Chapter 260
After Huangge reminded those women and maids, they suddenly came back to their senses, and immediately rushed up to help Ah Xun put Mrs. Yun down.

"Mother, the breath is very weak." After laying Madam Yun flat on the ground, Ah Xun immediately sniffed her breath, seeing that she was so angry, he couldn't help looking at Huang Ge nervously.

If Mrs. Yun died, I'm afraid that my mistress wouldn't be able to watch the excitement.

"Help me to the ground." Huang Ge immediately signaled Ah Xun to help her up, but Ah Xun was shocked when he heard this, what would his mistress do?
"Come quickly, saving people is like putting out a fire." Seeing Ah Xun standing still for a while, Huang Ge could not help frowning and urged.

Ah Xun didn't know that Huang Ge was good at medicine, but he didn't dare to disobey her order, so he motioned to the maid next to her to help Huang Ge from the wheelchair to the ground and sat down. Under the curious eyes of everyone, he didn't know where Huang Ge found Several golden needles were pierced into several large acupuncture points on Mrs. Yun's chest. The skillful technique was even more surprising in the eyes of everyone. How could Princess Yue still perform acupuncture?
When everyone was puzzled, Mrs. Yun, who had only breath left on the ground, suddenly groaned slightly. Seeing this, Ah Xun, who was closest to her, immediately stretched out his hand to check her breath again, and the next moment his face was filled with joy.

"Your Majesty, Mrs. Yun has come back to life."

Huang Ge smiled slightly, and silently put away the golden needle on Mrs. Yun's chest under the shocked eyes of everyone, and then signaled Ah Xun to help Mrs. Yun to sit up.

"What's wrong with me?" Mrs. Yun walked on the verge of life and death, and when she woke up, she felt her mind was blank and she couldn't remember what happened just now.

"Ma'am, why are you so overwhelmed that you actually hanged yourself... Fortunately, I found out in time and my mother gave me a needle to save me, otherwise you would have gone to see King Yama by now." Naturally, Ah Xun would not miss this act of helping Huang Ge to win people's hearts. Chance, first he pretended to be nervous and reprimanded Mrs. Yun, and then he also mentioned about Huang Ge's rescue of her.

"Hang yourself?" Mrs. Yun's eyes widened in shock when she heard the words, and she was stunned for a long time before she reacted and shook her head vigorously.

"No, I didn't hang myself. Someone just hung me up."

Hearing that Mrs. Yun was actually hanged up, the gatekeeper's mother-in-law and maids all looked at each other in blank dismay.

"We have been guarding outside just now, but we haven't heard any sound..."

"I really didn't hang myself. Just now I was sitting here thinking carefully about the situation when I met Mrs. Thirteen. Who knew that I was so fascinated that I didn't pay attention to the left and right. Suddenly a white silk was wrapped around my neck. When I reacted I was already hung up, and I couldn't even call for help." Mrs. Yun was talking anxiously about what happened to her just now, recalling the feeling of suffocation when she was hung on the white silk, she still felt a little nervous. Trembling uncontrollably.

"Ma'am, don't worry. If there is someone who commits crimes, the prince will definitely give you justice. I am going to Mrs. Thirteen, why don't you go with me, just to tell the prince about this matter." Huang Ge's eyes passed silently On the window of the window, I saw that one part of the dust accumulated on it had been rubbed off. Although it was handled carefully, it was still a little different from other places when I looked closely. I became more and more sure that Mrs. Yun was not lying. People hung it up.

(End of this chapter)

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