The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 117 Shangguan Ziyan and Huangge

Chapter 117 Shangguan Ziyan and Huangge (1)

And from Shangguan Ziyan's words, everyone also heard some more explosive news. It stands to reason that Shangguan Ziyan should have arrived in the capital a few days earlier. From her point of view, it seems that Lan Jue has been with her for the past few days. She was beside her, and Guan Ziyan didn't realize until early this morning that it was the day of the Hundred Flowers Banquet. Lan Jue also knew about it immediately and accompanied her here.

What does this mean?
It is very likely that Shangguan Ziyan and Lan Jue will not only travel together in the past few days, but also eat and live together.

When thinking of this possibility, the eyes of many female family members around looked at Huang Ge with more and more sympathy.

Huangge, "..."

Huang Ge, who had been given the aura of a boudoir and resentful wife for no reason, was very roaring in her heart. She didn't like Lan Jue, what happened when he went out to spend a few days with a woman?Even if she is married back to the Yue Palace, she has no objection.

However, she could only silently flow these thoughts into tears in the bottom of her heart, not daring to speak out in public.

"My cousin is really kind to you. When I returned to the capital, I didn't see my cousin playing around with me." Ning Fei heard that Lan Jue had been with Shangguan Ziyan for the past few days, with a smile on her face. I almost couldn't hold it anymore, and my tone of voice was a bit weird.

"Ziyan is a guest from afar, and the uncle and her friend were friends when they were young, so it is reasonable to accompany her for a few days. If you feel wronged, Ningfei, you can let the uncle accompany you for a few days later." Lan Zi Ying was deeply afraid that Ning Fei would be unhappy, so she went up against Shangguan Ziyan just like embarrassing Huangge. Compared with Huangge, although Shangguan Ziyan looked easier to bully, in Lan Jue's heart, she might be the one The most precious of all women.

Ningfei knew that Lan Ziying was warning her, but the fact that Shangguan Ziyan dominated Lan Jue made her feel very upset.When her eyes turned slightly, Ning Fei suddenly had an idea, if she doesn't make things difficult for Shangguan Ziyan, then she should let other people make things difficult for the head office.

"Cousin, you came just in time. Cousin sister-in-law is also here today, and there is still a seat next to her, why don't you sit next to her with Ziyan."

As soon as these words came out, Lan Ziying's complexion changed slightly, and there was a trace of reproach in the eyes looking at Ning Fei.Putting Shangguan Ziyan and Huangge together, wouldn't that add to the confusion?

Ning Fei deliberately turned her head to one side so as not to look into Lan Ziying's eyes. She naturally knew that putting Shangguan Ziyan and Huang Ge together would cause trouble in all likelihood, but who made these two women make her look uncomfortable? It's pleasing to the eye.

"Sister Baizhi is here too? Sister Ningfei, hurry up and take me to meet her. I've heard my cousin mention her several times. She must be like you, an all-powerful beauty." Upon hearing Huangge was also here, and Shangguan Ziyan became interested immediately.Yang asked Ning Fei to take her to find Huang Ge, and at the same time praised Ning Fei, which made Ning Fei's eyes on Shangguan Ziyan seem to be more pleasing to the eye.

"Let's go, I'll take you there now." Ning Fei led the way happily, and immediately walked towards the field holding Shangguan Ziyan's hand.Seeing the two people walking towards her, Huangge suddenly had an ominous premonition in her heart, but it seemed that it was too late to run away at this time, so she could only quickly sit back in her seat, while lowering her head and silently eating something to pretend die.

"Uncle Emperor, you are not afraid..." Seeing that Ning Fei actually brought Shangguan Ziyan to see Huang Ge, Lan Ziying couldn't help asking Lan Jue worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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