Chapter 261 Self-inflicted (1)

Mrs. Yun was very happy when she heard that Huangge wanted to take her to see the King of Jin. The Thirteenth Mrs. lost her child inexplicably, but put the blame on her. .Now someone wants to kill her again, if she continues to stay here, she may lose her life again.

Although she was not afraid of death, she was also unwilling to die on such an unclear charge.

"This is unavoidable. Mrs. Yun was escorted here by the princess. Without her order, the slaves would not dare to let her take a step here." When Huangge heard that Mrs. Yun was going to take Mrs. Yun to Mrs. Thirteen, the gatekeeper The son suddenly panicked.

They are all people close to Princess Jin. Mrs. Yun did not get expelled from the mansion immediately after committing such a serious crime. It must be due to other arrangements by the master. Naturally, she did not dare to let Huang Ge kill people like this before they got the next step. was taken away.

"Princess Jin asked you to take care of Mrs. Yun just because she wanted to wait until His Royal Highness Jin came back and leave it to him to deal with it. After calculating the time, His Highness Jin Wang should come back by the time I get to Madam Shisan. Since His Highness Jin Wang will see you sooner or later Madam Yun, why don't you let me take you there. If you are not at ease, you can go with us together. It just so happens that someone wants to murder Madam Yun and you need to prove it." Huang Ge smiled at the woman, and the next one What she said was reasonable and she couldn't pick any thorns, and she couldn't find a reason to keep Mrs. Yun.

"Ah Xun, help me up." Seeing that the woman was speechless, Huang Ge immediately signaled Ah Xun to help her up, and Madam Yun's eyes fell on Huang Ge's left foot, only to find that her left foot was injured. Thinking that the only person injured in the mansion recently was Princess Yue who was a guest, and only then did she belatedly realize that the person who saved her was Princess Yue.

"Mother, thank you for saving my life..." When Huangge was helped up by Ah Xun and sat back on the wheelchair, Mrs. Yun suddenly turned over from the ground and knelt down to bow to Huangge, as if she was giving a big salute to thank her.

"Ma'am, don't take it to heart, just treat it as repayment for the spices you gave me a few days ago, get up quickly." Seeing this, Huang Ge immediately signaled Ah Xun to help Madam Yun up, Madam Yun heard the spices that Huang Ge said The feeling is a confused look.

When did she give Huangge spices?

Just when she was about to ask questions, Ah Xun held her wrist in a timely manner, and at the same time whispered in her ear.

"Madam, if you want to survive today, you can do everything according to what my mother said, don't ask too much."

Madam Yun was puzzled when she heard the words, but thinking that Huang Ge had just saved her life and now she was going to take her to Mrs. Shisan to meet King Jin. Don't ask any more questions.

Seeing that Huangge took Mrs. Yun away like this, the gatekeeper woman hesitated for a long while and followed.

When Huang Ge, Ah Xun and others came to Mrs. Thirteen's yard, just in time for King Jin to come back, Lan Jue saw Huang Ge sitting in a wheelchair and jumping around, and his face darkened immediately.

"Why are younger brothers and sisters here?" King Jin couldn't help asking curiously when he saw that Huang Ge was also here.

"I heard that Mrs. Thirteen had some accidents, and it happened that Mrs. Yun was involved. I just had some friendship with Mrs. Yun a few days ago, so I took the time to go over and have a look." Huangge immediately smiled kindly at King Jin , and immediately pointed to Mrs. Yun next to her and said.

(End of this chapter)

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