Chapter 105 Meeting Xiao Qi Again
Just when Mo Ran was hesitating how to answer Huang Ge's question, a familiar voice suddenly came from the side.

"Mo Ran, why did you become a coachman?"

The familiar voice made Mo Ran's face darken immediately, but Huang Ge, who was half lifting the curtain of the carriage, suddenly withdrew his hands and retreated into the carriage at the same time.

Why does this voice sound like the teary-eyed ranger Xiao Qi who was cheated by her that day?
With a trace of suspicion and apprehension, Huang Ge cautiously raised a corner of the curtain of the small window to look outside, and sure enough, she saw Xiao Qi who was riding a horse alongside Mo Ran in front of the carriage.

Could Xiao Qi still know Mo Ran?

As soon as this idea popped up, Huangge's mood suddenly became unspeakable.

"My lord asked me to send the eldest lady to the Hundred Flowers Banquet." Mo Ran clearly saw a gloating expression on Xiao Qi's face, moved his lips and finally chose to tell the truth and was too lazy to explain.

"Hey, the person in the carriage is the future Aunt Huang?" When she heard that the carriage was sitting in Lanjue's future princess, Xiaoqi was shocked, and when she even abandoned her mount and got on the carriage, she was about to Open the curtain and go in.

"Lonely men and widows living in the same room may cause criticism, please think again." Huang Ge in the carriage naturally did not want Xiao Qi to see him, and when he saw Xiao Qi coming in, he deliberately thickened his voice and said to him.

"Why is this sound so unpleasant?" Xiao Qi immediately took a step back in disgust when she heard Huang Ge's voice sound like a duck, and at the same time gave up on opening the curtain.

He just wanted to meet his future little aunt on a whim, so he jumped over without thinking too much.Although he is on the street at the moment, it is not appropriate for him to be alone in a room with a man and a woman, not to mention the strict rules of the royal family. If some small things are spread, they will be embellished and made into big things. Just to be on the safe side, Xiao Qi followed Huang Ge's words and backed away.

But the look of disgust on that face was not fake, and Mo Ran beside him looked speechless.

Your Majesty the Seventh Prince, you Jiang Zi are really nice, the person sitting inside is your future aunt after all!

"Forget it, I still have something to do, so I won't go with you. In the future, Aunt Xiao Huang, let's see you another day." Xiao Qi seemed to be frightened by Huang Ge's voice, and after exiting, she patted her chest and concentrated slightly Then he turned over and got out of the carriage again, and just as he finished speaking, he rode his horse and disappeared on the street ahead.

Moran, "..."

His Seventh Highness is really...

"Mo Ran, who is that person?" Huang Ge breathed a sigh of relief seeing Xiao Qi leaving, but just now he seemed to hear him calling himself the future emperor's aunt, could it be that he is also a member of the royal family?
"That is His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince of the current dynasty. He has been with the prince since he was a child, and he is a little closer to the people in the Yue Palace than other people." Listening to Huang Ge asking about Xiao Qi's identity, Mo Ran dared not hide it, and simply put Xiao Qi Talked to Huang Ge about the situation.

Huangge turned her head to one side silently when she heard the words, feeling that she cheated a genuine prince last time?
But how did an imposing prince become a bounty ranger?
"You said that he has been with the prince since he was a child, so he should serve in the army?" Huang Ge thought for a moment before asking Mo Ran again. According to Lan Jue's temperament, the people who have been with him since childhood It can be more or less successful, but it is not possible to be a bounty ranger.

(End of this chapter)

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