, you will write the important content of the matter as a memorial in the future and give it to me.The officials were very surprised, what do you mean by 'writing'?We can't read, we can't write.Wu Dalang said, well, I will run a cram school for everyone to eliminate illiteracy.So he used his limited knowledge to open literacy classes for officials to learn characters.But Wu Dalang is a sesame seed seller, and he only knows a few characters, and he only remembers some radicals for many characters.When the officials were learning and disseminating to the outside world, they forgot some parts of some characters, so this formed the current "false" characters: hiragana, katakana, etc., which are an important part of oriental culture.After Wu Dalang implemented this reform, he gained more support.One day he discovered that the subjects had no names.So he said, this is not good, everyone has to have a name and a surname.Of course, you can’t call Zhao, Qian, Sun and Li. We Chinese are called, so you can just do it like this. Whoever lives can take the surname.So there are surnames such as 'Tanaka', 'Matsushita', and 'Yamaguchi'.As for the names, let's go 'one, two, three, four'.But the eldest can't be called 'Da Lang', it violates my taboo, so it can only be called 'Taro', and the second child can't be called 'Er Lang', it violates my brother Wu Erlang Wu Song's taboo, so it can only be called 'Ji Lang'.For the rest, you can call in order, and I have no objection.So this country has the names of 'Yamaguchi Taro', 'Tanaka Jiro' and so on.After Wu Dalang became king, he was always tired of eating delicacies from mountains and seas.He remembered that when he was drifting at sea, he had nothing to eat, so he could only catch fish and eat it raw.In retrospect, it still tasted pretty good.So he asked his chef to make fish only raw, not cooked.Since then, this dish has been warmly supported by people all over the country, and has since become a famous dish in the country.Wu Dalang also found that the local people are still like the Chinese, sleeping on the bed.He was very angry. Back then, since Pan Jinlian and Ximen Qing had an extramarital affair, Ximen Qing often came to his house, which made him have no place to sleep, so he had to sleep on the floor.Even if I am a king, I can only sleep on the ground, and you can only sleep on the ground, too!Only in this way can we not forget the shame of taking our wife!So he issued a decree to this effect.From then on, the people of this country can only sleep on the ground of paving mats, which is the so-called 'tatami'.Wu Dalang thought, in China, being a king is a majestic style, with flags flying all over the sky.Our current country doesn't even have a logo, so it's boring.So he took out the apron he used to sell sesame seed cakes and asked the eunuch to wash it. It was still white, so he used it as a flag.There must be a sign on the flag.All the impressions in Wu Dalang's head are only the sold biscuits.So he baked a red, round biscuit and stuck it in the middle of the apron, which became the national flag of that island country.Wu Dalang was king for several years, but died without any illness.When he was dying, he was still bitter about not being able to defeat Ximen Qing and avenge his wife's seizure, so he left a legacy to ask his descendants to seek revenge from Ximen Qing's descendants.Later, his descendants practiced day and night, and went to Shaolin Temple to secretly learn some kung fu. In order to commemorate King Wu Dalang, they named it "Wu Shi Dao". False words' was passed down as 'Bushido', and because Wu Dalang won the world with nothing, these kung fu are also called 'Karate'.As for judo, it is actually the trick that Wu Dalang played with Japanese women in bed, kneading and kneading, turning and turning, and then moved to the public for some reason, and became a kung fu.At the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the descendants of the Wu family began to send people to China to seek revenge for the descendants of Ximen Qing, but they were driven into the sea by our hero Qi Jiguang. That was the "anti-Japanese war" in history.

Li Laiheng thought, could it be that in the twentieth century, the people of the Wu tribe traveled from north to south and from east to west in China, smashing most of our rivers and mountains, or were they trying to find the descendants of their enemy Ximenqing?
Wang Hu then smiled and said, Your Majesty, do you know that Japanese women are very casual about that matter, they like to have sex with men in the wild, and while doing it, they feel very inconvenient, and then they simply put a pillow on their backs and put The sheets around the body are called tools to carry with you, and it is very convenient to go anywhere. This is called a kimono, which means harmony and harmony.The son born under the pine tree is called 'Matsushita', and the son born in the field is called 'Tanaka'.

Li Laiheng chuckled, feeling that the story was boring.However, he didn't dare to be fake. Didn't he come from the 21st century?Maybe Wu Dalang was poisoned to death by Pan Jinlian's medicine back then, and his grievance lingered, and his soul floated and floated across the sea, and it is hard to say that he came to the bird country.

(End of this chapter)

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