
Chapter 252 How Did It End Like This?

Chapter 252 How Did It End Like This?
After a few more days, all the work has come to an end.Li Zicheng went back to Shimen County to be a monk after all the troubles. Li Laiheng gave him a name, "Monk Fengtianyu." It implied that he was the King of Fengtian, and moreover, it meant that he was also considered an emperor.Later, Li Zicheng died at 90, that is something later.

Because of Zhang Xianzhong's collusion with Li Yan, although Li Laiheng said he didn't care about it, he still had backbone and voluntarily exiled overseas, and swore that he would never set foot on the land of the motherland again in this life, find an island, live a day of repentance, and swore , the offspring gave birth to males as farmers and females as servants. One day, his fleet floated and floated to a place called Luzon. , maybe that's the reason.

Wu Sangui, he was taking a bath in the battery one day, and he met a big tortoise, and the big tortoise suddenly spoke human words, "Wu Sangui, you fucking, everyone calls you a bastard tortoise, what did our turtle clan offend you for? On our heads, when will our tortoises turn their backs? Wu Sangui said, where did I disgrace your name? The tortoise said, why not? You are a traitor, you value sex over friends, you betray your master and seek glory, you are a tortoise I was speechless. Wu Sangui sneered, it’s about time, isn’t the Manchu Qing eradicated? The tortoise said, how do you know that it will be eradicated? Besides, this infamy can’t be cleared up the year before! Wu Sangui Hengdao, then don’t you wash him for a thousand years. The turtle said angrily, it’s hard for a person to live for a hundred years. You said that I will wash away the shame for a thousand years. Then give me Wu Sangui’s Yangshou, your sons and grandsons, for generations to come. The tortoise clan should have a better life. Wu Sangui said that you are swearing hard, I am afraid of you? So Wu Sangui and the tortoise started fighting. What kind of tortoise is this tortoise? He ate him in one bite. Wu Sangui ended up sadly.

Gu Ying and Gu Kecheng originally wanted to go back to the dynasty, but after thinking about it later, Li Laiheng and Li Yan were like brothers, but they turned against each other and almost killed Li Laiheng, why should we go back to the Central Plains to take this muddy water?It's better to stay in the south and let us be independent kings. We will be the kings of a small country. If we are not allowed to be, we can be a high-ranking official or a governor.Li Laiheng guessed what they meant and let them go. Anyway, the two people are not bad in character, so they should be a vassal over there.Therefore, a decree was made to let the two valleys guard one side, each be king, and profess ministers to the empire.

Zhang Wenxiu sent a telegram asking for instructions to return to China to report on work. Li Laiheng thought that this country is very important and will affect the world in the future. Some things must be prepared early. Therefore, Li Laiheng immediately agreed to Zhang Wenjing's return to China.

However, after three months, the news of Zhang Wenjing was silent. When asked in the United States, it turned out that after he got his request to return to China, he led a fleet and set off, and he is still cruising in the vast sea.Unfortunately, a few days later, Zhang Wenjing encountered a typhoon. Since then, there has been no news about this fleet. Until half a year later, some wreckage was seen in the Gulf of Mexico. The local people verified that the manufacturing level of such items The craftsmanship is very high, and only the Chinese have this level.Therefore, there is no doubt about Zhang Wenjing's death.

Since then, the United States has not had any contact with this side, and even the code of the telegram has been changed. Li Laiheng guessed that the people there had a double heart and cut off contact on purpose, so he sent a few people there to find out what happened. It turned out that the United States is now controlled by Lao Jiu. In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, he changed his name to Washington and gave him a foreigner's name.

When Li Laiheng got the news, hey, he let out a long sigh, there is no way, history is hard to change.

That being the case, Li Laiheng didn't want to be Genghis Khan either. He felt that it was more practical to govern his own country well, and making his country strong and prosperous was the right way. Therefore, he focused on domestic development and vigorously developed the economy.

On this day, Li Laiheng received an invitation to attend a banquet for the Manchu nobles at Diaoyutai, so he took Wang Hu there.The Manchu people received Li Laiheng warmly.Li Laiheng met Soni, Sukeshaha, Ebilong, and Obai for the first time. They had returned to China dozens of times. Li Laiheng didn't know. He thought, these people turned out to be the four chief ministers of Emperor Kangxi. See, I don't think they have any cleverness.

Fortunately, Li Laiheng has not completely changed the world since his rebirth, but the domestic historical process has changed. When he was happy, he would talk more after a few glasses of wine. , without me, you should be the emperor of the Qing Dynasty."

Xuan Ye immediately knelt down and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compliment!"

The four chief ministers also knelt down and said: "The Chinese people are lucky to have such a wise leader as His Majesty."

Hmph, what?This wine is very strong, and I feel dizzy after half a catty.

"Your majesty, wake up, what are you doing?"

"This is the emperor's will, hurry up and release it to the public"

What's the meaning?Many noisy voices came from Li Laiheng's ears, which seemed very far away, as far away as memory, but the voice became clearer.

"Li Bo, wake up, the troops are about to leave."

What?Who is Li Bo?Li Laiheng opened his eyes, his eyes were bright.He was in a gorgeous, no, it should be very delicate room, surrounded by snow-white.The walls, bed sheets, people's pairs, people's clothes, are all white.

Isn't this a hospital?

After being confused for a few minutes, Li Laiheng realized that he had time traveled again and returned to the 21st century.Could it be that he can't survive?Who is Li Bo, Li Laiheng thought, I should be called Li Xiang, how can I be called Li Bo?
"Who is Li Bo?"

"You are Li Bo."

"Am I not Li Xiang?"

"Li Xiang is your father, he was a warrior many years ago."

Fuck me, where is this?Be your own ancestor for a while, and be your own son for a while, who is who, mother, it's messed up.

"Li Bo, after the examination, your condition has fully recovered. If you don't return to the team, you will die for the rest of your life. The war is about to end."

"What? At war?"

"Why are you pretending to be stupid, are you so cute? The third war became a local war in the world because we adopted the quick decisive battle method. Your battalion was quickly put to use. It is really enviable. You have once again become the ace force Use it at a critical moment, hit it hard." It was a beautiful nurse who spoke.

This is the fifth field hospital of the General Hospital of the Nanjing Military Region.

(End of this chapter)

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