
Chapter 55 Abandoning Shangluo Mountain

Chapter 55 Abandoning Shangluo Mountain

This is a huge plan just released by the imperial court, a very important piece of information.

Sticking to Shangluo Mountain is a dead end.Even Li Laiheng, who advocated the establishment of base areas in the past, believed that now he must go to southern Shaanxi and northern Hubei to approach Zhang Xianzhong.

Although Zhang Xianzhong is newly defeated and his morale is low, Zhang Xianzhong has been defeated repeatedly and has a tenacious character. Now he still has 1 to [-] troops, especially Zhang Kewang's [-] elites have not been damaged. His strength is still very strong, so , Zhang Xianzhong is the backbone of the peasant army.Looking at Li Zicheng again, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled add up to a little over [-], so he must approach Zhang Xianzhong and join forces with Zhang Xianzhong.However, when it comes to alliances, Li Zicheng feels a little ashamed in his heart. How can he talk about alliances with others?In fact, it can only be regarded as a refuge.

Going to refuge is not an easy matter. The last time Li Zicheng went to Gucheng, Zhang Xianzhong had the desire to kill him. Now it has been more than a year. When we meet again, can we not kill him?However, this matter has always been very contradictory. Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong both know that their lips are dead and their teeth are cold.And when they think of the future, they are incompatible.

In fact, Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong now have no choice but to cooperate again.With a large army pressing down on the border, with unprecedented strength, the imperial court took huge risks and allocated a quarter of the most elite border guards to destroy the peasant army. This posture clearly showed that Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong had to be wiped out.

The [-] troops on the border are all elite national defense forces. No wonder Hong Chengchou feels distressed.The greatest military threat of the Ming Dynasty came from the north. The defense line of the country in the north was divided into nine districts, that is, the nine sides. The elite troops were deployed on the front line of the Great Wall to prevent the invasion of the northern peoples.The soldiers and horses of the Nine Sides are generally not used for domestic warfare. Even when the Northwest Peasant Army burned the royal tomb, Chongzhen only used the three sides of the Nine Sides.But this time, he actually mobilized [-] troops from nine sides. Such a large-scale strategy shocked everyone inside and outside the court.

Of course Li Zicheng was horrified, he had to quickly come up with a plan to deal with this severe situation.

"Give this information to Zhang Xianzhong as soon as possible."

Li Zicheng said at the last military meeting in Shangluoshan.

"Yes, only by uniting with Zhang Xianzhong and others can we have a chance to break the encirclement by officers and soldiers. I suggest that we first send a small force to contact Zhang Xianzhong and observe their attitude nearby." Tian Jianxiu said.

"Well, that's natural. Lai Heng, how many days will it take for you to send information to Zhang Xianzhong?" Li Zicheng asked.

"Three to five days."

"Oh? Just three or five days? Xiangyang should not have received the imperial edict yet?" Li Zicheng asked again.

"The court plan was made three days ago, and Xiangyang should receive the imperial edict five days later." Li Laiheng said.They delivered the news faster than the usual six-hundred-mile express, so Li Laiheng was the first to get this information.

"In other words, we have five more days of preparation time, and it is not difficult to break out of the encirclement." Li Zicheng said.

"It will take at least half a month for the enemy to prepare. It is not a big problem for us to rush out of Shangluo Mountain. The problem now is how to design our transition route. What should they do if they cannot join forces with Zhang Xianzhong?" Tian Jian Xiu said.

A sly smile appeared on the corner of Li Zicheng's mouth.

Li Laiheng noticed.He is not going to discuss this issue any further, it is a matter for the leaders themselves to consider.

Liu Zongmin was still ill, lying on the camp bed, listening to everyone's discussion quietly.Today's decision is crucial, and Li Zicheng has to make the final decision and make up his mind.So, today everyone can speak freely.

In the end, everyone's tendency was to send a small group of troops to fight guerrillas in Shangluo Mountain, and a large group of troops to march to northern Hubei. If Zhang Xianzhong could join forces, he would join him.

"Laiheng, what do you think?" Li Zicheng saw Li Laiheng meditating there, so he asked him what he thought.

"King Chuang, I think you can divide your troops into two groups and ambush a group of troops in Henan. After King Chuang succeeds in countering the encirclement and suppression, you can enter Henan. This army will lay the foundation for your present Henan." Li Laiheng said.

"Oh? Tell me the reason." Li Zicheng said.

"This time the imperial court used heavy troops from nine sides, which shows that the imperial court is playing a dangerous game. As long as they break their siege this time, it will be impossible for Emperor Chongzhen to use a large army in the future. Therefore, this is actually a decisive battle. We only need to drag the imperial army to exhaustion, defeat them one by one, and win a few big victories, then we will enter the stage of counter-offensive, and at that time, the time to overthrow the imperial court is not far away." Li Laiheng said.

Makes sense.Everyone felt that Li Laiheng's analysis was correct. As long as he survived and broke the siege, the development of the rebel army would usher in a new era in the future, and the attack on the imperial court would be like destroying everything.

Now, Li Laiheng proposed that the division of troops in Henan is a far-sighted strategic idea.Of course, Li Laiheng benefited from the fact that he is a traveler in the 21st century. He remembered that when Li Zicheng broke out from Yubu Mountain, he only had [-] riders left to enter Henan. After entering Henan, he spent less than three months, It is a historical fact that it has millions of soldiers.

Fifty riders developed into a million people within three months, does it really conform to historical facts?In fact, did Li Zicheng already have a large army in Henan?
Li Laiheng believed in the latter even more. He thought, with fifty cavalry, there are almost 50 people in the meeting now. Could it be that these generals are the only ones left without a single soldier entering Henan?This is clearly not a scientific statement.Therefore, he put forward the idea of ​​dividing troops in Henan, which was also based on this consideration.

Many people nodded yes.Chuang Wang also showed a happy face.

"I don't think it's appropriate." A voice said: "Hao Yaoqi hasn't come back until now, and now he is talking about dividing troops, let alone having no soldiers to divide, even if there are soldiers, it is not appropriate. Although Shangluoshan won the victory, The price of this victory is not small, more than half of the troops lost, the morale is already low, and the division of troops will affect morale. Therefore, I do not agree with the division of troops."

Liu Zongmin seems to be Li Laiheng's nemesis, and he will come out to sing the opposite tune at every critical moment.

He is the newly appointed deputy commander in chief, what he needs is authority, if no one recognizes his authority, he will be disappointed and he will resist.Li Laiheng knew that now, he had to maintain this authority. Although he knew it was harmful, in the long run, such harmful things had to be done.

Therefore, once Liu Zongmin objected, he remained silent.Still the sequelae of last time.

Liu Zongmin is not a bad person, but he is incompatible with Li Laiheng, it is not Liu Zongmin's fault.Liu Zongmin was so loyal and risked his life, how could he be said to be unfaithful?He makes plans, commands the army, wins more and loses less, can he be said to be unwise?He has been fighting on the battlefield for more than ten years, killing countless enemies, and the enemies are terrified. Can you say that he is not brave?In more than ten years of military career, he has sacrificed his life and accumulated lofty prestige. Can he be said to be unjust?
Liu Zongmin is indeed not a bad person, he is comparable to no one in the rebel army except King Chuang.However, Li Laiheng doesn't like this person. Loyalty, courage, wisdom, and righteousness don't mean the best.

After being told by Liu Zongmin, everyone fell silent.

In the silent venue, Liu Zongmin was very comfortable, he was intoxicated by this prestige.The injury last time was too severe, and the trauma needs to be repaired. A high-ranking person cannot afford to be injured.

He not only objected, but also made a suggestion, saying: "King Chuang, let me see, send Li Laiheng to fight in the vanguard and contact Zhang Xianzhong."

When Lao Jiu heard this, he shuddered. The God of War decided to fight in advance?

Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong are a pair of natural enemies, and Li Laiheng and Zhang Kewang are not a pair of rivals who have feuded in previous lives?From time to time, the old nine placed in Zhang Xianzhong's team sent back news that Zhang Xianzhong's department had listed Li Zicheng and Li Laiheng as the first and second focus objects.

The meeting decided that Li Laiheng led fifty cavalry as an advance team, secretly marched southward, and contacted Zhang Xianzhong's troops in due course.Five days later, Li Guo led the forward troops out of Wuguan and moved towards southern Shaanxi and northern Hubei.On the same day, Li Zicheng led the main force to follow up, accompanied by generals Liu Zongmin, Yuan Zongdi, Liu Fangliang, Tian Jianxiu, Gao Yigong, Li Shuangxi, and Zhang Nai.There is a left-behind army in Shangluo Mountain, led by Gu Ying and Heihuxing who returned to the team. They are mainly composed of disabled and veterans. There are only more than 300 young and middle-aged people. There is no illusion of leaving Shangluo Mountain, and some enemies are restrained.

It was quite chilly in the late autumn morning.Li Laiheng's bay red war horse snorted and pawed the ground with its front hooves. Li Laiheng patted its neck and said, "Don't worry, I'm going to meet a big man today, so you have to behave yourself."

Li Laiheng really wants to meet a special person today, Liu Guoneng.

Who is Liu Guoneng?
(End of this chapter)

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