Chapter 259 Mrs. Yun hanged herself
My hostess' left foot is still not healed, is it possible that she is going to go out for a jump again?
Ah Xun suddenly felt tired when he thought of the gauze wrapped around Huang Ge's left foot that his master had thrown at him.

I really want to change the mistress!
"If you don't join in the fun, you don't want to join in the fun." Of course, Huang Ge wanted to join in the fun. Although the Thirteenth Madam failed to touch porcelain with her today, this person obviously had such an idea in his heart.

For a person who intends to harm himself, if he doesn't kill her first, is he still waiting to be killed by her?
However, Huang Ge didn't rush to go straight to Mrs. Thirteen's yard, but asked Ah Xun to push her to the firewood room where the little lady was imprisoned. I don't think Mrs. Thirteen is really stupid enough to let her live until King Jin comes back.

Immediately after abandoning her, he went to find such a young lady who was the easiest to deal with, obviously because he wanted to get out of the way.Since this is the case, things must be done neatly, and the safety of the little lady will naturally become a problem.

When Huang Ge and Ah Xun arrived outside the firewood room, the woman in charge of the door obviously knew them, and immediately led the other maids to salute.

"This servant has seen Princess Yue."

"Get up, I heard that something happened to Mrs. Yun, so I came here to take a look." Huang Ge smiled and waved his hand to signal everyone not to be too polite, and immediately explained the purpose of coming.

When the woman heard that Huangge was here to see Mrs. Yun, a look of surprise flashed across her face.

If she remembers correctly, Mrs. Yun's status in the mansion is quite low, and even some high-class maids live better than her, and other wives are even more unwilling to associate with her, so how could she have a relationship with Princess Yue? ?
"A few days ago, my mother couldn't sleep well at night. Mrs. Yun once sent someone to send over a spice that soothes the nerves and helps sleep. After using it, my mother fell asleep at night, so I accepted Mrs. Yun's love. Seeing the surprised expression on the woman's face, Ah Xun, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately stepped forward and quietly stuffed a bag of gold leaves to the woman, and at the same time explained why his mistress came here.

The old lady didn't expect that Mrs. Yun and Huang Ge would have such a relationship, and she turned the bag in her hand. Although she didn't know the number of gold leaves in it, there were at least a dozen of them, which not only allowed her to buy them back. His family's deed of selling his life allowed him to live the rest of his life in peace, so he was immediately moved.

"Since the empress has spoken, let's go in. But the time cannot be too long, otherwise it will be difficult for the servants to explain to the people above."

"Don't worry, our lady will go in and talk to Mrs. Yun, and she will come out in a while." Ah Xun smiled and nodded immediately when he heard the words, and at the same time promised to the woman.

When the old woman heard the words, she signaled the maid next to her to open the door, but when the maid opened the door, she suddenly let out an exclamation.Ah Xun got Huang Ge's signal and immediately rushed in first, but saw that Mrs. Yun had hanged herself.

"It...was fine just now, why..." The mother-in-law who came in after seeing this was also very frightened. She had brought some tea to Mrs. Yun not long ago, and she didn't look like that at that time. I want to seek death, why now...

"What are you doing in a daze, don't hurry to put him down." Among the crowd, only Huang Ge was calm, and immediately reminded them loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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