The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 246 The Secret of Lanruo Temple

Chapter 246 The Secret of Lanruo Temple (4)

The air in the room became extraordinarily quiet at this moment, and it even seemed a little weird because of it.

Fortunately, Huang Ge was not stunned because of this, and rushed to the big bed in one stride, ready to knock the woman unconscious first.But before Huangge's hand dropped, the woman who was about to raise her head suddenly spoke first.

"I have already agreed to the prince's request, what are you still doing to monitor me?"


Huangge couldn't help but pause when he heard this, there are only two princes in Liuzhou now, besides Prince Jin is Lanjue.But it is absolutely impossible for Lan Jue to hide such a woman in Lanruo Temple, and the only one left may be King Jin.

During Huangge's dazed half an hour, the woman had already raised her head, seeing the very ordinary-looking Huangge standing beside the bed, she couldn't help being stunned, but blurted out the next moment.

"When did Lan Yin's vision become so bad?"

Huangge, "..."

Blame her for being ordinary!
But when he heard the name Lanyin was mentioned in the woman's mouth, Huang Ge was startled for a moment and then suddenly remembered, isn't this the name of King Jin?
The woman subconsciously called out the name of King Jin, which showed that the relationship between her and him was not simple.But just now she had an affair with another man, this complicated relationship made Huang Ge just sigh, your circle is really messed up.

"Niang Niang, hurry up and get out of here." Seeing that Huang Ge hadn't knocked the woman out for a long time, Ah Xun couldn't help but also walked over and urged.

"Your Majesty? Aren't you from Jin Palace?" Hearing Ah Xun's address to Huang Ge, surprise flashed across the woman's eyes.Then he looked Huang Ge up and down carefully, and saw that although she was ordinary in appearance, the clothes she was wearing were made of precious crocodile silk.This kind of material is rare, and according to King Jin's temperament, he would never give such an expensive reward to that old woman of the Xiao family.

And according to what she knew about King Jin, an ordinary-looking person like Huang Ge would not be able to catch his eyes.

"We are not from Prince Jin's Mansion, how dare we ask the girl?" Huang Ge was curious about the identity of this woman, and asked Ah Xun after giving Ah Xun a calm look.

"I just said when did Lan Yin's vision become so bad, so it turned out that he is not from the Jin Palace." The woman smiled leisurely when she heard the words, she straightened up from the bed and did not shy away from the presence of Huangge and Ah Xun, her face was very indifferent He got off the bed and took a coat from the screen next to him and wrapped it around himself casually.

"It's been a long time since outsiders have been here, how did you come in?" The woman seemed to not care about the identities of Huang Ge and Ah Xun at all, leaning lazily on a soft couch with one hand propping her chin and looking at the two. Even in the eyes of the two women, Huang Ge and Ah Xun, the charming eyes are quite attractive.

"We got lost in the temple and broke in unintentionally, and didn't intend to offend the girl." Naturally, Huang Ge would not tell about their secret investigation of Lanruo Temple, but just made up a random excuse.

"Wuwu? Hahaha, the girl is really interesting. Wuwu even broke into my place... It seems that we are really destined!" The woman laughed lightly when she heard Huangge's answer, and looked at her. Huang Ge's eyes also became meaningful.

"If I heard you right, this little girl called you Empress, are you the emperor's woman or another prince's woman?"

 Happy Tanabata, my dear~
(End of this chapter)

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