The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 118 Shangguan Ziyan and Huangge

Chapter 118 Shangguan Ziyan and Huangge (2)

"The two of them will see each other sooner or later, so it's not a bad idea to let Zi Yan meet this future sister-in-law earlier." Regarding Lan Ziying's reminder, Lan Jue didn't seem to be too worried, but said with a smile .

"Sister-in-law?" Hearing Lan Jue's words, this time Lan Ziying was puzzled.

Isn't Shangguan Ziyan the favorite of his uncle?How did Huang Ge become her sister-in-law?Could it be that the rumors in Kyoto were all wrong?
Countless questions kept circling in Lan Ziying's mind, but Lan Jue, who was the party involved, didn't intend to answer her doubts at all, and walked towards her with a slight smile.

Seeing that Lan Jue was walking, many of the surrounding women immediately looked for his figure and walked forward.Perhaps Lan Jue's aura was too strong, no one dared to approach him more than three feet during the journey.Lan Jue was quite polite to the surrounding women, not only smiling and waving at them from time to time, but also gently reminding everyone not to be crowded and trampled on.

Those female relatives did not expect Lan Jue to be so gentle to others, even if they didn't meet Lan Jue and the moment Lan Jue glanced at him, they felt very happy.

However, compared to Lanjue's happy and harmonious scene, Huangge's side is full of storms.

Originally, seeing Ning Fei and Huang Ge felt a particularly headache, but now there is another Shangguan Ziyan, Huang Ge suddenly felt ten thousand animals rushing past her heart, but she still kept smiling.

"Sister-in-law, this is Shangguan Ziyan, the princess of the northern Xinjiang palace. She has a very good relationship with her cousin since she was a child. I heard that my cousin has been with her for the past few days and has not even returned to the palace. Presumably you should also You know her." Ning Fei pulled Shangguan Ziyan in front of Huangge, and smiled on her face, but the words she said were quite thought-provoking, even mixed with a hint of waiting to see Huangge's jokes. means.

"It turned out to be Ziyan. I heard the prince mention it many times before, saying that you took care of him in northern Xinjiang when he was in poor health when he was young. Today, he is really a lovely person. No wonder Ziyan arrived. The prince of Kyoto was there to accompany me. Originally, the prince also let me go, but I happened to be feeling unwell these few days, and the prince felt sorry for me, so he didn't let me go.

Originally, I was thinking of inviting you to the palace after the Hundred Flowers Banquet is over, I will treat you well, but who would have thought that I would meet you here today.Come back to the palace with us after the Hundred Flowers Banquet is over. "Huang Ge knew that Ning Fei came to find fault again on purpose, but who is she, Huang Ge, with so many eyes watching her, how could she make herself the laughing stock of others.

When Ning Fei, who was waiting to see Huang Ge's joke, heard this, the smile on her face froze immediately.

She just deliberately emphasized in front of Huangge that the relationship between Lan Jue and Shangguan Ziyan is very close, which made Huangge jealous, and she told about Lan Jue's company with Shangguan Ziyan for a few days outside, so as to make everyone around Look at Huangge's disfavor.

But who would have thought that Huang Ge would actually take her words, and at the same time imply that Lan Jue didn't leave her behind to accompany Shangguan Ziyan in secret, but had discussed with her.Moreover, Lan Jue's company with Shangguan Ziyan was not because of any other love between men and women, but because Shangguan Ziyan had taken care of Lan Jue when she was young. Now that Shangguan Ziyan has arrived in Kyoto, Lan Jue is just grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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