Chapter 107 Hundred Flowers Feast (1)

"My lord is just trying to give the Yue Palace a face, so why be serious." Even though Bai Liu concealed it very well, Huang Ge could still hear a sour taste in her words.Leaning on the soft bed and yawning lazily, Huang Ge closed her eyes and took a nap after saying this, completely treating Bai Liu as air.

This woman's thoughts are too obvious, she can't even arouse her interest in fighting.

Seeing that Huangge treats her like nothing, Bai Liu couldn't help clenching her hands tightly together in her long sleeves.It's just that I was lucky enough to temporarily climb a high branch, so what's so great about it.

After a while at the Hundred Flowers Banquet, she was the one who looked good.

Thinking of making Huang Ge ugly in a short while, the rage in Bai Liu's heart calmed down again, and he leaned on the side of the carriage and looked outside quietly and stopped talking.

Seeing that Bai Liu remained silent in such a cooperative manner, Huang Ge was a little surprised.But considering that this little girl really has no fighting power, Huang Ge didn't think too deeply.During this journey, Huang Ge slept very peacefully, and when she arrived at the Baihua Banquet, Huang Ge looked particularly energetic when she got off the car.Mo Ran next to him looked at the shining eyes of his princess, and silently turned his head to one side.

Why does he have the illusion that his future little princess is here to fight...

Because men were not allowed to enter, Mo Ran didn't go in after sending Huang Ge and Bai Liu to the door.Under the guidance of a little maid, Huang Ge and Bai Liu passed through several yards along the way and finally came to a lake.

Or because it was hosted by Lan Ziying this year, the entire courtyard where the Hundred Flowers Banquet was held was decorated quite elegantly.Most of the flowers along the way are orchids, and with the surrounding green branches and green leaves, it looks extraordinarily elegant and beautiful.

The main venue of the Baihua Banquet is set on a temporary outdoor water platform built on the lake. Most of the flowers and plants on it are orchids, but many other rare flower species have been added. From a distance, the lingering flowers are too beautiful to behold, which is also in line with the requirements of Baihua. The theme of the banquet.

While admiring the flowers, Huang Ge was chatting with Bai Liu casually, and when she was about to enter the promenade on the lake, several women in fine clothes gathered beside her and pointed at Huang Ge and started whispering.

"Look, who is that?"

"I haven't seen it before, and I don't know which concubine it is..."

Huangge, "..."

Is it someone else's concubine who has not participated in the Hundred Flowers Banquet before?
Huang Ge was deeply impressed by the logic of this group of people.

"Isn't that person next to you Bai Liu, the third lady of Zuo Xiangfu?"

"It looks like her, that person who came with her, could it be the aunt of Zuo Xiangfu Xinna?"

Just when Huangge was about to pretend to be dead and leave, the discussions of those people reached Huangge's ears again, and now Huangge couldn't calm down.

"I don't know how to call them?"

The women who were talking quietly about Huang Ge were a little dazed when they saw Huang Ge suddenly walking towards them. Now that they were asked by Huang Ge, they didn't know how to answer. For a while, you looked at me and you , but I don't know who should speak first.

"I am the eldest lady of Yushi's mansion. This is the two daughters of the General City's mansion, and that is the young lady of Zhu's mansion. I wonder if you are...?" After a long silence, the one who seemed a little older among the few people A woman gritted her teeth slightly, and bravely introduced their identities to Huang Ge.

(End of this chapter)

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