The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 138 Finding Bai Liu to Settle Accounts

Chapter 138 Finding Bai Liu to Settle Accounts (2)

"What? You seem very upset to see that I'm not dead?" Bai Liu's shocked expression made Huang Ge quite happy. With a smile on his lips, he walked to Bai Liu and Mrs. Su. Bai Liu asked.

At first, Bai Liu thought it was Huang Ge's wronged soul who was taking her life. After Huang Ge approached her, she felt her breath, and immediately realized that she was still alive.This kind of awareness did not make her feel any relaxation, on the contrary, she became more and more flustered.

"What did the eldest sister say? Liu'er is so stupid that she can't understand it." Bai Liu was not sure whether Huang Ge had tampered with the tea yesterday, but at this moment when Huang Ge asked her face to face, Bai Liu kept hinting to herself You must be calm, calm and calm, but your hands and feet tremble uncontrollably.

Huangge saw Bai Liu's reaction in his eyes, and the smile on his face deepened a bit.

"I didn't know that the third younger sister had been thinking about His Royal Highness Yue Wang all the time, and she even used the nasty means of drugging in order to climb to the position of Yue Wangfei."

Right now, it was the time when everyone in Zuo Xiangfu finished their breakfast, and this road happened to be the only way for many aunts and ladies to go back to the courtyard.Now that Bai Liu and Mrs. Su were blocked on the road by Huang Ge, other people naturally couldn't make it through and watched the excitement from afar.

As soon as they heard that Bai Liu had actually made a move against Huang Ge for the title of Concubine Yue, everyone immediately became interested, and they got closer and closer.

"Baizhi, don't talk nonsense. How could Liu'er prescribe medicine to you? Don't listen to others gossiping and blame Liu'er." Mrs. Su saw that there were crowds of onlookers all around, and immediately started to defend Bai Liu. .

Bai Liu was connected with Mrs. Su's mother and daughter, and immediately understood Mrs. Su's intentions when she heard her say this, and immediately took the words after Mrs. Su finished speaking.It's just that before he finished speaking, he immediately covered his mouth as if realizing something.

"Mother is right, how could I harm Eldest Sister? The person who drugged Eldest Sister to lose her virginity..."

As soon as Bai Liu's words came out, the people watching the excitement all around immediately began to discuss, and they looked at Huang Ge with strange eyes.

"It seems that the third sister has a really bad memory. If you don't refresh yourself, you won't be able to remember." When Huang Ge heard that Bai Liu and Mrs. Su wanted to join forces to slander her reputation, her smile deepened, and she didn't wait for the two of them. Comprehending the meaning of her words, he strode forward and slapped Bai Liu's face hard.

Bai Liu was caught off guard by Huang Ge's slap and immediately fell to the ground, Madam Su who was next to her couldn't help being surprised.However, Mrs. Su is also a shrew on weekdays, seeing her daughter being beaten, she pretended to fight Huangge.

Huang Ge had been prepared for a long time, and when Madam Su rushed over, she retreated and tripped her with her foot.Mrs. Su didn't have time to stop her footsteps, she was tripped by Huang Ge again, and she jumped straight into the pond next to her.

Seeing this, the nurses and maids next to her just wanted to go forward to pick Mrs. Su out of the pond, but before they could move, Mo Ran walked out of the flower forest next to her, blocking her like a statue.

Mo Ran's stern eyes swept over those nuns and maids, and they were immediately persuaded, and silently took back the steps they had taken.

Although the water in the pond is not as high as Mrs. Su's body, the bottom is full of stinky silt. In addition, it just rained last night, and the silt immediately emitted a foul smell as soon as it was stirred. Madam Su couldn't get out of it. Come on, I almost fainted from the smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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