The first sweet of the evil king's favorite concubine

Chapter 248 The Secret of Lanruo Temple

Chapter 248 The Secret of Lanruo Temple (6)

"King Yue is the youngest prince of the previous emperor." Seeing Su Ruxue's face full of confusion, Huang Ge explained kindly.

"So it's Lao Jiu..." Su Ruxue suddenly realized when she heard this, and at the same time, the feeling of time passing in her heart became stronger and stronger.The youngest son, who was not as high as his knees, has now been named a prince, but she has been in this place for more than ten years without seeing the light.

"Why are you here?" After Huang Ge answered Su Ruxue's question, she began to ask her the next question. Unknowingly, the two of them formed a silent state of alternating question and answer.

Su Ruxue also seemed to acquiesce in such a state, or maybe it was too long since she had talked with a stranger so calmly, after Huang Ge asked this question, she pondered for a moment and then began to answer.

"Didn't you see it just now? I was used as a bargaining object to attract others. Even the lowest prostitute in the brothel lived more comfortably than me."

There was no anger on Su Ruxue's face when she talked about what happened to her, but there seemed to be endless sarcasm surging in the depths of her eyes.Seeing this scene, Huang Ge couldn't help but sink her eyes, it really was too beautiful.

"Forgive me for your stupidity, you are the apple of the eye of the former princess of Jinyang, how could you..." Although Su Ruxue's current situation is very embarrassing, Huang Ge's words are still quite respectful, and some words are left in the middle. .

As soon as Huang Ge said these words, Su Ruxue's eyebrows and eyes had a trace of sadness, but it was only fleeting.

"Of course you are blind. If you follow the wrong person, your life will be ruined."

What Su Ruxue said was neither angry nor hated, but her tone was still full of sarcasm like before. Huang Ge could understand that her sarcasm was obviously also mocking her ignorance of people, and she didn't blame this mistake at all. to that person.

"It's not too early, you go away quickly. If someone comes to the palace and finds you here, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave by then." Su Ruxue lazily yawned as if she was gone and continued on. The interest mentioned below, coupled with the fact that Huang Ge and Ah Xun stayed here for a long time, after hearing Su Ruxue's order to chase away guests, Huang Ge also took Ah Xun away with interest.

After the figures of Huang Ge and Ah Xun disappeared outside the door, Su Ruxue, who had half-closed her eyes as if she was about to fall asleep at any moment, suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the door thoughtfully.

Ever since Prince Jin Lanyin invited him to Liuzhou, he never seemed to have heard of any prince visiting him. Now that King Yue suddenly came to Liuzhou, the purpose may not be pure.

She has abandoned herself here for ten years in a daze, and now she suddenly meets Huang Ge and Ah Xun who broke in by mistake. Could it be that God is reminding her that she should live a little more soberly.

But this idea was quickly suppressed by Su Ruxue as soon as it came up. A clean person who has been ruined long ago, living so soberly, isn't it just making himself unhappy?
With a mocking chuckle scattered into the air, Su Ruxue closed her eyes again and fell asleep on the soft bed, as if Huang Ge and Ah Xun had never appeared at all just now.

The courtyard where Su Ruxue was located happened to be in the innermost part of the backyard of Lanruo Temple. When Huang Ge and A Xun came out, they found that there were still many people guarding in secret outside.Fortunately, the two of them had already noticed it, and those people did not expect that there would be other people coming out, so they relaxed their vigilance. Although the way the two came out was a bit embarrassing, they finally left the courtyard without making a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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