Chapter 120

The arrival of Lan Jue and Shangguan Ziyan was like an episode of the Hundred Flowers Banquet, and it came to an end with Lan Jue and Shangguan Ziyan taking their seats.Before Lan Ziying ordered people to bring over a hundred pots of exotic flowers and herbs, but only a dozen pots were taken away from her.Now that Lan Jue came, the remaining female family members immediately rushed to the stage to show their talents, wanting to leave a deep impression on Lan Jue, and the atmosphere at the scene became extremely intense.

Huangge couldn't help but tremble when she saw these women's crazy appearance because of Lan Jue.

Fortunately, Lan Jue is not like Lan Ziyu, otherwise, there are not many women living in Yue Wang's mansion.

But seeing these women scrambling to express themselves, Huang Ge also felt sympathy for them.Among these women, there are indeed many talented and beautiful people, but compared with Shangguan Ziyan, Bai You and Ning Fei, these people are far behind in terms of status and talent.For so many years, the concubines of Lan Jue have not fallen in love with these people, so how could they fall in love with them.

And according to what Lan Jue said to her before, the more women he flocks to, the more he avoids them, unless it is a woman with normal eyes like her, maybe there are still some opportunities.

"Fifth Princess, I wonder if You'er can ask you for this pot of purple magnolia?" Just as Huang Ge was eating and admiring the fighting skills of those women, Bai You's voice suddenly came from diagonally in front.

Want to ask for purple magnolia?
Huang Ge looked at the pot of purple magnolias in the distance with great interest, her gaze silently swept over Ning Fei, and the smile on the corner of her mouth suddenly deepened.

"Ziying, I also fell in love with that pot of purple magnolia..." Sure enough, when Bai You asked Lan Ziying for that pot of purple magnolia, Ning Fei also spoke.

The two people's begging one after the other immediately gathered everyone's eyes. One is the future crown prince and concubine, and the other is the most beloved niece and daughter of the empress dowager. No matter who gets the pot of purple magnolia It is not an easy task for Lan Ziying.

Lan Ziying didn't expect that Ning Fei would confront Bai You, but she thought that the Queen Mother only told her not to let Ning Fei and Huang Ge conflict, and didn't say that Ning Fei was not allowed to have anything to do with other people.

Lan Ziying has also heard about some past grievances between Ning Fei and Bai You, and according to Ning Fei's temperament, if Lan Ziying continues to stop her, she may be worried about her later.

"Since the Second Miss Bai and the princess both want the pot of purple magnolia, then you should compete with each other and show off your skills."

Hearing that Lan Ziying asked her to compete with Ning Fei for the pot of purple magnolia, Bai You immediately hesitated.This potted flower was originally intended to please the empress, but the empress is already very satisfied with her, and if she gave her another pot of purple magnolia, it would be icing on the cake at best.

But if there is another quarrel with Ning Fei today, the unhappiness she had with Ning Fei before will only deepen, and it will be even more unfavorable to her.

After a little thought, Bai You weighed the pros and cons, and immediately thought of giving up.But before Baiyou could speak, Aunt Ding who was beside her spoke first.

"Our Yu'er has long wanted to compete in embroidery with Princess Ningfei. Since the princess has spoken, it's hard for us, You'er, to refuse."

When Bai You heard what Aunt Ding said, the smile on her face hardened, and the words that she wanted to give up were blocked at the tip of her tongue.

(End of this chapter)

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