The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 247 The Secret of Lanruo Temple

Chapter 247 The Secret of Lanruo Temple (5)

"If you want to know my identity, you should show some sincerity first." Facing the woman's questioning, Huang Ge didn't tell the truth about her identity, but started to inquire about the woman's identity.

"She's a smart girl. For the sake of our predestined relationship, it's okay to tell you. My surname is Su and my name is Ruxue." The woman didn't have the slightest hint of anger when she heard Huangge's words. A touch of fun.

Su Ruxue?
Huang Ge was stunned when she heard this, and searched Bai Zhi's memory carefully but couldn't find any information about the name. Compared to her blankness, Ah Xun couldn't hide her shock when she heard it.

"You are Su Ruxue?"

"I thought that people of your age would never have heard of me, but I didn't expect you, a little girl, to know." Seeing that Ah Xun knew her, Su Ruxue was rather surprised.After all, after careful calculation, Huang Ge and Ah Xun should not have been born when she became famous.

After getting Su Ruxue's nod to confirm, Ah Xun was even more shocked. The woman in front of him looked to be in her twenties at most, but Su Ruxue was obviously the same age as the current emperor.

"Who is Su Ruxue?" Huang Ge couldn't help asking curiously seeing that Ah Xun's jaw was about to drop to the ground.

"Su Ruxue is the youngest daughter of the former princess of Jinyang. She is not only beautiful but also has a superb piano skill. More than [-] years ago, she was recognized as the number one beauty in Yunyue Kingdom." Ah Xun saw Huangge and said Not knowing about Su Ruxue, he immediately restrained his thoughts and lowered his voice and told her roughly about Su Ruxue.

The youngest daughter of the former princess of Jinyang?

Huang Ge was also a little shocked when she heard the words, although she didn't know about Su Ruxue, she had heard of the former Jinyang Princess.

This princess is not only good at literature and martial arts, but also the only female general in the history of Yunyue Kingdom who has led troops on the battlefield. At that time, she was deeply loved by the emperor and supported by the people.

How could the favorite daughter of such an extraordinary princess end up in Lanruo Temple, living a life of shame, and doing such despicable things?

"The number one beauty... Hahaha, she is indeed the number one beauty..." Although Ah Xun kept his voice extremely low, Su Ruxue seemed to be particularly sensitive to the words "number one beauty". While thinking about it, Su Ruxue suddenly burst out laughing.But that laughter felt a touch of sadness and irony in Huang Ge's ears, and a thought suddenly popped up in her heart.

Isn't it too beautiful?
No matter where it is, the beauty of a woman is a very useful sharp edge, which can kill people or win people over.Judging from today's situation, Su Ruxue was obviously used for the latter.

Who might have turned her into this sharp blade?King Jin?

"I've already said what you want to know. Now it's time for you to answer my question." Su Ruxue suddenly stopped after laughing, although there was still a sneer in the depths of her eyes, but she suppressed it with all her strength. In the next half an hour, they all disappeared without a trace.

"I am the future concubine of His Royal Highness the King of Yue." Huang Ge has always been trustworthy, since Su Ruxue has revealed her identity, she will also keep her promise and tell the truth.

"King of Yue?" Or because Su Ruxue was not very familiar with the people in the court today because she stayed here for too long, the title of King of Yue didn't match the princes in her memory at all.

(End of this chapter)

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