
Chapter 54 Niu Venus

Chapter 54 Niu Venus

Agate Mountain victory.When the good news spread to Beijing, Emperor Chongzhen broke his face and smiled.

A few days ago, he received the secret report of Shangluo Mountain's defeat, one bad news after another bad news came: Lujiazhai's [-] troops were wiped out; .

"Ding Qirui, damn it!"

"Damn Cao Bianjiao!"

In Chongzhen's eyes, there are too many damned people.

The Shangluo Mountain battle, which took a lot of energy, was about to end in failure. At this time, a good news came, Zuo Liangyu defeated Zhang Xianzhong in Manao Mountain.Emperor Chongzhen suddenly became energetic.

"Call Hong Chengchou."

It was common for Emperor Chongzhen to wake up the ministers from their sleep in the middle of the night.Those ministers, thanks to the time when they survived to be the ministers beside the emperor, are not young, otherwise, the ministers would often be called down from the belly of the ladies by the emperor.

Hong Chengchou knew that the emperor must have received some military report again.Probably not good news.In the past few decades, the Ming Dynasty has been precarious, and there have been many incidents of house leaks and continuous night rain. It is estimated that Zhang Xianzhong or Li Zicheng have some failures.

In Hong Chengchou's mind, he hoped that Yang Sichang, an old opponent, would die without a burial, and it would be better for Zhang Xianzhong or Li Zicheng to cut off his head, but he was also worried that the Ming Dynasty would continue to decline day by day.

"Hong Chengchou, just now the military newspaper reported a great victory at Manao Mountain, and Zhang Xianzhong was defeated. Thieves Zhang himself was almost captured. What do you think?" After Chongzhen finished speaking, an eunuch gave Hong Chengchou a secret memorial.

Great victory, great victory, what's so great about it?How many victories have there been since Gao Chuang, the leader of the thirteen thieves, ravaged China?Isn't there a big defeat after a big victory?As for nonsense such as "almost captured", there should be no mention of "captured" and "beheaded" many times by Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong. Which one is true?I heard that Li Zicheng was taken prisoner a few days ago, but is there another "lucky escape"?
Hong Chengchou was not as excited as Chongzhen, but he had to say a few nice words, so as not to disappoint the emperor.

"Congratulations, long live my emperor. Yang Sichang's great victory this time is really not easy, so he should be commended."

"Where do you think Zhang Xianzhong's men will flee?"

"Back to the emperor, Zhang Xianzhong must go to Sichuan, or southern Shaanxi."

"I think so too. No matter where Zhang thief flees to, it is the end of the road. What is your strategy for destroying Zhang Xianzhong and Li Zicheng?"

Hong Chengchou was startled, the emperor must have a reason for asking this question.

"Returning to the emperor, I am now thinking about the military affairs of Manchuria day and night, and I don't think carefully about Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong's military use, so I dare not speak nonsense." Hong Chengchou was uncertain about Chongzhen's thoughts, and dared not say a word.

Chongzhen smiled and said, "Aiqing, do you know why I called you?"

"I'm stupid, I really don't know."

"I want to borrow something from you."

There was a buzzing in Hong Chengchou's mind, and he called out in his heart: "It's over. Yang Sichang, you old guy, Daming's little fortune will be ruined for you."

There was joy in Shangluo Mountain. Half a month after the battle, the soldiers gradually recovered their physical strength, and the wounded soldiers who were slightly injured had already returned to the team.In total, there were more than [-] soldiers capable of fighting. Although half of the troops were lost, which was not a small loss, they still got through the difficulties after all.

It's a rare win, and most people know who's in play.

The defense of Shangluo Mountain has been adjusted.

The northern front was led by Liu Fangliang; the eastern front was led by Gao Yigong; the southern front was led by Yuan Zongdi.Li Guo, Tian Jianxiu, Li Shuangxi, Zhang Nai, and Li Laiheng each led the troops of the headquarters, without specific tasks.Obviously, these five people were severely reprimanded by Li Zicheng.Although he didn't reprimand anyone on the spot, these five people only led 500 people in his headquarters, and Li Laiheng had a little more, there were more than 600 people. It was clear at a glance that they had been classified into a separate book.

Now, the military affairs of Shangluo Mountain are headed by Liu Zongmin, and he has become a veritable deputy commander.That day, shortly after Li Zicheng returned to the old camp, he announced that in the future, when Li Zicheng could not take charge of the overall situation, Liu Zongmin would be in charge.

This was a kind of appeasement, obviously obvious, but Liu Zongmin was already satisfied. When he arranged the defense of Shangluo Mountain, he basically put the five people aside and didn't think about it.Li Zicheng did not interfere, and he could not interfere. It is necessary to neglect a few generals.

Li Laiheng and others understood Li Zicheng's intentions, so they didn't say anything more.What's more, Liu Zongmin is still ill, who would disrespect a general who almost died in battle?
On this day, Wu Ruyi and Liu Tichun came back.They really "kidnapped" an old doctor, surnamed Shang, in name.Dr. Shang is known as a "miracle doctor" in Xi'an. Wu Ruyi and Liu Tichun invited him once, but Shang Yi refused, saying that he was old and could not walk that far. The second time, instead of inviting him, they hired a sedan chair. Without saying a word, he was carried over.It is also more than ten days' journey from Xi'an to here.You can take a sedan chair before, but where can you hire a sedan chair later?There was no sedan chair, so I had to ask him to ride a horse. However, Shang Yi couldn't ride a horse. In the end, he rode a donkey.In this way, Dr. Shang was taken captive into the rebel army.

Capturing Dr. Shang is only one of the goals. How is the other goal accomplished?
"Did Niu Juren invite you?" Li Zicheng was most concerned about Niu Jinxing's affairs.He was eager to ask Liu Tichun.

Liu Tichun replied: "Back to King Chuang, Niu Juren is now locked in the prison of Kaifeng Mansion."

Chuang Wang was startled, why, this Niu Juren is really in a lot of trouble.

Li Zicheng had a long talk with Niu Jinxing half a year ago, and Niu Jinxing's talent overwhelmed Li Zicheng.Niu Jinxing is a scholar, a child of winter vacation, who aspires to enter the mainstream society since he was a child.Although these goals were difficult, they were finally achieved by him.Just as he was intoxicated with his longing for a better future, the law of the jungle of the weak and the strong was fulfilled on him again. A Juren surnamed Xue was the upper level of Niu Jinxing in the food chain. One day, he accidentally fell in love with Niu Jinxing. An old fan in the hand of Venus.Unexpectedly, Niu Jinxing almost lost his life because of a small fan.

Xue Juren asked for Niu Jinxing's fan. Niu Jinxing thought, you are a Juren, and I am a Juren. Why did I give you the fan passed down by my grandfather?However, he is bookish and thinks that the world should always be reasonable. How did he know that making some unjust, false and wrong cases in the officialdom is not normal?Soon, he became the defendant, and Xue Juren accused him of stealing the Xue family's ancestral fan.What Niu Jinxing didn't expect was that the county magistrate issued all conclusive evidence of his "looting", and was later judged by the second state government as an iron case, saying that he forcibly took away the ancestral property of Xue's family, and petitioned the court to seize it. With his fame, Niu Jinxing became an ordinary citizen.

How could Niu Jinxing swallow such a big unjust case?He wants to sue, but where can he sue?Wherever he sued, there was only berating or sticking. There was no way for him to sue. One day, he bid farewell to his family and prepared to throw himself into the river to settle it.Just when he was about to jump into the river, he happened to meet a fortune teller.The fortune teller screamed when he saw Niu Jinxing, and Niu Jinxing asked why.The fortune teller called him to a place where there was no one and said, "Sir, you are in a terrible situation. The Yintang is dark, and your life must be in danger." Niu Jinxing thought, what do you need to say?Didn't I just throw myself into the river?He thought again, hey, how did he see it?Smart.So, Niu Jinxing didn't say a word about his own affairs, but asked: "Master said that I have a disaster of life, but is there a star to save me?" The man looked at it for a while, sighed, and finally said regretfully: "Hey, It's a pity, sir, it's hard to get rid of this disaster. If you get rid of this disaster, you will be rich and powerful in the future." Big and rich?Niu Jinxing smiled wryly, in this world, I can't keep a fan, and I'm still rich?Ghost letter.However, he still asked: "Great, what is expensive?" "One person is less than ten thousand." The fortune teller said.Niu Jinxing didn't believe it at first, but this sentence is too tempting. If one person is under ten thousand, isn't that the prime minister?The two of them talked speculatively, and soon they talked about the corruption of the Celestial Dynasty. Later, the fortune-teller said, "The Great Ming has exhausted its energy, and the new master has ruled the world." Niu Jinxing asked in surprise. Who is the new owner? The fortune teller didn't say anything, but just wrote a few words on the ground: "Eighteen sons."

"Eighteen sons are the main artifact." There is this prophecy in the ancient Tui Bei Tu. "Eighteen sons" means "Li".Upon hearing this, Niu Jinxing thought, isn't the new owner Li Zicheng?For the sake of prudence, he planned to visit Li Zicheng unannounced to see if he had the temperament of an emperor. Later, by chance, he actually met Li Zicheng once.

As soon as they saw each other, the two had a great feeling of hating each other.Niu Jinxing vomited lotus flowers, talking about the current dynasty to the Wanli period, from today to the future situation, from the Central Plains to the Manchurian regime, talking eloquently and eloquently, and even talked for several hours, completely admiring Li Zicheng.And Li Zicheng also confided his ambitions, and later talked about running the army and fighting, and commanding troops. Niu Jinxing also admired Li Zicheng.These two people are like lovers, they feel that they are too perfect for each other, and they wish they could be together from generation to generation in this life and the next life.Although Niu Jinxing secretly admired Li Zicheng, he was a sour scholar and pretended to be reserved. He didn't agree to Li Zicheng's invitation to join the rebel army on the spot, saying that he would think about it when he went back. In this way, Niu Jinxing left Li Zicheng.Li Zicheng also knew this meaning, and soon after Niu Jinxing left, he sent Liu Tichun to invite Niu Jinxing respectfully.

This is what Liu Tichun said when he greeted Niu Jinxing.

When Liu Tichun came to Lu County to inquire, Niu Jinxing went to Kaifeng.But as soon as he arrived in Kaifeng, I heard that he was put in a prison.

What's going on?
It turned out that when Niu Jinxing returned to Lu County, he was uneasy. He refused to accept King Chuang, saying that he still had to think about it, but he hoped that King Chuang would come to greet him grandly as soon as possible. Goal, after thinking about it, he was unsure, and thought of the fortune teller again.Who is that fortune teller?Song Xiance, a well-known sorcerer in the world, is known as "Jiang Ziya" in the world.Niu Jinxing heard that Song Xiance was in Kaifeng, so he rushed to Kaifeng, but there was no one to find him. One day when he was discussing with his friends, he accidentally slipped his tongue. When talking about today's heroes, he said that only Li Zicheng is a hero among men. The Ming Dynasty must be overthrown.This sentence caused trouble, and was quickly captured and taken into the cell.

After Li Zicheng listened, he thought for a while, when he saw Li Laiheng coming in, his face was happy, and he said to Li Laiheng, "You are here, you have beaten Kaifeng, how about hitting again?" He thought of the prison.

Li Laiheng thought, open the seal?Now I'm here to report the military situation.

He has an urgent military situation to report.

"King Chuang, there is an urgent military situation."

"Oh? Is there any urgent military situation?" Li Zicheng asked.

"Yang Sichang mobilized [-] troops to attack Shangluo Mountain, and tens of thousands of them were soldiers from the Nine Frontiers Pass."

Li Zicheng was shocked, a hundred thousand troops!There are also elite divisions who specialize in dealing with the Manchurian regime!

"Urgently call all the generals to come to the old camp to discuss military affairs! Oh, Li Qiang, you bring someone to bring the general post in a soft sedan chair." Li Zicheng ordered.Then, he asked Li Laiheng about the specific arrangements of the court in detail.

Let's talk about the imperial court sending troops here.

Since Yang Sichang left Beijing, he has been physically and mentally exhausted. A series of blows made his gray hair all white suddenly.At first, although he suffered many setbacks, his advantage was always on his side. He made active military plans, pushed Zhang Xianzhong to the Manao Mountain area, and stepped up the encirclement and suppression of Shangluo Mountain.But later, he gradually felt powerless.Li Laiheng drove straight into Henan, stirring up the situation in Henan for more than a month, and he couldn't catch any fish he got; Zhang Xianzhong recruited troops, and his power expanded rapidly, growing to 6 to 1 people.Yang Sichang himself also felt that the more the bandits are suppressed, the more powerful the bandits will become.Yang Sichang was restless and almost became sick with anxiety.Just at this time, Zuo Liangyu made a great achievement, successfully attacked Zhang Xianzhong's old camp, beheaded more than [-] heads of the enemy, and defeated more than [-] enemy troops.This was another great victory after Hong Chengchou last time. Yang Sichang immediately became excited. He reported to the court and rectified the army horses.However, news came soon that Zhang Xianzhong did not go west, but went north and approached southern Shaanxi, and he was likely to merge with Li Zicheng.

Yang Sichang invited the imperial court to mobilize troops and horses from Shanhaiguan, Hebei, Shanxi and other places to carry out large-scale battles in western Hubei and southern Shaanxi, in order to put down the bandits in one fell swoop.

With Zuo Liangyu's great victory as a stimulant, and the fact that the Qing soldiers showed no signs of invading the south for the time being, Emperor Chongzhen immediately issued an order to deploy [-] troops from the Nine Frontiers to reinforce Yang Sichang.

The Nine Frontier Army is the national frontier defense force. It has fought against the Qing soldiers for many years, and they will not be transferred under normal circumstances.This time Chongzhen actually mobilized more than [-] troops and horses at a time, which shows his great determination.

This plan was so ambitious that even Hong Chengchou was greatly surprised, and secretly cursed Yang Sichang to die, a prodigal son, and he would ruin even a little of the Ming Dynasty's fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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