Chapter 136 Slap Lan Jue
It was already very uncomfortable for Huang Ge to be pressed against the wall by Lan Jue in such a posture, and his wrist was even more painful because of Lan Jue's force, but Huang Ge stubbornly refused to bow his head even if his face turned pale from the pain.

"Uncle Huang, you misunderstood. Aunt Huang was plotted against after the Hundred Flowers Banquet yesterday. I happened to pass by to save her. She fell asleep all night and just woke up." Seeing that Huang Ge's face turned pale from pain, Lan Jue did not The meaning of letting go, Xiao Qi hastily explained to Lan Jue.

"Have been plotted against?" Lan Jue couldn't help but be taken aback when he heard this, and at the same time loosen the grip on Huang Sing's wrist a lot.Seeing this, Huang Ge immediately broke free from Lan Jue's shackles, turned around and pushed him back, and then slapped him across the face.

"Bai Zhi..." Sudden slap by Huang Ge, Lan Jue's calm face suddenly darkened again.But Huangge learned to be smart this time. When Lanjue walked towards her, he turned around and ran out. If Lanjue wanted to chase, he could naturally catch up. stopped.

"Mo Ran, follow her."

Mo Ran saw that five finger prints were clearly visible on one side of his master's cheek, so he didn't need to think about how hard Huang Ge's slap was just now.But in this case, Lan Jue did not arrest him in a rage, but let him follow, which once again refreshed Mo Ran's understanding of Lan Jue.

It seems that in his family's future little princess, his family's prince's endurance is far more than others.

However, Mo Ran would not express such emotions in front of Lan Jue, fearing that Huang Ge would run away and disappear in a while, so Mo Ran immediately followed after Lan Jue spoke.

"What happened yesterday?" Lan Jue took several deep breaths before barely suppressing the rage in his heart, and asked Xiao Qi instead.

Xiao Qi was still in the shock of Lan Jue's abrupt slap by Huang Ge, and he didn't recover from the shock, until Lan Jue looked at him with a bit of chill in his eyes, Xiao Qi suddenly came back to his senses, At the same time, he covered his face and coughed twice, while suppressing gloating, he told Lan Jue how Huangge was in danger yesterday.

"A person from Ye Ting?" Lan Jue's expression darkened when he heard that the person who attacked Huang Ge came from Ye Ting.

Nine out of ten people who can make Ye Ting move are those women in the palace, and among them, Ning Fei is the first to have a problem with Huang Ge, followed by the Queen.

Although Ning Fei has an arrogant and domineering personality, Lan Jue knows that she will not really send someone to kill Huang Ge.What's more, the Queen Mother is very concerned about Ning Fei's every move, and it is impossible for Ning Fei to kill Huang Ge under the Queen Mother's nose.

The only possibility is the queen.

"Uncle Huang, did Aunt Xiao Huang offend someone in the palace?" Seeing Lan Jue's gloomy expression and silence for a long time, Xiao Qi couldn't help asking curiously.

"How did you meet her?" Lan Jue didn't answer Xiao Qi's question, but instead asked how he and Huang Ge met.

Xiaoqi's identity is a bit special, and it's better not to let him get involved in some things.

"I met her when I was in Shangshu's Mansion. At that time, I thought she was a bounty ranger, but who knew she was the eldest lady of Zuoxiang Mansion." Facing Lan Jue's inquiry, Xiao Qi truthfully told him who he and Huang Ge had met. The process is said again.

If he had known that she was really his future little aunt, he would have sent her back to the Yue Palace last night, so he wouldn't have to face his uncle's gloomy gaze now, it's really scary!
(End of this chapter)

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