Chapter 135 Lan Jue Caught Rape?

"Uncle Huang? Why are you here?" Xiao Qi couldn't help showing a look of surprise when he saw Lan Jue and Mo Ran suddenly appearing in his courtyard.

"Someone doesn't come home at night, I naturally want to come and have a look." Hearing this, Lan Jue looked straight at Huang Ge, and said with a half-smile.

Huangge, "..."

Didn't she just create a chance for him and Shangguan Ziyan to be alone by not going back, and at the same time make Shangguan Ziyan feel more like the mistress of the Yue Palace?
Xiao Qi looked at Huang Ge without knowing why, and seeing her purse her mouth with a disheveled face, she suddenly remembered the sentence that Huang Ge said before, I am your future little aunt, and she was shocked in place.

This woman with no breasts, no figure, no good looks and a tendency to violence is really his future little aunt?

Xiaoqi suddenly felt a little messy in the wind.

"Aren't you following?" Seeing Huang Ge standing there with her head lowered and pretending to be dead, Lan Jue's irritability that had been suppressed all night almost burst out.

Damn woman, she actually learned how to stay out at night. Could it be that he really indulged her too much.

Seeing Lan Jue's attitude towards herself like a lady climbing the wall, Huang Ge was immediately a little annoyed.It's just acting, so why take it so seriously.

"Master Shangguan came to the capital with great difficulty. The prince should spend more time with her, so I won't bother the prince."

Huang Ge wanted to find Bai Liu at this moment, and Lan Jue's attitude was really not very pleasant, after saying something lukewarm, he made a gesture to bypass Lan Jue and go out.

Hearing Huang Ge's words, Mo Ran and Xiao Qi immediately gave Huang Ge a thumbs up in their hearts. Their courage to refuse Lan Jue's order in person really made them admire.

"Bai Zhi, are you jealous?" Lan Jue smiled instead of anger when he heard Huang Ge's words, and asked meaningfully as he grabbed Huang Ge who was walking beside him.

Huangge, "..."

The big head of vinegar that eats peat!

She really wanted to go to Bai Liu now to settle the score for drugging her yesterday, okay?

"My lord, you think too much. As a qualified concubine, I not only support you in taking concubines and concubines, but I am also willing to help you choose beauties in person." Huang Ge took a deep breath and turned to look at Lan Jue, his face suddenly filled with excitement. Showing a very dog-legged smile, how sincere and sincere what he said must be.

Lan Jue, who originally felt a little happy in his heart because of the thought that Huang Ge might be jealous, immediately turned gloomy when he heard Huang Ge's words.

"Go back to the mansion with the king."

Huang Ge was suddenly pulled away by Lan Jue, and the pain from her wrist made her inexplicably angry. Seeing that Lan Jue couldn't make sense at all, Huang Ge simply started to fight her.

Mo Ran and Xiao Qi next to him were stunned when they saw this scene. They actually saw Lan Jue being beaten by a woman in their lifetime. It was really...

Moreover, every move and every move of Huang Ge was desperately smashing at Lan Jue's face, there was no routine at all, it was purely to vent.This kind of chaotic style of play made Lan Jue a little overwhelmed at the beginning, and he was a little embarrassed to hide. Mo Ran and Xiao Qi were happy to see it, and looked at Huang Ge with even more admiration.

But Lan Jue is also a master after all, after a while, he pressed Huang Ge against the wall in the courtyard with a backhand.

"Bai Zhi, are you going with me or not?" Lan Jue was rarely angry with Huang Ge, but today she really violated his bottom line.When pressing her against the wall, the force on her wrist was not light at all.

(End of this chapter)

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