The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 137 Finding Bai Liu to Settle Accounts

Chapter 137 Finding Bai Liu to Settle Accounts (1)

When Lan Jue heard that Huang Ge actually went to become a bounty ranger, he was speechless.

How short of money is this woman?
But after thinking about it, she really had a miserable life in Zuo Xiang's mansion before, and she probably didn't have much money in her hands.After finally taking advantage of the divorce, Lan Ziyu cheated a thousand gold and was cut off by him halfway. It's no wonder that she left angrily that day.

"Uncle Huang, you don't really fall for her, do you?" This is the first time Xiao Qi saw Lan Jue's emotions fluctuate because of a woman, and when Huang Ge didn't return all night, he actually came out to find her in person. It's too scary.

"Have you forgotten the teachings of the queen mother? People in the royal family never have true feelings. I keep her because she is useful to me, that's all." Lan Jue glanced at Xiao Qi lightly, and said blankly. Then he turned and left.

Looking at Lan Jue's leaving back, the words that Lan Jue just said reappeared in his mind.

People in the royal family never have true feelings...

What about their relationship with uncle and nephew?
However, Xiao Qi has always been good at controlling his emotions, but he regained his calm in an instant.But thinking of Huangge Xiaoqi, she felt a little sympathetic to her. A person known as an idiot in the eyes of the world must not be doing well in his own house.Now he has finally climbed onto the high branch of his uncle, but he never thought that it would be another interest.

Maybe she won't be able to take the position of Princess Yue in the end, and even become a thorn in the side of many people because of her uncle.

What a pity!
Huangge ran out of Xiaoqi's yard in one breath, and then directly snatched the horse of a hidden guard who had just returned in front of the door, and headed towards Zuoxiang's mansion. Bai Liu almost killed her again yesterday, and the tone couldn't be true. Make her suffocated.

When they arrived at Zuo Xiangfu, everyone had just finished their breakfast. Bai Liu was walking along the flower path in the main courtyard holding the hand of her biological mother, Madam Su. The two of them didn't know what to say, their faces were full of smiles. meaning.

"Liu'er, that bitch Bai Zhi is really dead?" Mrs. Su seemed to still not believe Bai Liu's words, she couldn't help but lower her voice and asked her again.

"Mother, this time it was someone from the palace who made the move, and she took the sweat medicine I put on unpreparedly, no matter how capable she is, she can't run away." Bai Liu triumphantly nodded towards Mrs. Su, She had already sent someone to the Yue Palace to ask, Huang Ge neither returned to the Zuoxiang Mansion nor to the Yue Palace last night, and nine out of ten had already died in the hands of those people yesterday.

"That's good. Once this bitch dies, you will have another chance. When the time comes, when His Royal Highness Yue comes down to offer his condolences, remember to give some comfort. Maybe you will have a chance to climb this high branch." Mrs. Su was shocked when she heard that. She nodded happily. Although she was born in a bad background, she had always hoped that Bai Liu would be able to climb a tall branch.

"Mother, don't worry, when the time comes, I will definitely comfort His Royal Highness Yue Wang, and I will take the place of Yue Wangfei soon."

"Then I want to congratulate the princess in advance..."

Just when Bai Liu was happily fantasizing that he was about to ascend to the position of Princess Yue, a sneer suddenly came from the side.Bai Liu and Mrs. Su followed the sound and saw that Huang Ge had stood only a few steps away from them at some point, looking at them with a half-smile.

"Big... big sister..." Seeing Huang Ge suddenly appear, Bai Liu was taken aback.Because he couldn't tell whether it was a human or a ghost, Bai Liu became a little stuttering when speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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