The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 121 Shangguan Ziyan made a move?

Chapter 121 Shangguan Ziyan made a move?
"It's better than embroidery. Bai You has recently won the support of the world's number one embroiderer. The princess is not so stupid as to be so overconfident. Since today is the Hundred Flowers Banquet and Ziying is hosting it, why not us?" More elegant things." Ning Fei was not stupid, seeing Aunt Ding directly asked her to compete with Bai You in embroidery, she refused very straightforwardly.

However, Ning Fei's last sentence sounded quite intriguing. Instead of competing in embroidery skills, she competed in other elegant things. Doesn't that imply that Bai You, an embroiderer, is an unworthy person?
Although Aunt Ding's brain is not very good, but Ning Fei heard the meaning behind these words clearly, and her face turned green with anger.

"Isn't the princess's statement a bit too much? Could it be that embroidery is not an elegant thing? Many empresses in the palace today are all outstanding in embroidery. If the princess said so, could it be that they are all things that are not on the stage?" ?"

"Mother..." Bai You didn't expect Auntie Ding to be so unrestrained when she spoke, and immediately pressed her wrist hard to signal her not to speak again.

"Princess, my mother has no other intentions..." After stopping Aunt Ding, Bai You immediately opened her mouth to explain for Aunt Ding, but Ning Fei interrupted her without giving her a chance to finish her sentence.

"An old man who came out of a brothel dares to insult the empress in the palace in public, come here, give me a slap."

Ning Fei was ordered to assist Lan Ziying in hosting the Hundred Flowers Banquet today, and the surrounding palace people also obeyed her orders very much. When she finished speaking, the surrounding palace people saw that Lan Ziying had no intention of stopping her Immediately, three people walked towards Aunt Ding.

"You dare to hit me? My daughter is the future princess, and I am..." When Aunt Ding heard that Ning Fei wanted someone to beat her, she immediately became angry, and she threw Bai You's wrist away, angrily shouted at Ning Fei.

Seeing that Auntie Ding had completely lost her sense of proportion, Bai You was afraid that she would say something more embarrassing, so she immediately stepped forward and covered Auntie Ding's mouth regardless of her image.

"Hmph, you've become so arrogant and domineering before you even entered the royal family. Your daughter will go to heaven when she marries the crown prince. Give me a hard hit and let her remember well." Auntie Ding said The words were right with Ning Fei's heart, and the more she said, the more she said, the more reason Ning Fei had to teach her a lesson.

Seeing that the three palace servants were about to walk to Aunt Ding and Bai You, Bai You knew that it was useless to say anything to Ning Fei at this moment, so she immediately turned her gaze to Huang Ge on the side.

"Sister, please help my mother to intervene."

Huang Ge was enjoying watching the fun, but suddenly she was a little dazed by Bai You's call.

The relationship between her and Aunt Ding is incompatible, should she plead for Aunt Ding, or to Ning Fei?

Huang Ge just wanted to laugh at this, expressing that he really didn't want to speak.

"So it's the wife of Zuo Xiangfu, Sister Baizhi, then you have to talk to Sister Ningfei carefully. We will be a family in the future, so don't hurt your friendship because of these trivial things." In Huangge, I was thinking about what to do. When she declined Bai You politely, Shangguan Ziyan spoke up.

When Huangge heard Shangguan Ziyan's words, she felt even more heartbroken, your words as the majestic princess of the northern border palace are no weaker than hers.Since you feel that everyone is a family, you shouldn't hurt your friendship, but you and Ning Fei talked about it yourself, and why did you turn a corner and push her on her?
(End of this chapter)

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