Chapter 126

Not only Shangguan Ziyan was stunned by Huang Ge's sudden display of flying needle embroidery, but also many female relatives present were stunned.

And Ning Fei, who was sure that her Xiuyi must be better than Huang Ge, almost stabbed her own hand when she saw this scene, how could it be possible?How could an idiot who was not favored since childhood be able to embroider?And what he knows is the difficult flying needle embroidery technique.

But Huang Ge's skillful movements and the picture of mountains and rivers that was embroidered out of a corner on the embroidery frame in a short while told her that this was not an illusion, but that Huang Ge really knew how to embroider with flying needles.And judging from the embroidered parts, Huangge's embroidery skills are not low.

And because you can borrow ingenuity, all ten fingers are controlling the flying needle embroidery, which is much faster than the ordinary embroidery art of flying needle embroidery. Seeing that the good part of Huangge embroidery has begun to surpass Ning Fei, I immediately Let her start to panic.

"Unexpectedly, Sister Bai Zhi could know the art of flying needle embroidery. Brother Lan Jue, you have to ask her to teach me well." Seeing Huang Ge's beautiful posture, as if dancing, she kept spinning and applying needles on the high platform, and that was used by her. Not only did the outlines of the elements of the map of mountains and rivers emerge on the embroidery frame that was pulled up by the force of needlework, Shangguan Ziyan changed from surprise at the beginning to envy, and immediately pulled the corner of Lan Jue's clothes and said coquettishly.

Lan Jue didn't expect that Huang Ge would know how to do embroidery with flying needles, and Bai You and Aunt Ding also showed shocking expressions on their faces at this moment, people who wanted to come to Zuo Xiang's mansion didn't know Huang Ge's skill.

Realizing this, Lan Jue looks at Huang Ge with more and more interest in his eyes, this woman is really more and more interesting.

"How can this little bitch know the art of flying needle embroidery?" Aunt Ding was stunned by Huang Ge's sudden display of skills, and it took a long while before she recovered her voice, and said with an expression of disbelief.

Although Bai You next to her was not as emotional as Aunt Ding's reaction, she was also greatly shocked.

These days, Bai You faintly feels that this eldest sister seems to be a little different from the past. First, her temperament is not as cowardly as before, and then her IQ has improved a lot, and now even her skills have become so amazing. , Is this really her cowardly and idiot eldest sister?
Huang Ge, who was concentrating on embroidery, didn't know that she had caused such a big commotion, and when the incense stick was over, Huang Ge and Ning Fei closed their needles almost at the same time.

Although both of them have not finished their embroidery, no matter in terms of the completeness and quality of the embroidery, Huang Ge is far superior.Ever since she found out that Huangge can also embroider and is above Ningfei, Ningfei's needle has been unstable.

"How could you be able to embroider? It's impossible, it's impossible..." Although Lan Ziying hadn't announced the result yet, Ke Ningfei had already realized her failure, and sat blankly in front of the embroidery stand, muttering to herself It even turned into a hoarse scream at the end.

"What the princess said, why can't I know how to embroider? I'm willing to admit defeat, should the princess be punished?" Huang Ge rubbed her sore wrist, looked at Ning Fei with raised eyebrows and asked with a smile.

"I..." Ning Fei opened her mouth when she heard the words, but she didn't know what to say. In the end, she could only bite her lips and close her eyes resentfully, waiting for Huang Ge to ask her.

The outcome was so obvious, there was no need to wait for Lan Ziying to announce the result.It was a life and death battle just now, so even if Huang Ge proposed to let her commit suicide on the spot, it would not be an exaggeration.

(End of this chapter)

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