The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 119 Shangguan Ziyan and Huangge

Chapter 119 Shangguan Ziyan and Huangge (3)

Ning Fei was blocked by Huang Ge's words and couldn't think of other words to refute for a while. After all, so many people watched her, and if she was not careful, she would become a joke for others to see her.Originally, the queen mother was somewhat dissatisfied with her these days, but if the queen mother was annoyed by then, her only backer would be gone.

Just when Ning Fei didn't know how to speak, Shangguan Ziyan smiled and spoke.

"Sister Baizhi is indeed a virtuous person. No wonder Brother Lanjue talks about you all the time. Since Sister Baizhi has spoken, Zi Yan should be more respectful than obedient. After a while, she will follow Sister Baizhi and Brother Lanjue to the Yue Palace Sit down."

"Since Ziyan is willing, that's great. The lord must be very happy to know. The Hundred Flowers Banquet is in full swing now. If Ziyan doesn't mind, please sit next to me." Huang Ge saw that Shangguan Ziyan's words and deeds are quite like everyone. , the eyes that look at people are also very clear, but for a while, it is impossible to figure out what kind of person this little princess from the northern border is.However, in line with the principle of making money through harmony, Huang Ge smiled and pointed to the vacant seat on her left, motioning for Shangguan Ziyan to sit down.

"Okay, brother Lan Jue, you can come too." Shangguan Ziyan nodded with a smile, and at the same time turned to Lan Jue who had already arrived beside them and called out with a smile.

Hearing what Shangguan Ziyan said, Huang Ge noticed that Lan Jue had walked beside them at some point. Seeing that Lan Jue was looking at him with a half-smile, Huang Ge also showed him a faint smile. .

"Since the prince is here, then sit next to me, and Ziyan sit next to you."

Wouldn't it be nice to hug left and right in this way!

However, the last sentence of Huangge was not uttered, but the bright smile on his face seemed obscene in Lan Jue's eyes.

Thinking of what Huang Ge said to Ning Fei and Shangguan Ziyan just now, Lan Jue couldn't help being angry and funny.Why, as one of the protagonists in Huangge's words, why didn't he have any impression of those words?
However, Lan Jue didn't mean to expose Huang Ge, anyway, he has long been used to Huang Ge's behavior of talking nonsense when he sees people.

"Okay." Under the eyes of everyone around, Lan Jue was very cooperative with Huang Ge, and went straight to the seat next to Huang Ge and sat down.Seeing this, Lan Ziying immediately sent someone to add another seat next to Lan Jue, so that Shangguan Ziyan could have a place to sit.

Shangguan Ziyan had no objection to such an arrangement, and walked towards her seat with a smile on her face.But Ning Fei was not happy, why Huang Ge and Shangguan Ziyan could sit next to Lan Jue on the left and right, as Lan Jue's cousin, couldn't she?

Moreover, her intention of bringing Shangguan Ziyan over was to stir up the quarrel between Huang Ge and Shangguan Ziyan and reap the benefits of the fisherman, but the current result was far beyond her expectations, and the two just talked about it. After a few words, she gave up, Ning Fei was really disappointed in Shangguan Ziyan.

This woman is nothing more than that!
"Ning Fei, it's time for us to go back." Seeing that Ning Fei's expression was not right, Lan Ziying tugged at her sleeve before Ning Fei spoke again, indicating that she should also return to the main seat with her. side.

Although Ning Fei was very unwilling in her heart, she raised her eyes to meet Lan Ziying's warning eyes, and Ning Fei could only give up with resentment.

(End of this chapter)

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