The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 106 The White Willow's Jealousy

Chapter 106 The White Willow's Jealousy

"His Royal Highness Seven has indeed been serving in the army before, but he left a year ago, and now he is a bounty ranger." For some reason, Huang Ge heard Mo Ran's tone obviously tinge when he mentioned that Xiao Qi had become a bounty ranger Feeling of regret.

"His Royal Highness actually became a bounty ranger, wouldn't the emperor and his concubine be angry?" But even Mo Ran knew about Xiao Qi's job as a bounty ranger, so the current emperor must also know.According to the rules of the royal family, princes should either join the army or enter the imperial court when they become adults. How could they tolerate him being a bounty ranger?
"His Seventh Highness's biological mother is a court lady, and now that His Highness Seventh is an adult, she is still a palace maid..." Mo Ran pursed her lips and remained silent for a long while before telling Huangge something that surprised her.

A palace lady who gave birth to a prince for the royal family is still a palace lady?

According to the rules of the royal family, isn't it true that mothers are more expensive than children?
But after thinking about it, Huang Ge suddenly understood why Xiao Qi didn't want to stay in the army or enter the court. Although he was a prince, his mother and concubine came from a low background, and her mother's family didn't have any support to speak of.Once involved in the storm of seizing the heirloom, such Xiao Qi will undoubtedly die.

But if Xiao Qi stays away from the imperial court and does not join the military, maybe he can have a safe life.This should be what her mother and concubine hoped for, and it was also what Xiao Qi herself longed for.

Thinking of the clear smile on the baby's face that day, Huang Ge felt that such a person was really not suitable to stay in the royal family.

"Miss, the Zuo Xiangfu is here." While the two were talking, the carriage had already arrived in front of Zuo Xiangfu's gate, and Bai Liu, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, saw the carriage coming from Yue Wangfu's mansion, and immediately greeted him with a smile on his face.


"You're the only one going to the Hundred Flowers Banquet?" Huang Ge lifted the curtain by the window and glanced at the door of Zuo Xiangfu. Except for Bai Liu, there were no other female relatives waiting, so she couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Second Sister and Aunt Ding have already passed by, and the Empress Dowager personally came to pick them up today." Bai Liu replied with a smile, and got into the carriage without waiting for Huang Ge and Mo Ran to open their mouths. Holding Huang Ge's arm affectionately, it seems that the two have a very good relationship.

Huangge, "..."

How close are they to each other?
Moreover, she didn't ask Bai Liu to come up, she came up by herself, really...

Although Mo Ran who was driving was a little dissatisfied with Bai Liu's behavior, it can be seen that Huang Ge didn't say anything and just pretended not to see it. After Bai Liu got into the carriage, he immediately drove to the Baihua Banquet.

"The Empress is really kind to the second sister, she actually sent someone to pick her up in person." Now that Bai Liu has come up, Huang Ge couldn't drive her away, and when she answered the words, she also slipped her wrist out of Bai Liu's hand Vigorously, he broke free, and silently distanced himself from Bai Liu.

Although this move made Bai Liu a little embarrassed, but due to Huang Ge's current status, Bai Liu could only give up with an embarrassing smile.

"The second sister is the empress's favorite daughter-in-law, so naturally she is very kind to her. But the prince treats the eldest sister very well, even General Mo Ran has assigned you to be a coachman." When Bai Liu talked about these flowers, it seemed She was smiling, but in fact, she was almost going crazy with jealousy.

Why are they both the daughters of Zuo Xiangfu, Bai You and Bai Zhi can find a lover and climb high branches, but she can't get anything.

(End of this chapter)

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