The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 125 The Battle of Life and Death

Chapter 125 The Battle of Life and Death (2)

As long as Ningfei Embroidery Art can hold down Huangge, it will be considered that she has won, and then she can make any request to Huangge, including making her commit suicide on the spot.

This is one of Baihualing's rules, martial fights can last forever, and literary fights can also kill the opponent.

"The princess is really good at picking... Just now, my second sister wanted to compete with you in embroidery, but you rejected it, but now you want to compete with me in embroidery, it really is..." Pick me, a soft persimmon!

Huang Ge didn't say the last sentence, but many people present could hear the irony in Huang Ge's words.

And just now Ningfei kept saying that embroidery art is not elegant, but now she chooses embroidery art to compete, it's like slapping herself in the face.

Ning Fei was ridiculed by Huang Ge, her face was already pale and white with anger, and her cheeks felt a burning pain.But she was slapped in the face by what she said, so who can she blame?

"Stop talking nonsense, do you want to compare?"

"Comparison, someone has to bring the embroidery frame first. Princess, why are you so anxious?" Stared at by Ning Fei's eyes who wished to cut her into pieces, Huang Ge shrugged innocently to express herself I am willing to compete with her in embroidery.

Although she did not embroider anything with embroidery needles, when she was too bored when she was a child and learned the art of golden needles from her master, she learned the skill of air embroidery with golden needles from her old man.In the past, he had never shown it in front of others, but he never thought that he would have a chance today.

When the two were talking, Lan Ziying had already ordered someone to lift the embroidery frame to the high platform. Because it was an embroidery competition, Lan Ziying also gave a theme of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and the time was limited by a stick of incense.

The rules for winning and losing are even simpler, whoever presents a picture of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains first within a stick of incense will win.If neither of them has finished, the one who has completed more artistic concepts will win.

Although Ning Fei is very confident in her embroidery skills, she frowned when she heard that she embroidered a whole picture of rivers and mountains. How could such a large picture be completed in the time of a stick of incense?But soon after Lan Ziying revealed the following conditions, Ning Fei heaved a sigh of relief, a stick of incense was enough time for her to show off her artistic conception.

After Lan Ziying announced the start of the competition, Ning Fei immediately started threading needles and quickly got busy on the embroidery frame.But Huang Ge next to her was unhurriedly touching the thread on the embroidery frame, and then looked at the embroidery needles. Judging from her slightly wrinkled brows, she seemed to have encountered some difficulties.

The different performances of the two on the left and the right made everyone watching the show below start whispering immediately. Judging from Ning Fei's proficiency, the victory has already been divided in half.

"Brother Lan Jue, can sister Bai Zhi really know how to embroider?" Shangguan Ziyan saw that Huang Ge on the high platform hadn't started for a while, so she couldn't help but curiously asked Lan Jue on the side.

Can Angelica dahurica be embroidered?
Lan Jue didn't know about this question, but he could be sure of one thing, since this woman dared to accept Ning Fei's Bai Hualing, she already had a countermeasure.The two words of suffering have never belonged to Huangge.

"Huh..." While Shangguan Ziyan was waiting for Lan Jue's answer, Huang Ge on the high platform suddenly moved, and the next movement made Shangguan Ziyan subconsciously exclaim.

(End of this chapter)

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