Chapter 249 The Bitter Meat Plan (1)

"Your Majesty, why didn't you just tie him up and take him away to ask for clarification?" As soon as he left the courtyard where Su Ruxue lived, Ah Xun couldn't help asking Huang Ge in a low voice while there was no one around.

No matter from Su Ruxue's actions or words and deeds, there is a huge secret hidden in her body, and there may be news that their lords want in it.

"Haste makes waste, we will discuss after we go back." Huang Ge slightly shook his head, not to mention that there are so many people secretly guarding inside and outside Su Ruxue's yard, and it is not easy to bring her out. Even if they were brought out, she might not trust them now.

What's more, Su Ruxue's current appearance is clearly a person with a dead heart. As the saying goes, there is nothing more sad than a dead heart, and a person who has a dead heart doesn't care at all, otherwise, according to her identity, she would not be willing to degenerate I've been here for so many years.

It takes a little more effort to get useful information from her, but today's trip has already allowed her to find some useful things. At least a little bit of Huangge can be sure that King Jin is indeed secretly wooing the court officials in Liuzhou and merchants.

Although Ah Xun was puzzled, it was hard to say anything more after Huangge had said that, the two of them had been separated from Concubine Liu for a while, so in order to avoid making her suspicious, she had to think of a good excuse.

In order not to be suspected by Concubine Liu that they had been to Su Ruxue's yard, Huang Ge and Ah Xun deliberately found a yard with a dry well some distance away from Su Ruxue's yard.

"Your Majesty, let the slaves dance." Seeing Huang Ge standing by the well looking pure and ready to dance, Ah Xun persuaded with a downcast face.

Although it is best to use bitter tricks at the moment, if her master finds out that Huang Ge jumped into the dry well, she doesn't know how to punish her.

"Why are you in a hurry, we both have to jump in." Seeing Ah Xun's expression of lovelessness, Huang Ge was immediately amused by her.

Ah Xun, "..."

Isn't it enough to just jump in?Why did they both have to jump.

"Don't be unhappy, jump quickly, the little novice next to him should be here." Huang Ge reckoned that the little novice who was looking for them should also find this courtyard, so he pushed Ah Xun immediately, and took the lead before she could respond Jumped into the dry well.

Ah Xun saw that Huang Ge had danced, so he didn't dare to stay, so the master and servant jumped into the dry well one after the other. In order to make the play realistic, Huang Ge deliberately sprained his left foot.

Ah Xun, who was staring at this fiercely, was dumbfounded, what the fuck, as a master he was even harder than a maid like her, and instantly gave her the illusion that her job was going to be taken away by someone.

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and call for help." Huang Ge was sweating profusely from the pain even though the strike was serious, she raised her eyes and saw Ah Xun staring at her dumbfounded and said angrily.

When Ah Xun heard the words, he suddenly came back to his senses, thinking that the young monks outside would be coming soon, so he shouted for help at the top of his voice.Sure enough, in less than half a cup of tea, two young monks appeared above the mouth of the well. Seeing that the person they were looking for was actually in the dry well, one of them immediately went to report.

When Concubine Liu, Yuanyang and the host rushed over, Huang Ge and Ah Xun had already been rescued. They saw that they were covered with many dead leaves and dirt, and their hair was still messy. Ge also sprained his left ankle, and it really looked like he had fallen into a dry well.

(End of this chapter)

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