The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 124 The Battle of Life and Death

Chapter 124 The Battle of Life and Death (1)

Seeing that Huangge also took over Ning Fei's Baihua Ling, the discussions on the court became louder and louder.

Seeing that the two of them could not be stopped, Lan Ziying could only cast a help-seeking look at Lan Jue, hoping that he would come forward to stop this life-and-death contest.But Lan Jue seemed to be a normal person, he didn't have the slightest awareness that his future princess was going to fight to the death with his cousin, when Lan Ziying cast his eyes over, he was still talking to Shangguan Ziyan with a low eyebrow and a smile Whisper.

Seeing Lan Jue's appearance of not wanting to interfere, Lan Ziying could only hold her breath in her heart, but fortunately she did not get involved in this dispute.Anyway, if the Queen Mother asks about it later, she'll just tell the truth.

After Ningfei's Baihualing was taken over by Huangge, she was a little panicked, but at this time, neither Lanziying nor Lanjue had any intention of interfering, so she had to bite the bullet and come to the center of the banquet with Huangge On that high platform.

"I don't know what you want to compare?" Since Lan Ziying had made up her mind not to participate in the cooperation, she followed the rules of the Hundred Flowers Banquet in everything.After Huang Ge and Ning Fei came to the high platform, they immediately asked them about the content of the competition.

"It's better to win two out of three rounds. The content can be mentioned by the princess. Although it is Baihualing, it is a family after all. Don't hurt the harmony." Huang Ge smiled slightly, and when he expressed his request, he also gave it to Ning Fei went down a step, if this woman is not sensible this time, then she has nothing to do.

"Hmph, who is your family. Since the princess threw Baihua Ling to you, I will bear all the consequences." Ning Fei didn't appreciate it at all when she heard the words, and she simply rejected Huang Ge's proposal. Looking at that posture, it is really immortal.

"Then what does the princess want to compare?" Seeing that Ning Fei didn't receive her love phoenix, she didn't bother to continue being a good person. Anyway, with so many eyes watching, whoever is about to be disabled or injured will have justice.

"Contest." Ning Fei said what she wanted to compete almost without thinking. Not only Lan Ziying frowned when she said this, even Lan Jue frowned slightly.

"Ning Fei, your cousin in the future won't know martial arts, change to another one."

Seeing that Lan Jue was leaning towards Huang Ge again, Ning Fei's face turned green with anger.But when Huangge heard these words, she couldn't show any gratitude to Lan Jue, instead she gave him a sideways glance.

Others don't know her basic blue tricks, but they are very clear. If she can break through the wolf garden, she can't beat a Ningfei?I'm afraid that these words are false to protect her, but the truth is to protect Ning Fei.

But Lan Jue's attitude made Huang Ge a little elusive about his deepest thoughts. Since he felt sorry for Ning Fei, he should have stopped Ning Fei from throwing Baihua Ling at her in the first place.But he wanted Ning Fei to fight her again, but he gave them a one-stop restriction.This is not the first time this has happened, and I don't know what Lan Jue is thinking in his heart.

"That's better than embroidery." Although Ning Fei felt very displeased and even aggrieved by Lan Jue's words just now, she did not dare to violate Lan Jue's meaning.After biting his lip and staring at Huang Ge for a while, he threw out another competition content.

Although Bai You from Zuo Xiangfu has outstanding embroidery skills, Bai Zhi, an idiot who has not been favored since childhood, Ning Fei, does not believe that she can embroider.

Even if she knows it, it's just a three-legged cat's kung fu, but Ning Fei's embroidery skills were taught by the best embroidery lady in the palace. Although she can't compare with Bai You, it shouldn't be a problem for her skills to beat Huang Ge.

(End of this chapter)

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